While every sign has its own significant meaning, we would encourage everyone to continue writing a gratitude journal everyday as well as your intentions and desires.
- March 21 – April 20
- Adventurous and energetic
- Pioneering and courageous
- Enthusiastic and confident
- Dynamic and quick-witted
Happy Birthday Aries. Albeit the shaky times right now, you are the “diva” of all signs and in a good way. This is a magical year for you, as long as you make it happen. Let’s start by paying extra attention toward your physical health and workouts. We know your looks are super important to you, so let’s move it up a notch over the next 3 months.
Change up your look, with a new haircut and get inventive with make-up, because love is in the air for you in 2020. So is career. You are a money makers, yet have a habit of staying stuck. Time to get “unstuck” and take on new challenges this year. You’ve got this.
- April 21 – May 20
- Patient and reliable
- Warm hearted and loving
- Persistent and determined
- Placid and loves security
Brave Taureans, you alway find a way to make money and continue to challenge yourself everyday. That is way too much energy to put out and it can be physically, emotionally and spiritually taxing.
2020 goals: Learn how to enjoy the “simple” things in life. Oh, so not easy for you.
How, you may ask? Every month on a New Moon or Full Moon you will create a ritual bath for yourself with lots of foo foo scents that you love.
And here comes the challenge for you. Meditate. Yep, turn it OFF. Lovely music and the “feels” are in order to uncomplicate the year ahead by creating more balance between the physical and emotional. Sorry guys, this is especially for you overly driven and hard working Taurean men.
- May 22 – June 21
- Adaptable and versatile
- Communicative and witty
- Intellectual and eloquent
- Youthful and lively
Affable, beautiful Gemini. Heart of gold and would do anything for anyone and often a bit too much. Take some time to nurture yourself Gem, you’re worth it.
This is a phenomenal year to get your creative juices flowing and up your communication game. For the next 3 months, be careful of being too scattered and start focusing on the details to succeed.
Fun, yet flighty, Gems must, must continue to get organized. Focus daily on being more disciplined. Make a list and check through it and remain on task. While you would rather live in a world of creatives, this is the time to get balanced and make some money. You will reap excellent rewards this year if you stay on point.
- June 22 – July 23
- Emotional and loving
- Intuitive and imaginative
- Shrewd and cautious
- Protective and sympathetic
Emotional Cancer, this is THE year for you to take care of yourself and your loved ones. It is never easy for you to shed your crabby shell, as you often seek it as a security blanket. 2020 is about career opportunities for you in a big way, be it new job, promotions or starting your own business.
This is why it is essential for you to be a little bit “selfish” and focus on your mind, body and soul, so you can take challenges head on and succeed. For your mind, create new projects that interest you. For your body, work it! For your soul, there is nothing like music, nature and meditation.
- July 23 – August 23
- Generous and warmhearted
- Creative and enthusiastic
- Broad-minded and expansive
- Faithful and loving
Outgoing, loving, energetic, life of the party Leo, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and expand your life’s expectations. If you feel stuck, journal and figure out what brings you joy and move forward by creating a plan of action. Doors will open once you pursue them.
It is also a great time for you to get closer to friends and family and shine with your excellent sense of humor. Put your beautiful warm heart to use and volunteer more this year, find spiritual grounding, however that looks and read, read, read. Expansion is your thing.
- August 24 – September 22
- Modest and shy
- Meticulous and reliable
- Practical and diligent
- Intelligent and analytical
Virgo, get ready for an outgoing year ahead, starting this month in Aries. Time to put your traditional logic on pause and focus more on your intuition, so you don’t miss out on some fun, loving energies coming your way.
So, if you’re feeling stagnant, push it aside and rely on your natural positive energy to get you to the next level. It’s also time to get organized and clear out what you don’t need, so you may open up space for what you do.
Friends will rely on you a bit more, be there for them, but keep your boundaries so you don’t deplete your energy. Put your natural meticulous nature to good use and do some heavy duty spring cleaning in your home and even your car. Get rid of everything you don’t need, so you may open up new space and energy.
- September 23 – October 23
- Diplomatic and urbane
- Romantic and charming
- Easygoing and sociable
- Idealistic and peaceable
Hello Lover Libra. Get ready to celebrate life, even more than you usually do. The never ending “party” planner and host, 2020 is your year. Draw in more of your close friends and family and forging new relationships, because balance is also essential.
Forever the dreamer, you will need to step a bit more into life right now and get goals accomplished during your decision making for 2020. While not an easy task, you will find that the harder you work, the more benefits you will reap. Balance, balance and a bit more balance between your dream world and the real world is very crucial these next 3 months.
- October 24 – November 22
- Determined and forceful
- Emotional and intuitive
- Powerful and passionate
- Exciting and magnetic
Never shy by any means Scorpio, this year will take you on an adventure. It is time to reinvent yourself so you can reach new goals and manifest what you truly desire. While you’re certainly outgoing and don’t put up with much, for the next month, take more time to be a bit more quiet and retrospective.
You’ll find yourself wanting closer and more meaningful relationships and that is why journaling your intentions for 2020 is very important.
Time for a spring cleaning and creating a “friendventory” list and eliminating those who are to negative for your subtle spirit. Put your natural passion to good use and take on a new hobby you’ve been “thinking” about a lot.
- November 23 – December 21
- Optimistic and freedom-loving
- Jovial and good-humored
- Honest and straightforward
- Intellectual and philosophical
Fiery, feisty Sagittarius, it’s time for you to envision what you REALLY want, because now is the time to make it happen. Luck is on your side, but you will have to work hard and work smart to make it happen and sustain it.
While you’re a chatty Cathy and love for communication is so important to you, the next 3 months will be challenging in that respect.
This is the time to expand your horizons by visiting new places, new people and learn more about the world, even if limited to going online at this time. It will appease your love for philosophy and expand your need for being intellectual. Boredom does not bode well for you right now.
- December 22 – January 20
- Practical and prudent
- Ambitious and disciplined
- Patient and careful
- Humorous and reserved
One of the most hardworking signs, Capricorn, it’s time to put your goals and career in overdrive. This is your year of success. Starting this month, during Aries, set higher goals for yourself. You will meet the demands and exceed expectations.
If you’re stuck, become one with the earth and go hiking, biking, plant shopping or bringing natural aromatherapy into your home.
Use your great sense of humor during times with friends and family and keep your creativity at an all time high. This will help open up to newer and more fabulous relationships.
With your natural disposition for being ambitious and disciplined, you will thrive, however, don’t forget to be a bit more patient right now if things don’t seem to be going your way. Stay focused and all is well in your world.
- January 21 – February 18
- Friendly and humanitarian
- Honest and loyal
- Original and inventive
- Independent and intellectual
Free spirited Aquarius, you may find the next 3 months a bit weird, mostly because you live in a dream world, rather than a real one. With your heightened sense tapping into everything that’s going on right now, your need to save the world and be a leader, however, you will need to break away and embrace a newer, un-Aquarian being.
Give yourself a break between now and June by taking long walks, exercising more and communicating with close friends, family and neighbors. Once the smoke clears, you will feel more grounded and can get back to being our altruistic leader.
If you’re feeling more restless than normal, use your creative and inventive nature to conjure up new ideas and possibilities for the things you really want in life. It will be fun.
- February 19 – March 20
- Imaginative and sensitive
- Compassionate and kind
- Selfless and unworldly
- Intuitive and sympathetic
Dreamy Pisces, this is your time to DREAM BIGGER! Pay extra close attention to your intuition and visions as they will guide you toward your deepest desires and goals.
While things seem foreboding right now and your nature is to take it all in, don’t! It is time to embrace your creativity and hard working nature and blend them together.
A natural adventurous soul, find newer and more exciting ways to learn about cultures, foods and music. It will resonate with you and for any tough moments, which Pisces have a tendency to push that aside and hope it goes away. Use your God given imagination and compassion and find ways to make a difference. You will be on top of the world.