Karma and Luck
January 23, 2017

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura Chakra Meaning

By EcommeArtify Collaborator

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The 3rd Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra and is said to be the core of our ego, identity, and personality. It is situated between the navel and solar plexus, making it the center of our willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks enjoyment and pleasure, this chakra gives us the perception of who we are.

The color associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow. This chakra’s location where our self-esteem is defined. During puberty, it is where our personality is developed. When this chakra is misaligned, our personal power is difficult to obtain and maintain.

Our gut instincts come from this chakra, our instinctual center. From here we receive the gut signals that tell us that something is wrong and urges us to either act or stop where we are. Intuitive skills are developed when we have strong self-esteem. We can interpret our body’s outcries and rumblings that discharge from our solar plexus.

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Plexus Solar Chakra Confidence and Personal Power

The Solar Plexus Chakra gives us the ability to sense our personal power so that we are confident and responsible, making us reliable. This is the center of our self-discipline, self-esteem, and willpower. It is where our personality’s warmth comes from.

Our energy to transform apathy into action, the movement comes from this chakra. We can meet the challenges that come to us and move forward with our lives. The 3rd chakra’s main challenge is to balance our personal power to get the most from it.

A person that has excessive third chakra energy is prone to be stressed out and have emotional outbursts. The person with insufficient 3rd chakra or their 3rd chakra is blocked, are inactive and passive. They allow life to pass them by. And the person with a strong 3rd chakra has the confidence to move on with life. They do not hesitate to make decisions and act upon them.

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Chakra Solar Plexus: Meaning, Healing, Location, Blockage

Few people know what an important role the solar plexus plays in our lives. The chakra of the solar plexus, or manipura, is responsible for it. It is thanks to her that a person acquires strength and the ability to self-realize in life. This is the third chakra. Our desires and personal life energy are concentrated in it.

Manipura Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning ( What is Solar Plexus Chakra )

This chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus and is responsible not only for the spiritual and energy flows that enter the human body, but also ensures the proper functioning of many internal organs.

It is through this chakra that a person gets the opportunity to control their desires and is given the opportunity to realize their plans. In addition, it is also associated with wealth, which is also very important in our lives. But all this becomes possible if the chakra of the solar plexus is well enough open and functioning properly. When her work fails, a person becomes nervous and unbalanced, feels anxious and obsessed with the idea of ​​gaining unlimited power over other people and great wealth.

There are several ways to open the chakra in the solar plexus well and work properly. We will talk about them in more detail below.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Location ( Where is Solar Plexus Chakra ? )

Information about which chakra is in the solar plexus is not widespread. More or less oriented in this matter are mainly people who are fond of astral energy states in relation to human life. The manipura chakra is an instrument of astral influence on the energy and physical essence of man. It is a real center of will and an inexhaustible source of strength. To be able to work on it, you need to know where the chakra of the solar plexus is. Its exact location is between the third and fifth vertebrae, four fingers above the navel. At the astral level, the third chakra has a bright yellow color.

Where is Your Solar Plexus Chakra? ( Body Location Solar Plexus Chakra )

From ancient times the notion has come to us that Manipura is the most important energy center of a warrior. All martial arts, especially those related to oriental martial arts, strengthen the abdomen and harmoniously develop the third chakra. In the place where the chakra of the solar plexus is located, a huge potential of strength and will accumulates. For soldiers, this is a real source of constant recovery of energy and strength. In addition, the developed chakra enlightens the mind and gives good coordination of movements.

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What is the Solar Plexus Chakra Responsible For

To properly use the energy of manipura, you need to know what the chakra of the solar plexus is responsible for. Every time we need to find the strength and courage to do what we fear, it becomes more active and energizing. Even when you show firm will or defend your opinion, manipura comes into play. When the level of accumulated energy is high, a person gains confidence, and his behavior becomes appropriate - a straight posture, a clear voice, a confident direct look. All this is a clear indicator of your inner strength and does not give anyone reason to doubt your words.

What Does the Solar Plexus Chakra Do

So what is the chakra of the solar plexus responsible for, if it is so important in human life? Manipura gives the ability to control their thoughts and emotions, overcome fear and find rational solutions in the most difficult situations. The degree of development of the chakra is manifested in the period when the individual is undergoing difficult tests. The brightness of the yellow color of the third chakra indicates that it controls our intellect, develops creativity and healthy selfishness, clarity of thought and curiosity.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Stones & Crystals Functions

Very few people know which chakra of the solar plexus is responsible for the accumulation and absorption of external energy, as well as its transformation into internal and uniform distribution throughout the human body. But it is the manipura endowed with such important functions, without which the work of the higher chakras will be blocked. This useful chakra is a kind of turbine that constantly processes energy and continuously supplies it to those areas and parts of the body for which it is responsible. Thus, the sphere of her responsibility includes intuition, which is sharper, the more developed the chakra. The good work of manipura allows us to feel the possible options for the development of events and choose the most optimal solutions. In fact, the chakra in the solar plexus acts as a kind of balance for the energy shell of each person and ensures the stability of the entire energy system.

Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

If it turns out that the work of the chakra is not effective enough or it is completely blocked, it immediately manifests itself in human behavior - she instantly feels a lack of personal strength and loss of confidence, anxiety and fear, the desire to control and teach everyone. At the same time, problems begin to arise in an empty place due to the mismatch of one's own desires and emotions with the desires and emotions of others. All the energy problems associated with the third chakra arise from the constant suppression of the child's will by adults and remain with us for life, if we do not find the courage to get rid of them.

In addition, the chakra of the solar plexus is closely related to the digestive system. If you experience an imbalance in any of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder or spleen, be sure that your third chakra is blocked. To make it work properly again, you need to know some ways to heal and reveal the manipura. But it should take into account the differences in the polarization of the female and male chakras. Sometimes the question arises why the solar plexus hurts in women. Their chakras are omnidirectional in contrast to the male predominantly directed chakras.

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Non-acceptance of the Product and the Third Chakra ( Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage )

Because manipura regulates the work of the stomach and intestines, this may be due to the body's rejection of any of the many products used by women as sources of replenishment of internal energy. It is known that a man's stomach extracts and processes energy from low-frequency and heavy foods, such as meat and other simple and hearty foods, easily converts to energy. And women's food, though lighter, but also quite diverse - salads, yogurts, cottage cheese, candy and other frivolous products that saturate the necessary energy of the female chakras.

Methods of Manipura Chakra Development - How to Balance Solar Plexus Chakra

In cases where the chakra of the solar plexus is blocked, life loses its meaning and becomes a chain of continuous disappointments. Feelings of sacrifice and pessimism appear, self-esteem and expectations are lowered, interest in oneself and others disappears. To regain the joy of life and confidence in their abilities, it is necessary to develop the chakra of the solar plexus. Here are some techniques that are very effective in healing blocked chakras.

What to do when the energy of the solar plexus is blocked? Here it is important to learn to cultivate lost abilities, artificially instilling confidence and composure, pretending that you have no fears and worries until the body gets used to these feelings and does not work properly. Dress harder, move more vigorously, stand up straight, express your thoughts clearly, do not avoid looking the other person in the eye, smile and meditate more often - after a while you will be able to influence your chakra and seriously restore it.

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Method of Visualization and Meditation: Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Take a comfortable meditation position with your back straight. Breathe deeply and evenly, concentrating on the tip of the nose. Imagine that you are in nature, shining a pleasant soft sun, which fills your body with warmth and energy. Imagine that the flow of solar energy enters the body through the chakra of the solar plexus. If there is pain somewhere, direct the flow of energy there mentally, which will cleanse and heal the diseased organ. Visualize the appearance of a golden ball in the solar plexus, from which golden rays emanate throughout the body. By the end of the exercise, try to feel the difference in your condition before and after.

Healing Solar Plexus Chakra: The Method of Meditation on Fire

Relax with a straight spine, as in the previous exercise, just imagine yourself sitting by a large bright fire in a dark forest. The night is moonlit and clear, the fire crackles merrily and plays with tongues of flame. Feel the night silence of the forest and the energy of fire that fills your body with streams of life-giving energy. The great fire cleanses you from various fears and other obstacles on the way to happiness. Imagine a sheet of paper on which you write all the negatives of your current life, pour on it your resentment and anger, pain and frustration - all that prevents you from developing harmoniously and positively. Reread what you have written and throw the paper into the fire. When your list burns down, you will feel relief and energy. Now you are clean from filth and negativity and can direct your life in a different direction.

After the meditation, it is recommended to make the same list of negatives in real time and burn it from any fire or burning candle.

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Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra - Exercise With the Mantra

To work with the mantra, it is necessary to conduct a preparatory exercise to curb negative emotions. We use breathing exercises for this:

    • sit comfortably, straighten your back and focus mentally on the solar plexus;
    • we begin to breathe rhythmically - we count to five and we make a breath, we count to five and we make exhalations;
    • do the exercise for a couple of minutes, after which you need negative emotions on the exhale to say convincingly "go away";
    • repeat 10 times and listen to yourself - the negative is gone or not, if not, you can repeat again, but very carefully not worth it - over time you will learn to get rid of the negative very quickly.

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Best Stones for Solar Plexus Chakra

Yantra is a picture, a mystical symbol used in meditation. When working with the manipura chakra, it is either a swastika symbol symbolizing life or a red triangle with the top pointing down. It represents the number three and is a symbol of balance. Here the triangle means for Christians - the Holy Trinity, for Hindus - the gods Brahma (creator), Vishnu (protector) and Shiva (destroyer). The red triangle itself acts as fire.

Light a candle and place it in front of you, place an image of amber nearby. Focus on the flame of the candle and think of the earthly and heavenly fire. The essence of this exercise is that the Divine fire purifies the human essence, getting rid of negative qualities. Think that in each incarnation there is an opportunity for growth and freedom to make decisions.

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Focus on amber and imagine yourself standing on the outer edge of the circle. Contemplation that the triangle is surrounded by tongues of flame that cleanse everything that passes through them. Go through the flames and reach a new level of development, revealing your manipura. At the end of the meditation, mentally attach one tongue to your inner fire in the chakra. Do this every day.

Whether your chakra needs healing and which way to choose is up to you. The main thing is to understand the functions of the solar plexus chakra and learn to control your desires. Remember that relative balance and balance of power are important in everything, then life will be calm and stable.

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