Karma and Luck
September 21, 2023

Autumn Equinox – Where Day Meets Night – And Manifestations Begin To Bloom

By Michele Tell

Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is where the sun crosses the equator and at that precise moment, there is equal day and night.  This moment in planetary time officially commemorates the beginning of the fall season and with that, much energy is rained down here on Earth. It is a grounding feeling, a moment of reflective energy that creates an opportunity for deep observation – internally and externally.  It's a time to dig deep and recognize, we’ve all come a long way, baby.

This is the most affective time to review the seeds and ideas that we planted (manifestations) during the Spring Equinox, and for us to personally take inventory of what has been accomplished this year, thus far.

It’s a time to look at the Wins and not the loses up to now.  It’s a time to revel in the wins, and discount the loses, or chalk those malfunctions to lessons, or lack of motivation for change. Today is a day to give yourself a pat on the back, pamper yourself, and take a big look at your accomplishments with excitement.

It is a time to take inventory of the people in your life, and examine who deserves to stay in your life, and who, perhaps at this stage in your life, you might have outgrown or find a need to step away from. This beautiful Fall Equinox allows us and provides us the energetic push to explore different paths or environment and gives us a little whim to pursue the unconventional.  In other words, it’s time for us to push past our personal limitations, and to do that properly, we need to clear a pathway to get to our new horizons. How do we do that? We purge.

During this energetic portal where day meets night – equally – it gives us a chance to remove people, places, obstacles, and situations – in all facets of our life – including home and work clutter, overstuffed closets, pots and pans cabinets, and the dreaded stacks in the garage. And, that friend that annoys you by always taking and never giving.  It’s a time where we also get the courage and might to breakup, and leave romantic situations that we know, in our hearts, are no longer working. 

It’s time to “empty the bucket” so the Universe can fill its void with new positivity, new opportunities and new material items.

The “age old idea” of when you buy something new, take something away should be executed two-fold when this energy rains down… when you buy something new, remove TWO elements for your life (either figuratively, or physically) – to open abundance of space to welcome in the new.

Gemstones that can help with decluttering Tourmaline Quartz, Crystal Quartz and Ruby.

Tourmaline Quartz is one of the finest gemstones you can introduce into your environment that clears out negative energy, vibes and entities, and allows a new, fresher approach and to offer balance of yin and yang.

It also is a key stone to help “declutter” the mind and is often used for a calming source of mental health issues such as paranoia, dyslexia, emotional tension, fear and anxiety that is brough about by being overwhelmed and stress.

Our signature Tourmaline Bracelet featuring multicolored Tourmaline stones "Positive Emotions - Gold Plated Tourmaline Stone Bracelet" by Karma and Luck combines the energies of black, brown, pink, and green Tourmaline to bring protection, grounding, joy, and vitality.

Tourmaline stone properties uplifting, providing strength and support during tough times and trials in your life. These properties are extremely beneficial for heart chakra healing and setting love intentions, metal clarity and inner depth to promote change.

Positive Emotions - Gold Plated Tourmaline Stone Bracelet

Our Signature “Tree of Life” featuring multicolored Tourmaline Stones is a perfect addition to any room in your house as it promote wellness and wellbeing inside your home, provides protection from confusion and disorder. This tree is designed to welcome in vitality and momentum and surround your loving home with gratitude and strength.

Place this tree near the center of your home, or in the center of a room that is frequented by many.  According to the traditional Feng Shui Bagua Map, placing this tree upon a wooden table, or organic wood, will help radiate the energy throughout the space to attract family, health, wellness and positive flow

High Awareness - Tourmaline Feng Shui Tree

This is the perfect week to set fourth intentions and short-term goals to achieve for the rest of the year – and base that motivation on what has already been achieved in the beginning of the year when we set forth ultimate intentions.  It is a temperature check on where we are and what we have achieved, in hopes that seeing how far we have come this so far will help drive more initiatives.

Clear Quartz: the master healer.  Wear a piece of this incredible healing element of the earth around your wrist to help manage anxiety and place pieces of this stone around your bed at night to help regulate breathing and calmness – which opens the third eye chakra for channeling and bringing in divine messages designed to manifest your desires.

Crystal Quartz acts as a shield to block all forms of negativity.  Our signature necklace, designed to lay near to your heart and to protect the heart from negativity and pessimism, also displays the infamous evil eye to not only shield, but deflect negativity.  While pushing away the negative, this special crystal quartz will also bring in positivity -  happiness, a zest for moving forward with vigor and creativity.

Master Healer - Clear Quartz Evil Eye Pointer Necklace

In the home, and especially in the main gathering places such as living rooms, family rooms, entertainment rooms, and kitchens, Crystal Quartz acts a protector for family commitment and unconditional love.  Crystal Quartz is an ancient energy. Said to evolve from the Mesopotamia era roughly 7000 years BCE and, more recently, by the ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilizations before the turn of time, when we place raw crystal quartz in an area that can ignite our personal Akashic Records, located below layers and layers of our personal DNA and bloodstream, and loosely translated from it Sanskrit roots – to mean “that which holds all.”  It is our personal research bank of our past lives and personas. This connects our soul ties with our family and friend dynamic and ignites protection amor within our shelter and our personal world.   Here is an elegant crystal quartz statement piece that is showcases sharp crystal spikes pointing toward the Ether, the Universe as if to call out for code of protection to honor all that reside or enter this home.

All forms of quartz, but particularly Crystal Quartz is a universal gemstone designed to handle both ends of the spectrum – protection and boundaries, as well as an invitation for a positive current and force for an atmosphere filled with vitality and feeling.

Eternal Radiance - Crystal Quartz Spike Cluster

The Autumn Equinox affects the earth and humans in many ways. One of the most notable effects as the autumnal equinox passes and continues to evolve is the reduced amount of daylight. This sometimes produces a season affective disorder (called SAD) which promotes sadness and depression, sleepiness and laziness, and procrastination. Our internal clock gets off balance when there is more darkness then light, which, like a bear in hibernation, slows the breathing rhythms in our body and does not produce as much gusto. Some psychologists call this Fall Fatigue, and it especially apparent during Full Moon cycles during the months of Fall and Winter.

To counteract the doldrums and the seasonal sadness, we suggest wearing everything RED.

Ruby precious stones is noted to hold the strength and tenacity as the burning flames of a fire. It’s bright red hues and sparkle and effervesce shines a radiant depth to all that wear this stone.  This is a stone that represents passion and is the opposite of apathy.  It a stone of virtue.  And it is a symbol of royalty, nobility and resolve.  Wearing a Ruby gives the wearer determination to see through everything, conquer obstacles and to march forward against many odds. This is the stone voted most likely to get you out of sadness and desolation.  The color red will counteract an “blues” that you might feel due to the extension of darkness associated with the Fall Equinox.

Our Spiritual Wisdom Turtle Ruby bracelet is perfect for this time of year, as this particular piece allows you to touch the Universe, and reach for your own, personal higher purpose.  The strength with the stones will help elevate your consciousness and will clear your mind and open windows of possibilities you never thought possible. This is a bracelet that helps protect you from harm, and, as all Ruby’s do, will help regulate heartbeat and calm your nerves. And our evil eye Ruby necklace is designed to protect you specifically from heartbreak and love that is lost.  This necklace, with its evil eye is designed to deflect bad karma away from you and to bestow the lesson “be learned” to those who purposely break your heart or disappoint you.

Spiritual Wisdom - Ruby Turtle Charm Bracelet

As with all planetary advancements, our body temperatures spike a bit during the Autumn Equinox and internally, we might feel a little more heated, hot flashes, or some spikes in adrenalin.  You might see blotches of red on your skin, and the palms of your hand may change to a pinker or darker shade than normal. 

It’s a time to learn to breath and regulate your breathing patterns.  But mostly, this is a time to manifest your biggest, most far fetching desires and really begin to put those short-term goals into action.  

Welcome, Fall Equinox.  It’s time to wish, dream, manifest and do.

Love & Cherish - Ruby Evil Eye July Birthstone Necklace