Life Is Beautiful! One day, One hour, and One minute will not come again in your entire life. Avoid fights, angriness, and speak lovely to every person.
One of the most beautiful aspects of working at Karma and Luck is knowing how powerful thoughts can be and how we can manifest what we want and desire, just by shifting our perception.
We wear our gemstones every day, stay positive, and work toward our goals and dreams. Being in the Karma and Luck environment makes it easier for us because we understand the power of living your best life, staying positive and that at any given moment, you can shift your energy from negative into positive.
We want to share this with you to understand that you have everything you need to make your life enjoyable, powerful, and understand how meaningful you are.

Every morning we are allowed to start again, and the day is fresh to wake up, kick ass, be kind, and manifest the perfect day.
By doing this 30 Day Morning Mantra To Miracles, you will begin to shift your mind and energy toward creating a super-powerful mindset. Five minutes every morning, that's all it takes.
MOST IMPORTANT: Mark these mantras in your calendar every day for the next 30 days to go off at 9 AM. If you're not an early rise, pick a specific time every day and set that date in stone.

Morning Mantras To Manifest Miracles:
Day 1: I choose to let go of anger today.
Day 2: I AM a pillar of strength and clarity for others.
Day 3: I will let my intuition flow today.
Day 4: I am at perfect peace today.
Day 5: I know my worth today and every day.

Day 6: I will frequently pause today and appreciate the moment.
Day 7: I am strong, I am capable, and I am kind
Day 8: I choose to focus on solutions
Day 9: I radiate and attract positive energy
Day 10: Today will be a fantastic day.
Day 11: Tough times don't last, but my inner strength does.
Day 12: I'm not afraid to be great.
Day 13: I am capable, I am strong; I believe in myself.
Day 14: My intention creates my reality; today, I choose to stay focused.
Day 15: I have 365 positive days starting today.

Day 16: I am not afraid to chase my dreams.
Day 17: Being excellent doesn't require perfection, just intention.
Day 18: I will wish for it, then I will work for it.
Day 19: I am the most important project to work on every day.
Day 20: Nothing will work unless I do.
Day 21: Today is the perfect day to believe in blessings.
Day 22: I AM enough because I AM.
Day 23: I am on my path.
Day 24: I may slow down, but I will not stop.
Day 25: I have a beginner's mind and focus on what I can do.
Day 26: I speak the language of love.
Day 27: I honor my boundaries today and every day hereafter.
Day 28: I trust myself.
Day 29: This moment, my moment, my joy.
Day 30: I embrace my authority and strength.

Live your life every day with passion, compassion, love, and strength. The Universe will always grant you what you think and wish. Just make sure it's positive because you truly deserve to be happy.