There is a large variety of crystals and a number of factors that define their uniqueness. These crystals have evolved over time due to chemical reactions. Because the earth is constantly evolving, new crystals are found every day.
How to Identify Crystals
The composition defines uniqueness of a crystal, thus, its structure is completely based off its composition. The balanced structure of diamonds gives them harmonious energy making it blister and drizzle. Some crystals like Apophyllite aren’t so highly balanced.
Identify your Crystal by Color
A very common way to identify crystal is by their color because of its link to specific healing properties. Identification by color can be confusing because some crystal come in a lot of colors but still here’s a guide for identifying their colors.
Black – powerful and mysterious, present in Hematite
Blue – common and great for emotional balance, common in Azurite
Brown – Linked with Earth and trees, they absorb negative energy. Found in Branzite
Yellow and Gold – it represents happiness and joy, common in Amber
Green –These have a balancing effect on emotions, found in Malachite
Orange – powerful and awakens the spirit, represented by aragonite
Pink – demonstrating love and affection, it is present in Lepidolite
Grey – means expansiveness of universe and protection, found in moonstone
Purple – Representing enlightenment and intuition and have magical luster, represented by amethyst
Red – color of passion and energy, found in ruby
White – Purity and transformation, in stones like selenite
Review Our Gemstones List
It can help you identify number of crystals according to their color and composition.
Search for a Stone by Chakra
Gems are linked with chakras, which are 7 originators of body energy and different stones associate with different chakras.
Crown Chakra – the transcendence and enlightenment occurs at the head. White stone are good companions to crown chakras.
Third Eye – it is linked with the wisdom. Indigo stones work well with it.
Throat Chakra – This represent communication of all sorts which makes it popular for necklaces.
Heart Chakra – This radiates love from the body and strengthens relationships.
Solar Plexus Chakra –Yellow stones are helpful with these encouraging optimism and joy..
Sacral Chakra – when unbalanced, it can be devastating. And when overactive, you could be overly emotional, thus balance is highly recommended.
Root Chakra – This will contribute to increased confidence paired with smoky quartz
Search for a Gemstone Based on Astrology
Combining crustal with Astrology has great potential. Thus the following guide is provided
Aries – Pair the passionate Aries with Carnelian boosting creativity, clearing thought and purpose.
Pisces - coupled with aqua marine can stimulate heart chakra.
Aquarius – This boosts the community spirit and when paired with yellow jasper heals emotional wounds
Capricorn– the determined Capricorn need energy like garnet to balance their overly practical nature
Sagittarius – the curious Sagittarian can benefit from bronzite
Scorpio –Its moody and unpredictable nature requires Amethyst to balance its emotion and decisions
Libra – Lapis Lazuli helps Libra stay focused and in decision making
Virgo – The glorious Virgo requires a boost from Red Jasper
Leo –It requires attention thus Garnet helps it ignite its passion.
Cancer – Moonstones helps it to be sensitive
Gemini – Rutilated Quartz helps it to stay connected with itself throughout its dynamic personality
Taurus – Abundance and prosperity couples up with practicality of Taurus
Find a Stone Based on Intention
Different moments in life require different crystals thus find what each moment is looking for not just stick with one. For unconditional love, accommodate a Rose Quartz but wealth can only be associated by Citrine and such.
Check Out Crystal Books
Keep crystal identification books with you to help you with new and rare specimens. Different books can help you with your crystal healing rituals and such
Ask at Your Local Crystal Shop/ Gem Show
If books aren’t off help, seek an expert on the subject. Sometimes Gem show are of help too as they exhibit some rarely found gems too.
Find the Right Crystal for Your Needs
Most of the time the crystal will find you and you most follow your intuition and always keep experimenting