Aries – In 2023, you might find yourself withdrawing into “Hermit” Mode. On a spiritual journey, looking for your light and your purpose. We enter the Hermit mode as a novice and graduate with a knowledge or an understanding that we weren’t aware of prior. The average spiritual journey lasts seven months but can take up to seven years. 2023 will bring about the big three:
- Change of relationship status
- Change of employment or primary way you make a living.
- Change of heart (arguably, the most important).
You will begin the year looking at things differently and by the end of next year, you will compose yourself, speak your truth, and create a mindset that is different. This is an enormous year of change for you, Aries. You might change your home or place of living.
You may change your eating habits, becoming vegetarian, Vegan or deciding you will cut fish out of your diet completely. You are ready for these changes, so let it be.
Understand, this is not something that has happened overnight. Whether you realize it or not, you have been preparing for this and you are ready. Those around you might be stunned at the differences you show, but you have been building up to this moment for a long time.
- Color of the Year – Silver (Pyrite)
- Number 10

Taurus – In 2023, you will name this ‘The Year of Taking a Risk.’ This is the year that you take chances in many facets of your life, mainly by speaking your mind whereas before you would have sat back and just allowed others to lead.
This is the year that you say yes – not only to adventures like bungee jumping, or taking a kayak ride down white-water rapids, but it is a time that you throw caution to the wind with your appearance.
Want a tattoo? Want to change your blond hair to jet black? This is the year you realize everything is a temporary fear and that your personal goal is to take a quick (somewhat impulsive) leap to try and start something new. You will do some traveling this year, both with family and/or friends and perhaps a bonus romantic getaway by water.
You may even do a weekend getaway by yourself, eat out by yourself and catch a movie by yourself – all elements that once scared you (to be alone). You will challenge yourself to do something that the outside world thinks should be done with others, but you are determined to handle this solo. This is the year you will learn a new sport or take a lesson such as golf or tennis.
- Color of the Year – Red (Red Jasper, Ruby)
- Number - 7 (Key in 2023 – (2+0+2+3=7)
Gemini — In 2023, you will either go back to school, learn a new trade, start a new job or jump into self-employment. This is the year that you learn ALL facets of the business or company of which you are a part. For instance, if you are a salesperson, you will learn how to manage all aspects of money including taxes, licensing, hiring, human resources, and more.
In other words, you will expand the hats you wear with what you do and learn the ins and outs of what takes place behind the business to make it tick. This year it is all about finances. You will research additional ways to save money, invest in stocks, invest in bonds, or government assisted programs.
This is also the year you might read more than other years, whether you become a library dweller or purchase online, use audio books, or even join a book club. This is the year of the written word for you. You have a dire thirst for knowledge and you need to quench it.
You might want to switch regular sugar for brown sugar this year as a way to change it up and connect with your palate and be prepared to crave chocolate like crazy during Winter 2023.
- Color of the year – Browns, Rusts and Beige (Tigers Eye, Smokey Quartz)
- Number - 6
Cancer – In 2023, the rebel in you is going to emerge and you are going to ruffle many feathers in your home, work and personal life. This is the year you finally tell a friend how you feel.
It’s almost as if you have been struggling behind a dam wall and in a flash, when the year changes, the dam breaks and all your emotions will come rushing out. What happens then, is that you might not be able to control this flood of feelings.
When you tell off one friend, you might follow suit with another. Why? Because you are ending a six-year cycle of feeling taken advantage of and the days of feeling like you are a doormat with no voice and having to play second fiddle are done.
The minute the clock changes to the new year, you realize it’s a new you; feisty and ready to fight. But make sure you don’t take this too far. There might be an altercation at work this year that gets physical, landing you behind bars and jobless. Walking away “knowing” that you are correct without having to prove it can sometimes be the best revenge.
- Color: Sky Blue or Turquoise (Sodalite, Sapphire, Turquoise, Azurite)
- Number – 8
Leo – In 2023, you might audition for a play, a movie, or a role on television — and you might just get it. If it has been your dream to perform, this is the year to give it a whirl.
However, it does not come with ease and grace. A gentle suggestion would be to take an acting class, a voiceover class, a makeup/styling class, and other workshop courses where you can learn some industry insights before putting yourself out there. Taking these courses will boost your ego and confidence, making you more attractive.
Stop playing the ponies and running lines on the craps table in Las Vegas. 2023 sees you spending money frivolously and losing a share of what you have earned and saved.
Gambling is being used as a deflective energy. Put your thoughts, time and effort into something that will serve you better. Watch your feet in the coming year as well.
A stubbed toe might get infected, an ingrown toenail might need to be surgically removed, and painful bunions may develop because you are not wearing the correct shoe size. Your feet have grown, you might want to check your foot size again.
- Color: Lavender, Rose (Light Amethyst, Rose Quartz)
- Number - 1
Virgo – In 2023, you are going to discover a new emotion that typically does not affect you: jealousy. At the beginning of the year, many people around you might be achieving wish fulfillment with new jobs, new love, new looks, and new attitudes. And although you feel happy for the success you’re witnessing, it begins to wain on you by midyear.
What about me? Why isn’t anything happening in my court? Everyone seems so happy, nestled, loved, with new abundance around them, what about me? This is a test of temperance for you to learn this year as not every year can be our ace in the hole.
This is the year you need to learn genuine happiness for others. And we are not speaking about surface level happiness. The friend that lost 75 lbs. had to work for it. That is not an achievement that happens overnight.
And the other friend that met someone new and fell in love had to change his/her value system to date someone different. In other words, you are jealous over those that decided to make formidable changes in their lives so, in a sense, you are not jealous about them at all.
You are jealous that they committed to take control of their life. What’s stopping you? Be wary of wine drinking, overindulging in red wine may make your eyes puffy and the bags will appear larger than life in 2023.
- Color: Green (Aventurine, Emerald, Peridot)
- Number - 5
Libra – In 2023, you will meet a soulmate – whether it is a romantic one or a strictly platonic, new friend. A soulmate is someone you have spent lifetime after lifetime with and each time you connect (could be a family member in one life, and then a ruler of a kingdom in the next life), you learn valuable lessons.
If you are attached already, you will meet a new friend that you have shared numerous lessons with in past lives. Except, there’s one last lesson you both need to teach each other in this life.
And that lesson is an equal give and take. If you are single, the love of your life just might make an appearance – and you will meet him/her when you least expect it, in a place you shouldn’t be.
Did you get lost on the road and pull into a diesel gas station when your car takes regular unleaded gas? That’s the Universe directing you to a place you need to be. Keep your eyes open. You will also find a piece of jewelry that has been missing, something of sentimental value more than monetary value.
- Color: Purple (Amethyst)
- Number – 2
Scorpio – In 2023, you will be moving homes. For 30% of you, that may involve moving to a different city or different state. For the majority of you, it’s a dwelling that will change – either because you found your dream place, a divorce leads you to moving, a family member left you a home in a deed or will, or you just need a personal energy shift and want to shake it up a bit.
For many of you, an old friend or fling is going to reach out to you by the end of summer, and it might make you question your whereabouts and ask yourself if you are currently happy. Perhaps this is the person that helps initiate that aforementioned move.
You will find yourself with an interesting change in taste buds this year, and will crave spicy foods and spices from around the world. Bland foods and flavorless meals are in your past.
You will find yourself adding salt and pepper, maybe even chili or pepper flakes, to just about everything you eat. It might astound you, and those that eat with you often will recognize the change.
It’s your body telling you to switch up your diet a bit – when you eat spicy foods do you get restless? Truthful? Sleep with ease? Irritable? Start journaling your disposition when you dive into spicy or bland foods. There’s a good chance you’ll learn something about yourself in the process.
- Color: Orange (Amber, Citrine)
- Number of the year – 4
Sagittarius – In 2023, you are going to discover a hidden talent you have, or you are going to unveil a talent to those who did not know this side of you. Perhaps it’s writing, music, art, performing, or something that you innately hold inside will come to the forefront this year.
A talent that not only you excel at, but a talent that can turn into a side hustle or an added income source. Follow it. Creativity is what you need to make your oxygen flow, for you to feel confident and whole.
You might belt out a song in the workplace and everyone will be floored by how amazing your voice is. If you are a practical minded Sag (numbers, bookkeeping, accounting, legal, analysis, etc.), you might share with everyone your keen insight to gourmet cooking.
If you are already an artsy outspoken person, you may share with those close to you your passion for astrophysics and time/matter/energy and that you have written an essay that could change the way something operates that needs to be published to a trade journal.
Something this year is going to come out that will be shocking, exhilarating and unexpected. Be careful of opening umbrellas this year, you might have a mishap. Also, you might want to add squash into your diet, particularly yellow squash – your body may be craving potassium.
- Pink, Salmon (Rose Quartz, Serandite, Calcite Coral)
- Number – 9
Capricorn – In 2023, an ex-love, someone you thought you may never hear from again, shows up where you least expect. You are in a bit of shock and in a state of disbelief. You truly thought this was a person of your past who was going to stay in your past.
You will most definitely get triggered by this sudden appearance. They have something to say to you, something deep. You might rekindle the flame or you might just get the closure you need to feel validation. Either way, you have a serious dose of karmic justice coming your way.
You will get answers. Don’t attack this person, don’t get angry and don’t dump everything you feel about the situation on them at once. Listen. Sit back and let this person speak everything from their heart, mind and soul.
For some of you, it’s been more than 10 years since you have seen each other – your lives have gone on; new marriages; new children; new whereabouts. For some of you, it’s the one that left you a few months ago. Either way, you are in a state of distrust when they walk through the door.
Watch your teeth during 2023, Capricorns, stress might cause you to grind your teeth in the middle of the night causing misalignment, fillings to come out, cracked caps, potential root canals, and shifting of your jaw that may cause it to pop and crackle.
- Color-Midnight Blue (Lapis Lazuli)
- Number - 12
Aquarius – In 2023, a new promotion or job change with a big increase in pay is coming your way. You might take on additional responsibilities at work, and you might be handsomely recognized for this with an increase in pay, or more of a bonus type structure. If you are an independent contractor, expect a windfall of new clients to start signing on to work with you.
So many, you will have to increase your key employee staffing to the point you might have to restructure the entire organizational chart of your company. Bringing on inhouse accountants, bookkeepers and financial management companies may be happening this year.
Make sure you are banking properly and that you are in the correct tax bracket. You might need to change accountants, one that can handle a quick growth spurt. Brussels sprouts are going to be a key diet staple this year, like it or not!
- Color – Seafoam Green (Pistachio Calcite, Peridot, Opal)
- Number - 3
Pisces – In 2023, you are in heavy attraction mode and many suitors (love, work, friendship and just acquaintances) will migrate to you. People are watching you without you even knowing they are watching. Some are just intrigued with you outwardly.
Others are trying to figure out how you do what you do on a deeper level. Job opportunities will come flying in during the first quarter of 2023 and men and women equally want to find themselves in the presence of your energy. It’s magnificent.
You will be invited to speak at classes and to join organizations, networking functions and boards. You will be sought after simply to be in the presence of important people. It is humbling and astounding, Pisces.
Yet there are times you just want to curl up in your bed by yourself and read a book. Your energy is crossing many boundaries, drawing people in and at the same time, drawing in energy surges.
You can expect some broken electronics in 2023 – computers, autos, stereos, refrigerators, AC units, cell phones, etc. So make sure you are doing pre-maintenance on the big ones so that everything doesn’t go down and shrink your wallet. In other words, get your oil changed on time. And eat more onions – they help regulate blood sugar levels. Start Your Journey Here: Shop Our Constellation & Zodiac Collection!
- Color – Gold (Citrine, Topaz)
- Number - 11
Written By: Michele Tell
Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader
Psychic Arts Licensed
The Signs of Tarot, LLC