Karma and Luck
January 31, 2023

A Tarot-Scope For February

By Michele Tell

Tarot Meets Astrology Signs

Tarot Deck Used- Rider-Waite Tarot

I have randomly selected 12 tarot cards – each card is assigned to a Zodiac sign along with my intuitive tarot card “mini meaning”- cards flip out the way they flip out, so there is a specific meaning for upright cards & cards that land reversed-as noted.

Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind…not all tarot scopes are meant for everyone. Check you Sun, Moon and Ascendent signs for additional information.


Aries – Ace of Swords

A brand-new beginning that centers around learning the truth or expressing the truth. It also speaks about standing in your own truth, revealing to others something they really don’t know about you. For some reading this tarot scope, this is the birth of a new religion, a way of living, coming out on sexual status, revealing the way you have been living is not aligned with your true sense of purpose.

Some may start a new job or career very different than what you have been doing previously. This is also a note from the Universe that you need to bring more humor into your world; go to a stand-up comedy review; watch some romantic comedies on TV; buy a joke book.

It also depicts there might be a friend or colleague in your midst that you might want to “cut out” – that you feel taken advantage of, and that the relationship is not so equal give and take. Sometimes cleaning house of old friendships allows the Universe to bring in new, better suited people in your life for where you are now.

Aries Card Necklace


Taurus – Five of Pentacles

Right now, you are feeling left out in the cold by someone or something that really connected to your soul. It might be that someone you are romantically involved with has pulled his/her energy away and is not a responded as usual. Or, you feel left out of a family or friend group that was a big part of your social circle. Or, you feel that your value in the workplace is being overlooked. Stop. Take a moment to not feel so deeply from the other’s perspective and go inward on what is best for you.

In romance, are you too needy of the person in your life, and have you become completely reliant on that person for you own happiness? Fulfillment? It’s time to grab your independence back and realize your romantic partner should “enhance” your life and not “be” your life. In the workplace, make sure you start to self-evaluate your progressive and make sure your journal it and write it down.

Are you really doing all that you can do to make yourself shine in the workplace? Are you in that rut of just “doing” instead of showing because in the workplace you must really reveal everything you do to be properly evaluated by management. Time do some inner reflection.

The World Tarot Card Sapphire Diamond Necklace

Gemini – Queen of Swords

Taking the throne and commanding your next steps. This is the outspoken queen that is blunt with his/her words and just let it rip without a filter. This is also the card that speaks about using your wisdom and prior experiences to evaluate an upcoming situation; the decision you make now is a direct reflection of a similar situation where you made the opposite decision in the past.

Hindsight is 20/20, but because you have already walked this path you know better. This is also the card of dream interpretation and really writing down the elements of your dreams that you remember. There is something symbolic in your dreams that will greatly affect a decision you need to make this month.

Also, keep your eyes open on birds. If a bird lands in a peculiar place, maybe on your car hood, or on a stairway by your home, or on the ledge of your office window, whatever you are thinking about at that moment has significance in your life.

Tarot Card Hamsa Diamond Necklace

Cancer – The Lovers

In reverse there might be some bickering, arguments or disagreements with a romantic partner or a close family relative. It’s almost as if you are feeling that you just can’t see eye-to-eye on a topic that means a lot. You both are in your own corners on this subject. Both of you are passionate about your positionings and some harsh words have been spoken or will be spoken. If possible, can you avoid the topic for some time?

This card also talks about making a choice and that your self-esteem is leading you to the choice you will make. Make sure you balance logical and emotional on this important decision, take some time with it and write down pros and cons.

Perhaps a dream we will have a hidden symbol to help you make the correct choice. Your decisions are better made in the nighttime then daylight during this month. In a second assessment, and this will not be for everyone, a lover has found out about a secret lover.

The Sun Tarot Card Necklace

Leo – Ace of Cups

Reverse. Be truthful, have you lost that loving’ feeling with your spouse or romantic partner? There seems to be an unsaid loss of attraction with the energy of this card. This card is screaming a lack of intimacy between the two of you. This card is talking about your partners lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence (or this could be you, and roles can be reversed) making him/her less attractive between the sheets.

Maybe a talk about encouragement is needed between you both. Maybe a heart to heart about happiness, future, and making self-care and self-love a part of BOTH of your daily routines can help ignite the fire once again. Hit the gym, take a walk, buy a new outfit, cut your hair differently…do what you need to do to start boosting your love of self from the inside out.

The Star Tarot Card Diamond Pendant Necklace

Virgo – Two of Pentacles.

A major life decision takes place this month, and this is no joking matter. It must be taken seriously. Most likely it is in the workplace, or within a work environment, or you might begin a new company on your own if you have a recent surge for the entrepreneurial lifestyle. Your internal fear of the road ahead is just what you need to boost yourself and move forward.

Use that fear as an enhancement, and adrenaline rush to get your ducks in a row keep it moving. There’s also a balance you need with time. Time is money. Time is happiness, you must balance work between personal needs to make it work.

Right now, being honest, one is getting way more time than the other and it is causing problems in your daily routine. Time to review where your time is being spent and be honest with yourself if that is the best use of your time.

Strength Tarot Card Enamel Diamond Necklace

Libra – Three of Wands

Setting your sights on a new horizon and moving forward. This is the first step towards anew. It’s a beautiful card of lessons learned. You must leave old behind to begin new (saying goodbye to a job to start a new job; saying goodbye to a lover that no longer makes you feel content or good about yourself.)

The lesson has been learned, and now it is time for you to implement. This is a card of adventures, so it is time to travel to a new place or get out of dodge for a quick turnaround trip. You need a new surrounding to invigorate your soul.

This is also the card of moving homes, moving cities, and traveling. Also, what you want is closer than you think, so begin preparations now for that sudden wish that might come true in a flash.

Fortune Tarot Card Enamel Diamond Necklace

Scorpio – The Magician

You have all the tools in your toolbox to move forward on your path. Mostly, you have learned that what your life path should be and are ready to take to first step towards this change. You have the wand (for plan of action, passion and commitment), the sword (for communication, intellect, and past wisdom) to use as you move forward; you have a pentacle (for money, stability and time) to do this; and finally, you have a large cup of love (for emotion and encouragement) to step forward with commitment.

There is an infinity sign above the head of the magician which means this new adventure will be the “forever” you are looking for. The card is yellow, and yellow in tarot means clarity, abundance, truth and understanding.

The Magician is wise and knows standing in his garden (status, current life, current position) is truly letting his/her own self down and that there is total magic and fulfillment in the future by using everything on the table to get there. Wave your magic wand, and manifest. It’s coming. It’s yours. Believe it.

The Moon Tarot Card Necklace

Sagittarius – Four of Cups

Reverse This card is beautiful in the reverse. It speaks about realizing you are not alone and pushing you off your island to seek help, guidance, and companionship. This card in the reverse also asks that you keep your eyes wide open and that many new opportunities, people and events might come your way but if you are not seeing the opportunity, you will not take it on.

Keep your eyes (and ears) open for potential messages that might give you a boost of fun, contentment and happiness. It also speaks about expanding your friendships, learning a new hobby and making sure you take all offers that come your way – including work happy hours, and last-minute invites. It’s time to put that spry back in your step.

White Enamel Sagittarius Card Necklace

Capricorn - Strength

In reverse you’re a feeling a lack of self-confidence right now, Cap. What can we do to turn this card in the upright? You can change your perspective for one. If you didn’t get the job you want, or the promotion, maybe it’s because there is something better for you coming up and it is the Universe redirecting you to a better opportunity?

If you don’t feel comfortable speaking up about an issue, maybe it’s because you need to do more research on it and become completely comfortable with the subject before you go toe-to-toe with someone about it. The Strength card in reverse speaks about digging deep within your soul to find your true sense of purpose.

It is also a “time” card that suggests something you want is delayed and might not happen until the summertime. It will still happen, just in a longer time span than you have hoped for.

Capricorn Card Necklace

Aquarius – The Hermit

A solution will happen if you go deep inside and search for the answers that you already know but might not want to admit right now. The Hermit goes into what we call “Hermit Mode” where you are encouraged to withdraw from everyone for a moment to gather your thoughts, wishes and desires.

He holds a lantern suggesting that an answer will be made available in time – and that clarity is on the way. We often go into Hermit mode as a novice and leave Hermit mode as an expert. A lesson will soon be learned, and the answer will be made available, in time.

Hermit Mode takes more than a minute. You can expect at least three months of soul searching; maybe less, maybe more, but Hermit uncovering doesn’t last a night. It is redirecting you to your true path and true purpose, and for that, a little time is needed.

Aquarius Card Necklace

Pisces – King of Pentacles

The King of stability. There is no gender in tarot, so this is for a female or male, but the King of Pentacles has “arrived.” Money is coming in from many different avenue streams so if you planted seeds for financial gain, you could expect a nice boost in your bank account.

Also, this is the King of “stability’ so speaking your mind is a must for you to maintain a sense of security. Also, time is on your side, and you have somehow figured out a way to take some “time vampires” out of your environment to make more time for special moments and special people. The King of Pentacles is the leader of saying “no” to nonsense, and it looks like in the month of January you do just that.

All readings are interpretations and are for entertainment purposes only. Never give your power to a tarot reader or readings, and never supplement tarot reading for medical, mental health, legal or any other forms of professional advise or council.

Pisces Card Necklace