Karma and Luck
February 14, 2023

Angel Numbers – The Series The Power of the Angel Number One – 1, 11, 1111

By Michele Tell

1111Angel Numbers are all around us. When we wake up and look at our alarm clock, when we look down at our Apple watch and see a pattern of numbers, when we drive by an address on a building, or look at the license plate we are driving behind.

Patterns in numbers and spotting those number sequences are more than a coincidence. It’s a divine intervention to stop and become extremely present with what you are thinking of at that precise moment. The answer might just come to you at that specific flash.

Angel Numbers are a direct inspiration from Source, God, the Universe – personal intervention - whatever you believe in as a pull toward your spiritual development.

Angel Numbers are placed in your path for a reason, and the more heightened you become to being aware of your surroundings – seeing these patterns and immediately recognizing these patterns is - truth – “a sign” – A sign for you to stop and reflect deeply on what you were thinking about at that exact moment. It’s mystical but not so esoteric – Angel Numbers cross your path for a reason.

Angel Number

When you see a number sequence out of the blue, some might feel that inner iridescence – a feeling of déjà vu– that might make you feel weak, or weary or a little dizzy.

It’s natural and give yourself an inner high-five that your body, soul and mind are aligning to feel and understand when you see a sign and heed the mindfulness that something is meant to be. Or not.

Seeing Angel Numbers are a way for you to get an answer – be it a yes or a no. Either way, the answer that you seek just may happen the moment you lay your eyes on a sequence of numbers that appear out of thin air. Or do they?

The Angel Number 1 (one) is the ultimate new beginning. It comes with wonderment; excitement and a little bit of fear as most “new” things and first-time adventures do. It’s the good kind of fear, that extra boost of adrenaline that gets you to make that move.

Angel Numbers

When you connect with the numbers 1, 11, 1111, etc., it is the Universe giving you a direct sign that a new beginning is about to happen, or the new beginning that you WANT to happen is within your grasp if you follow your divine path to get it. So, what does all this mean?

Where did numbers come from? There is much talk that the Egyptians began the first numeral system, and the Greeks began an alphabet system that could double as a systematic way of counting. The Hindus are stated as the key connect to the number “zero” and negative numbers.

In the 1600s and 1700s forms of calculus were determined and there is evidence that the first time the number “1” was used in the form for counting appeared 20,000 years ago as a tick mark slash in a bone – a fibula of a baboon in the Congo region of Africa. The tick marks indicate through archaeology that this was a form of counting by way of equal sized slashes.

Regardless of who and where the number system began, we all know that number one – the Angel Number one – is the key to a new start. Celebrities born on the first of the month all seem to be pioneers – and mega risk takers - in their industries:


  • Harry Styles, Lisa Marie Presley (Feb. 1);
  • Justin Bieber (March 1);
  • Logan Paul (May 1);
  • Marilyn Monroe, Morgan Freeman (June 1);
  • Princess Diana, Pamela Anderson, Missy Elliot (July 1);
  • Zendaya (September 1);
  • Julie Andrews, President Jimmy Carter (October 1);
  • Zoe Kravitz (December 1) along with countless YouTube and social media influencers.

In the world of Tarot, the Angel Number one is represented by many cards.

First, #1 Major Arcana card (Universally guided in the tarot) – the Magician, the master manifester – the one with all the tools to get what he/she wants – wands for passion and action; swords for communication and intellect; cups for love and emotions; and pentacles, for money and stability.

The Magician brings the “spiritual” into the spiritual journey and is the symbol of tapping into all your internal (mind) resources as well as your external (friends, money, status) to achieve goals.

He represents “potential” and “hope” and new beginnings, new starts and new attitudes. The Magician uses unconventional ways to manifest (or manipulate) his future, but nonetheless he sets a goal and moves forward swiftly to achieve it.

Spiritual Numbers

The number 11 is specifically known as our mirror Angel Number – While our higher consciousness faces are shadow side, or we face a soul mate and mirror each other’s essence, the number 11 is thought of to be one of the luckiest, mystical numbers that connects each of us together.

Eleven comes from Old English endleofan, literally meaning “ten and one left over.” It is the first palindromic number (also known as a numeral palindrome or a numeric palindrome) is a number (such that remains the same when its digits are reversed.)

This is key why the sequence 11–11 is believed to be the soul’s reflection - the mirror, or when two souls find each other and mimic each other’s personalities - we call that union a Twin Flame based upon the mirrored aspect of the soul’s lifestyles, personalities, innate sense and past lives integration.

When we see the numbers 1111 – it is a direct mark from the Universe that indeed, you are on the correct path, the right track and headed in the direction you are meant to go on.Tarot Cards

In a logical way of looking at it, it’s almost as if your “intellectual” self that sees things in good judgment meets your deeper shadow self, or your intuitive curiosity which combines to put you on the perfect balance path of need and desire.

Next, the #11 card in tarot – another Major Arcana – is the card of Justice. Sitting upon his throne, the card represents Law and Order and mainly, the law (or Universal Judge) awarding in your favor.

The sword, which always points up to the Universe implies that not only is justice served in our 3D-daily existence, but it is also served ‘karmically speaking’ and the Universe has made its final decision. The sword of truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth – is always present in this card.

Justice is a “yes” card in tarot when pulled in a simple yes/no tarot answer spread It is a reminder that consequences of our actions should always be on the forefront, and that the card, and the Justice eye of the Universe rewards those that follow the correct and righteous path.

Holy Numbers

It is said that 1111 is the number of spirituality, divine intervention, and divine timing. When we see the numbers 11:11 a.m. or 11:11 p.m. on a clock it is said that “the wait is over” and divine timing is finally here for whatever might be in your thoughts or manifestations.

Another minor arcana tarot card applied to the 11-11 thought-process is the Four of Wands. The card is depicted with four upright wands symbolizing 11-11. It represents overall stability – the four legs on a table keeping the table upright, sturdy and balanced.

It is the card that represents divine union (Twin Flames, deep soul connections) meeting, connecting and choosing one another in this lifetime, hence, honoring the pre-soul contract they both signed in the Ether before they began life on Earth. (Perhaps that’s why the #11 card is Justice representing contracts, legal bindings and marriage.)

Angel Numbers

It is said those born on the 11th of the month might possess clairvoyance, and spiritual powers and remarkable intuition. Some celebrities and historic visionaries born on the 11th of different months include - Thomas Edison, Mary J. Blige, Cody Simpson, Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Lautner, Chris Hemsworth, Ludacris, Cardi B, Leonardo DiCaprio, Demi Moore, Nikki Sixx are all 11th day birthdates.

The Angel Number one and – all its sequences such as 11, 111, 1111, etc., are the most powerful meaning of New Beginnings in the esoteric lifestyle. It represents a new start, a new attitude, a new way of discovering yourself, a brand-new start, but it also means something needs to end to start this beginning, this newness – this first step into the unknown whether it is new love, a new career, a new look or a new way of handling yourself in your daily life.

When you see the Angel Number one – allow that personal boost of confidence to shine, not only because you are starting anew, but because you are also leaving behind an old way of thinking or being – a positive step towards living your utmost best life ever.

Spiritual Numbers