Karma and Luck
June 20, 2023

Happy International Yoga Day - Try Out These Poses To Celebrate!

By Jenna Vierck

International Yoga Day

Instagram - @_melanie_i

This year, International Yoga Day falls on June 21, 2023. Celebrated annually by practitioners around the globe, this holiday aims to honor and respect the ancient traditions of yoga. Providing a world of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, yoga is far more than just an exercise. 

Coming from the Sanskrit word, yuj, meaning “to yoke”, yoga is all about yoking, or uniting, the body with the mind and the breath. The intention of practicing yoga is to connect with your center, shutting down the racing mind, as you come back to that place of pure peace and tranquility within you. Using meditation, breath control, and intentional movement, yoga is a holistic practice with one goal - to return you to your innate essence. 

Whether you are an experienced yogi or a total newbie, International Yoga Day can be celebrated by all! Read on to get inspired by the many benefits this practice has to offer, as well as some poses to get you started! 

How Yoga Benefits the Mind & Body

Yoga is a sacred practice that has been treasured around the world for the many blessings and benefits it provides to the mind, body, and spirit. Its all-encompassing nature has provided an uplifting outlet to people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and walks of life. Yoga does not discriminate and its offerings can be enjoyed by all who come to it with an open mind and an open heart. Listed below are just some of the many ways that yoga boosts health. 

International Yoga Day

Instagram - @celestial_sol_

Physical Health Benefits of Yoga:

  • Improves Balance
  • Energizes the Body
  • Increases Flexibility
  • Encourages Heart Health
  • Relieves Muscular or Joint Pain
  • Eases Insomnia
  • Strengthens the Body
  • Reduces Cholesterol

    Mental Health Benefits of Yoga:

    • Decreases Stress
    • Eases Anxiety
    • Creates Mental Clarity
    • Encourages Inner Peace
    • Sharpens Focus & Concentration
    • Reduces Depression

      Spiritual Health Benefits of Yoga:

      • Connects You to the Divine
      • Expands Awareness
      • Heightens Consciousness
      • Provides a Sense of Purpose
      • Greater Hope & Optimism
      • Improves Self-Awareness

      International Yoga Day

        Instagram - @christ1naross

        4 Energizing Yoga Poses to Start the Day

        Start your day on a high note with an uplifting yoga practice. Roll out of bed, roll out your mat, and get into the body! Starting the day in this way helps you to not only feel more energized, but also helps to keep your vibration high for hours after. Here are four basic yoga poses that are great to do in the morning:

        Yoga Poses

        Instagram - @_melanie_i

        #1 Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

        Allowing energy to flow from head to toes, Downward Facing Dog is often seen as the building block of any yoga practice. This pose is a foundation that provides an easy way to switch from pose to pose. Considered an inversion, as the head is below the heart, Downward Facing Dog is an excellent way to start the day as it helps increase the flow of blood, which in turn energizes the whole system! For any beginner to yoga, this will be the first pose to learn and really nail down.

        International Yoga Day

        Instagram - @christ1naross

        #2 Camel Pose - Ustrasana

        A beautiful heart opener, camel pose jumpstarts the day with fresh and inviting energy. By putting your heart forward, you are letting the universe know that you are ready and accepting of all the blessings it has to offer you. We often live with our shoulders scrunched forward, subconsciously closing ourselves off to others and to new experiences, but camel pose invites us to expand and present ourselves to the world with confidence. 


        Instagram - @_melanie_i

        #3 Low Lunge - Anjaneyasana

          Providing a release for the psoas muscle, which runs from the lower back to the femur, a low lunge unlocks the body and the mind. The psoas muscle is one that we use constantly, and yet is often overlooked in stretching routines. Also called the “seat of the soul”, stretching this muscle frees up a blockade of stuck energy. Try this yoga pose out as a way to boost your spirit, as well as make your body feel energized and strong. 

          International Yoga Day

          #4 Chair Pose - Utkatasana

          Putting the quads and glutes to work, Utkatasana, or chair pose, is a great total-body strengthener. This beginner yoga pose exudes bold and brave energy that helps to improve blood flow throughout the whole body. As your legs begin to shake from fatigue, this pose offers a powerful opportunity to keep the breath calm and the mind centered, despite the physical sensations. 

          International Yoga Day

          Relax & Unwind with these 3 Yoga Poses

          If you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep, yoga may just be the medicine you have been seeking. Beautifully relaxing and nourishing to the mind, body, and spirit, practicing a bedtime yoga routine can be extraordinarily helpful in providing sleepy vibes. Here are three beginner yoga poses that set you up for a restful night’s sleep:

          International Yoga Day

          Instagram - @christ1naross

          #1 Child’s Pose - Balasana

          Deeply restorative, child’s pose is a universal favorite among yogis of all experience levels. By stretching the lower back, hips, and thighs, it allows the body to melt into a pool of relaxation. With the forehead resting on the mat, this pose also offers a gentle massage for the third eye - the point between the eyebrows, which adds an extra layer to this pose’s rejuvenating qualities. Rest in child’s pose for a calm mind, free from stress and worries. 

          Child’s Pose - Balasana

          #2 Legs Up the Wall

          Find any wall, and shimmy your legs up it for one of the most relaxing sensations. An extremely gentle inversion, this pose requires little to work on your end, and provides an exceptionally calming pay-off. With the feet above the heart, this beginner friendly yoga pose improves blood circulation and relieves tension in the spine and lower back. You’ll be snoozing in no time after a few minutes in this pose. 

          International Yoga Day

          Instagram - @christ1naross

          #3 Bridge Pose 

          An easy and forgiving backbend, bridge pose is a beautiful way to unwind after a long day. By opening the front body, expanding the heart, and strengthening the lower body, bridge pose is great for replenishing the whole body. This pose’s relaxing effects help to ease stress and anxiety, as well as relieve headaches. 

          International Yoga Day

          Balance & Activate the Chakras with these 3 Yoga Poses 

          Known as the energetic systems of the body, there are seven different chakras. Each one correlates to a different part of the body, as well as connecting to different emotional states and responses. Keeping the chakras aligned, balanced, and activated, is key to a life of bliss and fulfillment. Luckily, yoga is a wonderful way to nourish the chakras. 

          International Yoga Day

          Below are the top yoga poses for each chakra: 

          The Root Chakra: Mountain Pose

          Also known as Muladhara, the root chakra can be found at the base of the spine. Linking us to Earth energy, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety, security, and connectedness to others. Mountain pose is the perfect way to tap into the energy of the root chakra, as it encourages you to ground down through the soles of the feet, finding structure from the feet up to the crown. 

          International Yoga Day

          The Sacral Chakra: Butterfly Pose

          Svadhisthana, the Sanskrit word for the sacral chakra, is located in the same zone as the pelvis. This is your center of creativity, sensuality, and emotions. By opening the hips, butterfly pose activates the sacral chakra, allowing you to expand into the truest version of yourself. 

          The Solar Plexus Chakra: Boat Pose

          The solar plexus, also known as Manipura, sits within the belly, and is your place of personal power. When balanced, the solar plexus gives you a deep sense of confidence, capability, and motivation, assisting you in achieving every goal and reaching every dream. Boat pose helps to ignite the abdominal muscles, thus creating that internal heat to fire up the sacral chakra. 


          Instagram - @_melanie_i

          The Heart Chakra: Fish Pose

          The Anahata, or heart chakra, sits in the area of the heart. This energetic system is responsible for compassion, love, generosity, and an ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Fish pose, especially with the support of a block, helps to open the heart in a truly expansive way. This yoga pose demonstrates vulnerability, and a willingness to let others in. 
          The Throat Chakra: Baby Cobra Pose

          Called Vishuddha, in Sanskrit, the throat chakra is located within the throat. This chakra is the center of communication, honesty, and authenticity. When aligned, you can better express yourself and speak your truth. Baby cobra is a gentle way to activate this energetic body by lengthening through the spine, opening the neck and throat, and lifting the head with confidence. 

          International Yoga Day

          The Third Eye Chakra: Dolphin Pose

          The Ajna chakra, or the third eye, rests between the eyebrows. This “all-seeing” eye helps you to see beyond the layers, reaching into higher levels of awareness. With a balanced third eye, intuition is enhanced and mental clarity is found. Dolphin pose allows more circulation to flow through to the head and face, which is wonderful for stimulating the third eye. 

          The Crown Chakra: Headstand

          Located at the top of the head, the Sahasrara, or crown chakra, is the opening that connects us to the light and wisdom of the divine. This is your place of higher consciousness, where you can go beyond the limits of the mind, diving into deeper states of being. Not a great pose for beginners, headstand is one of the best ways to activate and balance the crown chakra. By placing light pressure on the top of the head, you are igniting this place of infinite connection. 


          • Aligned in Purpose Chakra Choker

          Clasp this colorful necklace around the neck, and activate each of the seven chakras. With the help of seven healing gemstones, you are aligned to your truest purpose and highest potential. 

          Aligned in Purpose Chakra Choker

          • Divine Energy - Matte Onyx Jasper Chakra Bracelet

          Correlating to each of the seven chakras, the colorful gemstones pair beautifully with the grounding energy of matte onyx stones. Tuning you to a higher vibration, this bracelet encourages you to move in the direction of your dreams. 

          Divine Energy - Matte Onyx Jasper Chakra Bracelet

          Why We Meditate Before Or After A Yoga Practice

          At the beginning and end of every yoga class, there is almost always time for mindful meditation. As the original meaning behind yoga is to connect the mind, body, and breath, meditation is an essential piece to this sacred practice. Meditation, in conjunction with yoga or on its own, provides limitless benefits, including a boost in mood, enhanced energy, release of stress and anxiety, and more. 

          Before moving into postures, it is advised to always start with at least a brief meditation, as a way to sink into the body and set the mind up for the next hour or so of intentional movement. In this meditation, you can add some breathwork to either energize the body or relax the mind, depending on which one you choose. 

          At the end of the class, you should also make time for a lying down meditation, or savasana. It may be tempting to simply roll your mat up and move on with your day, but we highly recommend making time for at least a couple of minutes in savasana. This posture allows the body to integrate all of the benefits of the class, and gives you a couple more moments of pure inner silence and peace. 

          International Yoga Day

          Yoga-Inspired Jewelry for Men 

          Men who have entered the world of yoga, and are taking advantage of the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits that this practice can provide, will love these jewelry designs. Check out our favorite ideas below! 

          • Watchful Eye - Red String Bracelet

          Keeping a protective gaze over you at all times, this red string evil eye bracelet serves as your 24/7 guardian. Walk through your days with ease and grace, knowing that the Universe always has your back. The addition of red string as the base of the design, offers a blessing of abundance, success, and good luck. 

          Watchful Eye - Red String Bracelet

          • Elusive Pursuit - Agarwood Mala Bracelet

          In line with the yogi spirit, this bracelet is designed in a mala style. Serving as the perfect accompaniment to his meditation practice, the agarwood beads can be used as stepping stones for reciting mantras. Deeply healing, agarwood assists him in reaching new levels of consciousness. 

          Elusive Pursuit - Agarwood Mala Bracelet

          Jewelry Designs For The Yogi Woman

          Have a woman in your life who loves to be on her yoga mat? We have stunning jewelry designs to keep her forever connected to her favorite practice. Browse our top ideas for her below! 

          • Grateful Soul - Red String Hamsa Charm Bracelet

          This red string bracelet provides a protective blessing for your favorite yogi woman, with the addition of the hamsa hand. A sacred symbol, the hamsa has been deflecting negative energy for centuries. Meanwhile, the red string serves as her new good luck charm. 

          Grateful Soul - Red String Hamsa Charm Bracelet

          • Lunar Sanctuary - Moon & Star Hematite Bracelet

          Connecting her to the energy of the divine feminine, this moon and star bracelet reminds her of the brilliant light within her soul. The hematite stones keep her grounded, filling her with inner peace and gratitude. 

          Lunar Sanctuary - Moon & Star Hematite Bracelet

          Final Thoughts

          From our team at Karma and Luck, we wish you all a happy and thriving International Yoga Day! Take the time to rest, move, stretch, and breathe, and as always give gratitude for the people you love and the body that moves you. Namaste, yogis. 

          Looking for more yoga-inspired jewelry? Visit our website and browse our full collection of high-vibe, healing designs. 

          International Yoga Day