Karma and Luck
January 20, 2017

The Sacral Chakra – Your Creativity, Ideas, Sex Drive

By Faith Davis

The Sacral Chakra – Your Creativity, Ideas, Sex Drive

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra.  Here is where our creativity, ideas, passion, and pleasure are located.  It is centered in the pelvic area and seeks enjoyment and pleasure. This chakra gives us the ability to experience life through our feelings and sensations. It is the center of connections, emotions, intimacy, and sensuality.

When this chakra is aligned, we have the energy to let go and move on. We can feel the change and the transformation our bodies are experiencing. It lets us experience life at the moment at its fullness.

The Second Chakra and Society

The key challenge that the second chakra has a society. Feelings aren’t truly valued today, meaning any expressions of emotion or passion are frowned upon. We are taught to stay in control and as such, we become disconnected from our bodies and disconnected from our feelings.

We also suffer from the struggles of our cultural and the many sexual issues in society. Sexuality is both glorified and rejected. As such, our second chakra, the sacral, is blocked and has excessive issues.

It shouldn’t be any surprise that we have many issues with enjoyment, feelings, passion, and sensuality. Do you enjoy and love your body? When was the last time you felt the beautiful sensation that walking barefoot on grass gives?

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Balancing The Power Struggles

This chakra provides us the opportunity to control our power struggles. It enables us to balance our lives and recognize that there are other options besides acceptance and rejection when it comes to the relationships in our lives. This chakra provides the energy needed to make the right personal choices in our lives and sustain a healthy yin-yang presence.

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The Center Of Your Creativity Is The Sacral Chakra

Our creative energy is fueled by our passion. When you are creative, whether it is drawing, singing, writing, or any other form of creativeness, that energy is coming from your second chakra. The second chakra is also where fertility originates.

It is a creative process to conceive a child, something that most of us do not realize. When your Svadhisthana Chakra is open, your passion resonates your sexuality. Your body becomes creative, connected, and sensual.

Some refer to this chakra as the House of Sex. Our basic desires and sexual urges spring from this chakra. However, because each chakra cannot work alone, attention is needed to assure the other chakras are in alignment also.