Karma and Luck
April 12, 2022

How to Use Healing Crystals Sets to Achieve Your Desires

By Faith Davis

Healing Crystals Sets

We need to spend time cultivating vital intentions and spiritual connections in ourselves as individuals. However, we don't have to do it alone. In fact, when we’re seeking answers that lead us to purpose and fulfillment, a team effort brings about better results than working solo

But what does a team mean? We can reimagine our team to include metaphysical tools that help us get results that are similar to a multi-person support system.

Let’s build a spirit-centered team of gemstones and minerals that attract wisdom and high vibrations our way! By understanding how to combine healing crystals and their meanings, we can explore new pathways and embark on a journey of personal growth.

Radiant Happiness Evil Eye Pendant Necklace

6 Curated Healing Crystals Sets to Support Your Intentions 

We’ve put together some powerful teams in these healing crystals sets. Now, it’s time to discover how these stones work together with our intentions and desires to invite specific blessings into our live

Crystals for Love & Loyalty

Love and Loyalty Healing Crystals Set

To cultivate love in our lives, we need to surround ourselves with individuals we trust and who can honestly support our intentions. Whether on the level of intimate romantic partnership, or platonic soul connections, this Mineral Intention Box filled with the best crystals for love can help us draw the right relationships to us. 

The love crystals included in this set each have a specific role to play in promoting healing and opening our hearts to compassionate connection. Here’s what it includes:

  • Rose Quartz – Its gentle aura fosters friendship and loving acceptance of others and ourselves.
  • Amethyst – This stone’s powerful Third Eye connection instills calm and peace in our minds as we envision a harmonious, committed connection.
  • Moonstone – Bringing balance and flow, Moonstone protects and guides us to express empathy during difficult times.
  • Aventurine – This heart chakra stone sends loving vibes out into our environment.
  • Garnet – Brewing with passion and energy, Garnet amplifies our searchlight for love into the world.
  • Ruby Agate – This stone has a grounding effect, helping us preserve our true spirit as we commune with others.
  • Carnelian – A burst of warmth and positivity, Carnelian inspires us to keep pursuing love.

When we cooperate with these crystals for love and romance, we unleash vibrations into the universe that attract love to us and emanate love from us.

Delicate Guidance - Rose Quartz Evil Eye Pointer Necklace

How to Use These Love Crystals

One way to use this set is to build a heart-shaped crystal grid in a special area of your home. Anchoring either Amethyst or Moonstone in the center, and creating the design around it, will activate a deeper spiritual connection to your heart.

By securing the grid in your home, you’re expressing your desire to share a life with someone, while also spreading loving energy to anyone you invite into your home.

You might also put the different crystals to different tasks. For example, if you’re venturing out into the dating world, anchor yourself to your happy home and your roots with stones like Ruby Agate, Amethyst, Moonstone, and Aventurine.

You can also carry Garnet, Carnelian, and Rose Quartz in your pocket or purse to enhance passion and attract the person you hope to connect with.

Crystals for Health & Balance

True holistic wellbeing derives from finding balance between our physical strength, our mental calm, and our spiritual acumen. This Mineral Intention Box for Health & Balance combines an array of stones that fine tune every level of our being. 

These crystals for balance and harmony make this set a hefty addition to our healing toolkits:

  • Hematite – Extending its energetic roots into the earth, Hematite centers and focuses our rhythms for healing.
  • Aventurine – This stone helps us manifest a lifestyle that promotes our optimal well-being.
  • Amethyst – Targeting our spiritual self, Amethyst expands our sense of harmony to release stress and embrace peace.
  • Tiger’s Eye – This crystal activates our mind so we can feel confident and courageous in whatever we do.
  • Clear Quartz – By offering us a clean slate, this healing stone offers us clarity of thought to amplify whatever healthful habits we want to grow.

Balancing Energy - Evil Eye Hematite Bracelet

How to Use These Balancing Crystals

Using the crystals for balance in this healing crystals set in targeted ways can deliver healthful results that we can sense in our body, mind, and spirit. 

Developing a meditation practice can initiate healthy changes at every level; and incorporating these stones as we do so can help their healing energy to penetrate our aura.

By resting Hematite and Tiger’s Eye on our lower abdomen, Aventurine on our heart, Amethyst on our Third Eye, and Clear Quartz just above our crown chakra, we can create a ray of powerful healing energy to balance each level of our being.

Compassionate Wisdom - Amethyst Diamond Heart Charm Necklace

Crystals for Happiness & Confidence 

When we open the Happiness & Confidence Mineral Intention Box, it feels impossible to avoid a smile. The healing crystals that comprise this set banish insecurity, negativity, doubt, and sadness. Instead, they herald in waves of positivity and joy by leading us to see our true strength and abilities that can manifest our dreams.

Crystals for confidence and self love plant the seeds of happiness and bless us with radiant energy to inspire others:

  • Citrine – Like a piece of the Sun, it illuminates the direction we can take to uncover joy.
  • Red Jasper – This stone roots us into our true passions to reveal our full potential.
  • Smoky Quartz – To keep our emotions stable, it offers serenity and calm even as we ride to euphoric highs.
  • Tiger’s Eye – Its ferocity feeds our stamina and virility to feel able and strong.
  • Lapis Lazuli – Bathing us in blue light waves, it leads us to wisdom and awareness.


How to Use These Confidence-Boosting, Happiness Crystals

Using the stones from this healing crystals set can ignite feelings of joy, positivity, and confidence. To use them for this intention, keep them near you throughout the day.

Whether at work or home, we can arrange these stones on our desk, table, or countertop, always within our eyesight, as a constant reminder to seek happiness in what we do.

Crystals for Strength & Stability

Strength and Stability Healing Crystals Set

Even if we live our lives guided by intention, we will still meet challenges in a world that is not always welcoming to our spirit-centered motivations and dreams. With this Mineral Box for Strength & Stability, we have access to the balancing forces of the earth and the Divine so that we can maintain our peace and purpose no matter what we face.

The crystals for strength and courage included in this crystal set extend our roots into the ground and open our minds to explore the cosmos:

  • Hematite – This crystal firmly establishes a grounding and centering energy from Mother Gaia.
  • Black Onyx – Black Onyx absorbs the negativity and doubts that drain us of strength.
  • Amethyst – Opening our Third Eye, Amethyst protects our mind and spirit as we look for messages from the Divine.
  • Red Jasper – This stone fuels our passion and strength, allowing us to honor our spiritual intentions.
  • Agate – With mysterious bands and inclusions, Agate inspires us to push ourselves harder to achieve our dreams.

Soothing Power - Amethyst Evil Eye Pointer Bracelet

How to Use These Crystals for Strength

Although this may seem counterintuitive, using these crystals to wind down and come back to equilibrium is one of the best ways to gain strength.

After a long day at work, or post-workout, sit with these stones; positioning them around you, or resting them on your knees, lap, and the palms of your hands while meditating, will integrate your strength with your mind.

Crystals for Protection & Peace

Protection and Peace Crystal Set

When we work as a team, we are never alone, especially if our team includes healing crystals and their powerful auras. Our Protection & Peace Mineral Intention Box carries the utmost security to keep us mindful and tranquil no matter what or who tries to knock us off track. 

We’ve curated the best crystals for protection to foster growth through tribulations, rather than treading water: 

  • Black Onyx – This stone helps us ground ourselves, so we feel safely planted in our spirituality.
  • Amethyst – This crystal sharpens our senses to recognize spiritual danger and avoid it.
  • Pyrite – Afire with passionate energy, Pyrite burns away doubts so that we feel secure and rooted.
  • Aventurine – This stone inspires us to continue to honor our convictions so we can manifest joy.
  • Pink Tourmaline – An arbiter of peace, Pink Tourmaline increases our capacity for compassion, even toward our enemies.

How to Use These Protection Stones

Because we never know what we will face in the day, the stones in this set need to be regularly used to keep us safe.

Especially when we travel, whether on our work commute or much farther distances, securing these stones on our bodies and within our hands’ reach means that we surround ourselves in a shield of spiritual energy. No matter who we meet, or who aims thoughts of ill-wishes our way, we have protection to remain in harmony.

Crystals for Luck & Success

No matter how we define success, using crystals for good luck helps us take an intentional step to actively work towards our dreams. Our Mineral Intention Box for Luck & Success instills the mindset and motivation to focus on our journey ahead, leading us to abundance, wealth, and fulfillment.

This healing crystals set includes the following crystals for success, igniting excitement and commitment to the steps we need to take:

  • Aventurine – One of the most popular lucky charms, Aventurine infuses joy into our intentions to manifest abundance.
  • Pyrite – This crystal exudes its golden shine to attract wealth and prosperity our way.
  • Citrine – Although manifestation takes time, Citrine makes the adventure fun and exciting.
  • Tiger’s Eye – This stone leaves no room for doubts as it charges up our courage and positivity.
  • Clear Quartz – Because focus is a key to success, this crystal clears our thoughts so we can stay mindful of our goals.

Vibrationally High - Gold Citrine Evil Eye Double Pointer Necklace

How to Use These Lucky Stones

It takes hard work to accomplish our goals for success, but it’s easy to use these crystals for luck and money! Even if money isn’t what you’re after, you can tuck these crystals carefully into your wallet or let them encircle your spare change jars at home. That way, they will amplify the energy in your wealth zones.

You might also want to write down an abundance goal and place one or more of these stones on the paper to amplify your intention.

How to Use These Healing Crystals Sets to Achieve Your Desires

By using these healing crystals sets, we can focus more on our intentions and the things we want to manifest in our lives. Here are some of the best ways to get the most out of your crystals…  

Meditate With Them

Every stone has potent frequencies that can help us dive deeper into mindful, meditative states. Happiness crystals scan our thoughts to dispel negativity and invite joy. Other intentional sets used in meditation facilitate our ability to recognize our current patterns and make changes that will better nurture our intentions. Still others work to relax our body and mind, enhancing the benefits of meditation. 

Place a Stone in Your Pocket Each Day 

We mentioned how important carrying protection crystals can be. But protection doesn’t have to be the intention. Keeping any intentional stone with us throughout the day magnifies our focus. 

If we want to concentrate on a single intention for a week, we can cycle the stones into our pockets each day. That way, we calibrate our energy to work with the powers of a particular stone each day.

Place Them on Your Spiritual Altar

Having a special space in your home where your crystals can work and rest is important. By building a spiritual altar, you’ll create a sacred area where your stones can activate their frequencies into the world.

Whether we position crystals that attract money, crystals that attract love, or crystals that attract other potent desires, we can return to this space and realign ourselves with intention when we need a boost.

Create a Crystal Grid With Them

Because healing crystals sets include a selection of related and cooperative stones, creating a crystal grid with them unleashes a powerful wave of energy into the universe. From the heart shape we mentioned earlier to a pattern of the Flower of Life, sacred geometric shapes help manifest our intentions. In this way, we can use our crystal set to build a vessel for healing and change.

Learn About Them

While we’ve offered an overview of the amazing healing crystals in our Mineral Intention Boxes, there’s so much more to know about each and every stone. The more we get to know our crystals, the more we bond with them, and the more they can help us. The time we invest in learning about our crystals serves as a mindful, intentional practice as we connect with these healing companions or stones.

Final Thoughts 

When we seek a modern, spiritual lifestyle, we can connect with the universe and the Divine presence beyond us. As we work hard to manifest our intentions and to live our purpose, we should harness connective energy and realize we are never alone in our spiritual growth.

With healing crystals sets, we find tangible representations of the potent energy in the world, nudging us to transform into the best version of ourselves. 

Healing Stone