Karma and Luck
May 5, 2022

Best 15 Protection Crystals to Bring Good Energy into Your Home

By Jenna Vierck

Crystals for home protection

Throughout history, crystals have been used in the household as a tool to fight negative energy and bring about prosperity. Different crystals entail different benefits, and by placing them in the home we can take advantage of those many benefits. Not only do crystals make the home more aesthetically pleasing, but they also offer assets such as improving sleep patterns, establishing peace, and boosting health. Crystals have the unique ability to recover, guard, and manipulate energy in a positive and useful way.

Crystals work as restorative energy folds, allowing beneficial energy to move into the system while removing toxic energy. Like other natural remedies, crystals function by getting to the root of the issues and mending the body from the inside out. As natural resources, they harness the energy from nature, like the sun and moon, to enhance our moods and well-being. When a crystal is positioned or held over the body, it interacts with the chakras and promotes physical and mental health.

Protection crystals for your home

Crystals were initially observed and used by the ancient Sumerians, who utilized them in magic recipes. The ancient Egyptians were also fond of crystals and inlaid their jewelry with stones like lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald, and pure quartz. They created burial amulets out of the same jewels and used them for protection and healing.

For example, chrysolite, topaz, and peridot were all said to fight off night terrors by warding away bad spirits. The numerous documented benefits of crystals across time and culture, prove them to be highly effective. Therefore, it is wise to begin taking advantage of the healing benefits by incorporating crystals throughout the home. This article includes a list of the ten best crystals for protection in the home, along with their benefits and properties.

The 15 Best Crystals For Good Vibes in the Home

Home is where the heart is, and therefore, it is important to fill the home with crystals that support a nurturing and loving environment. Black Tourmaline, citrine, amethyst, rose quartz, agate, hematite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, labradorite, and aventurine are ten of the best crystals for maintaining peaceful  energy in the home. Nowadays, the world is full of negativity, and therefore, it is crucial to incorporate elements of good energy into our everyday lives. Here is a list of the top crystals for bringing positivity and light into the home.

1. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline crystals are used for the protection of the home. They help fight off negative energies and aid in the creation of a protective barrier around your space. This barrier prevents unwanted or dark energies from entering. It also serves to ground and balance all of the chakras.

Feng shui tourmaline stone tree

2. Citrine

This unique crystal is known to attract wealth, making it a great crystal to keep in the home. One should keep a piece of citrine on your work desk to bring further fortune and happiness into your life. It also assists in improving the digestive system and strengthening one's endurance in getting through tough times.

Feng shui Citrine stone tree of life

3. Amethyst

Amethyst plays a similar role to citrine by bringing good luck and prosperity into the home. However, it is a more affordable option, and its lavender hues make it a gorgeous addition to any room of your home. Amethyst is also said to bring about serenity and relieve anxiety. These healing properties help to create a peaceful environment by detoxing and purifying the home.

Amethyst Feng Shui Tree

4. Rose Quartz

The rose quartz crystal signifies affection and love. Promoting relaxation, it brings soothing, tranquil energies into a space. If your house feels hostile at times, rose quartz can help to heal and reveal hidden emotions. It infuses the whole home with compassion, understanding, and wellness, guaranteeing that nurturing emotions prevail.

Rose Quartz Feng Shui Tree

5. Agate

This is an excellent protection crystal for the home, as well as for grounding and slowing down. Agate can help negative energy transform into positive, useful energy. This therapeutic crystal is able to  mend underlying rage and anxiety. It is also said to enhance and improve relationships, making it an ideal crystal for adding good energy into the home.

Ruby Agate July Birthstone Evil Eye Bracelet

6. Hematite

Hematite is a top choice crystal for adding good energy into the home, as it helps to restore and balance health. If there are any hostile forces in your home, hematite may be able to guard and remove it.   Connected with the root chakra, hematite is also a grounding and calming stone.

Hematite Gold Tone Bracelet

7. Lapis Lazuli

Used to increase awareness and intuition, Lapis lazuli is an excellent crystal to incorporate into your meditation ritual, as well as in your home. This stone is also said to help identify and understand repetitive, anxious thoughts, so that you can better decide whether to explore or release them.

Lapis lazuli jewelry gemstones

8. Aquamarine

Aquamarine’s relaxing qualities help to alleviate tension and soothe the mind, making it an essential crystal to have in your home. It is a powerful stone for healing from any emotional traumas and can assist in sharpening the mind and clarifying vision.

Aquamarine jewelry birthstones

9. Labradorite

Providing strength and tenacity, this crystal is a helpful companion during times of transition. It instills a sense of divinity, enhances awareness, and cleanses and protects the aura. Colds, arthritis, and rheumatism are all treated with Labradorite, as it is known to reduce blood pressure and improve digestion. It is beneficial to keep Labradorite in the home in order to harness all of its many properties.

Labradorite jewelry birthstones

10. Aventurine

Associated with the arrival of Spring, aventurine  will make you feel more connected to the natural world. Your cerebral wellness and energy will swiftly improve as a result of this. Aventurine stones provide calming energy that is useful to anyone who suffers from worry, fear, or restlessness. This stone will allow you to feel at ease in your surroundings.

Feng Shui Aventurine Crystal Tree

11. Pyrite

Pyrite, also known as Fool's gold, is known as the supreme crystal of fortune, wealth, and prosperity. It works by invoking the Law of Attraction and bringing more abundance to one’s life. This stone strengthens the notion that life is full of opportunities and that you must seize them while you can. This stone also aids in resolving various work or business-related issues. With so many benefits, pyrite is often known as the "lucky stone."

Pyrite jewelry birthstones

12. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz crystals aid in adding prosperity into the home, as it is said to strengthen intentions. In order to charge the crystal with your manifestations, simply grasp the crystal quartz in your palm and think about what steps will get you closer to your financial goals.. Remember,  you must put in the effort, as well, as the crystal cannot do it alone. If you stay motivated and put steps into motion for reaching your financial objectives, the crystal will assist you in achieving them. The best way to use clear quartz is to combine it with one or more of the other money crystals in a crystal grid.

Heart Evil Eye Clear Quartz Triple Layer Necklace

13. Ruby

Known for boosting energy levels, the ruby also encourages one to think positively. It is said to bring tranquility and prosperity to the person who buys these energized crystals for the home. Ruby will not lose its value as long as it is kept in one's possession. Make use of this stone to safeguard your assets.

Ruby Pink Sapphire Iolite Hamsa Medallion Necklace

14. Emerald

The emerald, or panna gemstone, is known for its ability to bring money and cash into the user’s life. It is known as the "plenty crystal." It improves one’s thinking process, allowing for better judgment and decision making.

Ombre Emerald Elephant Charm Bracelet

15. Peridot

The peridot crystal brings luck and prosperity into the home. It   may also help to bring material and spiritual abundance into our lives. Peridot can also help to identify problem-causing patterns, so that you can change course and move past them. 

Other crystals for good luck, peace, health, and feng shui for the home consist of amazonite, garnet, carnelian, calcite, moonstone, bloodstone, jade, tiger eye, and many many more. Multiple stones can be used for multiple purposes. Citrine, for instance, is used to bring both prosperity and good luck to a person's home. Similarly, amazonite aids in improving one's health, as well as bringing about more peace. Find the crystals that speak to your spirit and work with the needs of your home.

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Location Matters

Once you have decided on a crystal to work with, set it in the middle of your house or in your bedroom. The earth component, and your overall health, are linked in feng shui to the middle of a space. When it comes to grounding, this is a crucial area because it provides a stable basis for all aspects of your life. However, keep in mind that different crystals will have different requirements.

If you place black tourmaline near your front door, where you welcome guests, it can make a positive difference in your home. It has the ability to hold a lot of energy and is frequently used in feng shui.

"Every time you arrive home, the doorway sets the tone and setting for your experience," Heather Askinosie tells Better Homes & Gardens. "It's critical to take stock of your place before attempting to create a calm, tranquil, and soothing environment.

You can use crystals and a few more strategies to make the entryway a place where you can take a breath and leave the outside world behind after you've cleaned the slate."

It is typically advised to place clear quartz in the fridge or pantry, because it has a purifying, amplifying energy. You want your food to fuel and support you, and clear quartz can help it do so more effectively. You can put a rose quartz crystal in the middle of your home, as it aids in the healing of the entire family.

Rose quartz will add romance, love, and joy to your space. Place four crystals on the floor at each bed leg to boost the romantic ambiance. If you have difficulty sleeping, put a piece of amethyst under your mattress or on your nightstand in order to obtain a good night's sleep. 

Cleansing Crystals to Bring Good Energy

Citrine is mostly commonly used to bring wealth into the home. The best place to keep it is in the ‘wealth corner’, which can be found in the southeast corner of the house. Hematite is another excellent feng shui crystal for balancing an environment.

It can absorb negative energy and keep it away from your home, especially if placed in a room for studying or working. It should be at the ‘Gen’ position, which is the far left corner of the room when entering. Shop Evil Eye Bracelets Collection for Good Luck and Protection

Fill your Home with Crystals

No two crystals are the same - not only are they different in appearance, but also hold vastly different properties. Crystals elevate the beauty of one’s home with their unique colors and textures, but they can also bring about prosperity and well-being to you and your family. The addition of these crystals in your home can encourage harmony and help to combat any conflicts in the family. 

Different crystals can be placed in different parts of the house. Amethyst can be placed in the kids’ bedroom to keep the bad dreams away. Rose quartz can be kept in the bedroom to ignite passion.

Calcite has purifying properties, and therefore, placing it in your kitchen is a great idea. A fantastic spot for the majority of crystals is on your nightstand, where you can feel their energy while sleeping. Wherever you choose to place them, it is advisable to store them in places where they can be seen for most of the day. 

Looking for crystals to enliven your home with positive, loving energy? Check out our website today and browse our endless options of outstanding, high-quality crystals. 

Home protection crystals bring good energy

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