When we give into the Universe and listen to what our intuition has to say, we work directly with Divine forces. We can do that only by fully embracing the gentle but powerful divine feminine qualities.
Like Yin and Yang, one can’t exist harmoniously without the other. Let’s take a moment and focus on the gentle power that can move the mountains and attract blessings solely by setting the intention - The Divine Feminine.
What is Divine Feminine?
Everything around us is made of two basic principles that drive the world in perfect harmony.
It is the Divine Feminine principle, that, together with Divine Masculine makes a perfect unity of creation, which drives everything on the earth and the spiritual plane.
Divine Feminine Allows & Attracts
Instead of pursuing, forcing, and acting, the divine feminine allows, lures in, and transforms reality through shifting vibration and working with the Divine. Divine feminine qualities nourishes, allows growth, and attracts rather than acts. It functions on the principle of receptivity and transforms reality through the power of emotion, intuition, and trust in the Divine.
Divine Feminine is Everywhere
Just like divine masculine, divine feminine is ever-present and found in all things around us. It is an integral part of the soul. It is found in nature, plants, animals, and people. It is a part of both men and women and is a gender-free concept.
Divine Feminine is Powerful
Divine feminine is grandiose, heart-based, and mesmerizing. It is a passive force that lures blessings not through pursuing, but through attracting, manifesting, and working directly with the laws of the Universe. It can change vibrations with the sole power of intent and creation.
How to Bring Out Your Divine Feminine Qualities
By embodying divine feminine qualities, we become magnets to our heart’s desire and effortlessly attract success, love, or prosperity our way. When we are in this magnetic energy and know-how to bring out these qualities, we operate from our highest selves, working in sync with the universal laws.
To get in touch with your intuition is to embody the divine feminine in its finest form. To elevate your connection with your inner guide, you can:
- Practice trusting yourself and let go of the need to know the outcome.
- Meditate in silence to hear what your inner guide has to say.
- Sleep next to or wear intuition-boosting crystals and symbols.
Try wearing a natural intuition-boosting piece of jewelry, such as our Divine Spirituality Necklace, which brings out inner power and can help you reconnect with your inner compass, teaching you to have trust in the universal intelligence.
Divine feminine is the energy of creation, fertility, and growth and it is directly connected to our ability to give birth to life and ideas. To awaken your divine feminine qualities and get in touch with your sacral chakra and the energy of creation, you can:
- Follow your hunches and curiosity.
- Release the need to create perfection. Create for the sake of creating.
- Connect with your inner child. Practice spontaneity instead of strategizing.
When blocked, try the Intrinsic Creativity Charm Bracelet. It is designed to awaken your creative potential and features the Tree of Life, a powerful symbol of growth and fertility that can invite fresh ideas and novel perspectives into your reality. The Moonstone beads will spark your imagination and aid you on your path to co-creating with the Universe while supporting your authentic expression.
Loving and compassionate, balanced divine feminine energy helps us fully embrace positive feminine qualities, own our emotions, develop empathy, and practice healthy self-love. It is deeply connected to the emotional and spiritual realm, intuition, and the heart chakra.
The Love Harmony Feng Shui Tree is a perfect tool for helping you harness and cherish divine feminine qualities, immerse yourself with gentle, but powerful vibrations, and safely open up your heart space.
Another heart-centered piece, the Embrace of Love Charm Wrap Bracelet is a perfect wearable tool for helping you connect with divine feminine energy on the go. It will help you accept what can’t be changed, have greater trust in divine guidance, and awaken to the power of universal love.
When we are fully immersing with divine feminine meaning, we are open, receptive, and able to create miracles through working together with the Universe and with others.
A blend of powerful spiritual symbols, the Harmonious Unity Mala is here to help you practice openness and receptivity. The Hamsa Hand and Heart symbols create a perfect energetic environment to help you level up your sense of connectedness while keeping your energy protected from harm.
Equally mesmerizing, colorful, and luscious, the Abundant Harmony Bracelet will bless your interactions with the world and allow you to safely embrace your feminine power. The Tourmaline gemstones will ground you, ensuring that only loving and healthy energy reaches you.
Divine feminine qualities are about allowing things to happen. This energy is graceful, gentle, and is geared to attract rather than chase. To be in touch with it is to become receptive and open so that we can effortlessly attract what our soul needs the most.
The Graceful Flourish Ring is a gold-plated piece with a luxurious feel to it that helps us give in to the Divine wholeheartedly and effortlessly. The Tree of Life is a powerful grounding force that can helps you stay centered and open to bravely flow through life. More than anything, it helps us cooperate with the Divine through manifestation, gently letting go of control and having faith that the Divine always works in our favor.
When we operate from the feminine principle, we are reflective instead of analytical, we go inward to feel and receive spiritual downloads, rather than extend our energy outwardly.
The Serene Reflections Red String Bracelet will allow you to gently release troublesome heavy thoughts that cloud your vision and disconnect you from your truth. Jade stones provide deep energy cleansing and work to create a calming atmosphere for you to go within and find the answers that you seek.
Tuned Into Emotions

Divine feminine operates from the emotional, intuitive self. We draw power from divine feminine qualities when we allow ourselves to simply feel and immerse with our feelings without analyzing or judging them. To help ourselves do that, we can journal, meditate, or allow ourselves to be emotionally vulnerable whenever possible without giving our emotions labels.
Jewelry like the Divine Emotion Moonstone Heart Rosary help us to find a balance between our feelings, our desires, and the action steps we take. It opens up the heart chakra so that gratitude and love can abound.
Tuned Into Mother Earth
Luna symbolizes feminine power, intuition, fertility and is deeply connected to the Divine guidance. Women are especially in tune with the cycles of the Moon and Mother Gaia. The divine feminine represents all things that grow. To embrace and own it, we need to reconnect with nature and life itself.
Made to help strengthen your bond with the Moon and the Earth, the Nocturnal Power Necklace blends the symbolism of the stars and the Moon and awakens the divine feminine within, helping you connect with nature and supporting your ability to give life to what you set your intentions upon.
Seeing the Beauty in Everything
When we are connected with our feminine selves, we are receptive, open, and trusting. Divine feminine qualities allow things to be as they are and to grow as they are meant to. In order to reconnect with these feminine qualities, we need to shift our focus to see the magic and glitter in everything and to go beyond the illusion of perfection.
To help you with that, the Delicate Affection Bracelet from our collection can help you rejoice and find genuine appreciation in even the littlest things around you, shining light onto all of the beauty in the spiritual and physical realm. Pearl stones will give you the necessary foresight and illuminate your blessings, while the Hamsa Hand will ward off low vibrations that disrupt the flow of positivity and light.
Final Thoughts
Owning our feminine power is the key to attracting blessings, manifesting what we desire, and working together with our guides. It is an integral part of the universal balance. Together with the divine masculine, it is the essential element of transforming and replenishing the harmony in our lives and the world around us.