Karma and Luck
March 14, 2021

Check Your Chakras: Chakra Energy Balancing & Chakra Mantras

By Nadine Hamdan

Your chakras are your energy centers that open life energy in and out of your aura within your body. They vitalize the physical body and help you to develop and elevate your self-consciousness. The interchangeable reactions, both positively and negatively, of your emotional, mental, and physical interactions are all associated with and affect your chakras.

The root chakra, which is the first one, is found outside of the body and is located between the thighs, midway your knees, and upper body. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra and on the top of our head.

The remaining five are aligned in order along the neck, skull, and spine. Chakras are said to look much like a funnel that has petals opening. And while the human eye does not see them, a trained energy worker can intuitively perceive them.

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Evaluate Your Chakras Health

There are people trained in chakras that can evaluate yours and provide you with a better understanding of how the energetic level of the body functions. They have been taught how to read them to advise you which ones are not functioning well and if there are any working overtime.

When we have chakras that are not performing at the best level possible, it affects the others, and they must work harder. A non-functioning one can effectively damage the healthy ones. Since many of us can't get to energy workers, we're going to show you how you can effectively work on your own.

Powerful Techniques for Balancing Your Chakras

Learning to balance and love your seven chakras and keeping them balanced is so important and powerful. The exercises below, which by the way, are so awesome and feel so good, should become an essential part of your daily life.

Pretty soon, you will be able to create a practice that resonates with you and begin experiencing a natural flow of positive energy and raising your intrinsic vibrations higher and higher every day.

Using Affirmations

As a norm, so many of us don't have a balanced way of thinking. By nature, especially these days, we tend to side on the negative vs. the positive side of our brain. Using affirmations and focusing on each chakra will help you rewire your subconscious and synapsis.

Negative thoughts zap you of energy, and once we begin this cycle, it is not an easy task to be rid of them. Affirmations will help the unbalanced mind and shift into a more positive way of thinking.

Repeating them is essential and the key to making sure that all negative thoughts are converted into positive ones.

These exercises can take as long as you wish, but please, please try as you may get to at least once a day, set a timer to begin in 5-minute intervals throughout the weeks until you reach a state where your mind and body will understand and crave this attention.

To use them, meditate on the chakra you want to focus on balancing, and either out loud or in your mind, repeat the words.

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Chakra Mantras: 

Crown Chakra: I KNOW.

I am aware and intelligent. I am connected to my life's purpose and see it clearly. 

Third eye Chakra: I SEE.

I tap into my intuition and imagination. My 3rd eye is open to all the positive possibilities I manifest and create. I trust my intuition in all things.

Throat Chakra: I SPEAK.

I communicate with ease and in truth to my higher self. My voice is clear, and I am heard, understood, and loved in my way of speaking.

Heart Chakra: I LOVE.

My heart is filled with love and compassion. I give and receive love openly. I accept and connect with all who are accepting in love and kindness.

Solar plexus Chakra: I DO.

I trust my gut. I am worthy, confident and my self-esteem is soaring to new heights. I internalize my will and purpose and release all that does not serve me.

Sacral Chakra: I FEEL.

I am happy in my body. I accept my passion and creativity deep with my Sacral Chakra, and I am safe. I do not lack in anything that serves my highest pleasure.

Root Chakra: I AM.

I am physically strong, aligned, protected, and rooted in the ethereal energy of mother earth. I feel secure and happy emotionally and belong here.

7 Day Chakra Balancing Practices

Day 1: Root Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Root Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I am confident and full of energy.

Day 2: Sacral Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Sacral Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I always have creative ideas to manifest my life.

Day 3: Solar Plexus Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Solar Plexus Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I can accomplish my dreams.

Day 4: Heart Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Heart Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I am loved and give love freely.

Day 5: Throat Chakra

In a seated position with palm around your Throat Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I speak freely. I am heard. 

Day 6: Third Eye Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Third Eye Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I express myself freely.

Day 7: Crown Chakra

In a seated position with palm on Crown Chakra

Breath in and hold for 3 seconds and breath out for 3 seconds.

Mantra: I am balanced and at peace.

Once you've completed a week, start over and continue this practice.

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