We all want to have an abundant life. That’s really the reason why we want to manifest.
But it’s important to know that not all manifestation is equal. If you are primarily coming from your ego, your powers of manifestation won’t be that great. You may have some success, but whatever you create won’t ultimately fulfill you. We can only find true fulfillment when we are in touch with our essence identity, the "Deep I.”
So how do you do this?
If you want to manifest something, you have to start with the foundation. Spiritual manifestation is always the present moment. It’s not the future. It works very simply.
The greatest teachers who’ve existed on this planet have taught that. Whenever you want to manifest something, believe that you have already received it, and it will be given to you.
Now, what does that mean? You have to feel in this moment the fullness of life that is there when you go deep enough into the being of you. When you reach this, you feel a sense of joyful aliveness.
Table of Contents
- What Is The Power Of Spiritual Manifestation?
- Begin With The Dimension Of Being
- Feel It
- Envision And Feel What You Want To Manifest
- Let’s Look at an Example
- Balance Being With Doing: the Dance of Manifestation
- Write It Down and Create A Vision Board
- Ask For Acceleration
- Remind Yourself
- It Takes Practice
- The Takeaway
There is a sense of power, and that is the presence of you. There is power in that presence, and fullness is already there. When you’re in touch with the presence, everything else you will achieve in life is icing on the cake.
The fullness of life can be translated to mean abundance. But it’s key to realize that abundance does not mean having a lot of things. That would mean the kingdom of heaven is amazon.com.
Abundance is a deeper sense of aliveness, a fullness of life that you feel within you. When you can feel the presence or consciousness that you are, then all else is added to you. That is conscious or spiritual manifestation.

What Is The Power Of Spiritual Manifestation?
Spiritual manifestation differs from manifesting from the ego in some very important ways. When we manifest from the ego, we tend to have a feeling of lack and scarcity. But with spiritual manifestation, we create from a feeling of abundance, rooted in the fullness and richness of the present moment.
Spiritual manifestation always brings in the dimension of being, the dimension of spaciousness.
When you learn to balance being and doing, your creative life becomes empowered. The creative intelligence of the universe begins to work not only through your mind but also under the surface of things, affecting other people and situations that become helpful to you. But instead of manifesting to “get,” you become an instrument of the creative intelligence of the universe.
Many people are going deeper to become aware of something that can’t be seen but is rather felt. This is an undeniable field of energy, a consciousness that makes all sense perceptions possible. This consciousness, energy field, or presence is inseparable from who you are in your essence.
Your life purpose unfolds, on the one hand, through activities that you engage in on the dimension of doing. Many teachings on manifestation focus exclusively on this dimension, suggesting that if you get what you want, you will be happy.
But that’s actually a fallacy. If you’ve done this, you know that it doesn’t ultimately satisfy you.
There is another dimension which is the dimension of being, and it’s equally important to consider if you want to manifest.
To become a master at manifesting, you need to have a balance of both. It’s the dance between being and doing, not as separate things, but acting together – being and doing as one.
But the key is to remember that the ultimate source of satisfaction in life is to recognize yourself as consciousness. If you miss that key point, then no matter what you achieve or “get” in life is not going to make you happy for very long.
You can start now, right where you are. By going within you can discover the place where life is born continuously, the source of creation, consciousness itself.

Begin With The Dimension Of Being
So many people operate on the dimension of doing in order to manifest. But when they do this without being aware of the dimension of being, they live in a state of stress and anxiety.
Spiritual manifestation always brings in the dimension of being, the dimension of spaciousness.
Be still, and go within.
The foundation for manifestation is becoming intensely present and realizing your essence identity – and live from and through your essence identity. Through your essence identity, you can manifest things, but these are not the things that will make you truly happy.
They are the icing on the cake. They are not the cake. The cake is the here and now. That’s the key. It also means your inner state is no longer dependent upon external things.
Feel It
In the here and now, go within and see if you can find that place within where life is born continuously, but which in itself is unborn, timeless, and conscious. Start with the inner self, not the outermost, hoping that it will fulfill you.
If you are in touch with that which can’t truly be named, let’s call it Source, then you can manifest that which wants to come through and to you.
When you get in touch with your “Deeper I,” feel the profound abundance or fullness of life. This is the most fulfilling moment you will ever know.
Happiness is connectedness with the unmanifested. It is the joy that is not caused by anything “out there.” Un-caused joy. That is the joy of aliveness itself, the joy of being conscious, of life enjoying and recognizing itself.
Pay attention to this feeling. You’ll be struck by a vast power in this.
When a thought comes up – and it will – just let go of it. Don’t follow the thought. Recognize it’s just a thought, and then your attention becomes free for presence. It reverts back to the formless where it came from. Consciousness born into a thought becomes limited. Take the attention off the thought-form, and what remains is pure attention.
Envision And Feel What You Want To Manifest
Now visualize what you want to manifest. Let this visualization merge with the feeling of abundance of your “Deeper I,” or fullness of life. Merge with this presence, and that’s manifestation.
That also means, however, that if and when you get what you wanted to manifest, you’re not any happier, more joyful, or more fulfilled than you are already in this moment of feeling your abundance. The fulfillment can only be arrived at in the present moment because the fulfillment is not dependent on external conditions.
The fallacy of the ego is to believe that something in the external world that you could arrive at or could achieve has the capability at some point in the future of fulfilling you, of making you happy, making you complete, making you peaceful, making you feel your sense of self more strongly – whatever it may be.
So the belief is that something “out there” in the world can make you happy. That could be a person, an achievement, a place – whatever it is – you believe it will make you happy. But it cannot.
The world can briefly give you a sense that you have arrived, but then you realize that you want something else…it’s the case with anything you can achieve, even great worldly success. Many people become very miserable soon after they “arrive” at worldly success. So that’s not it.
The present moment is the key to all spiritual manifestation. If you feel the intensity of presence, then everything else is added to you.
Let’s Look at an Example
Let’s say you want to move to a place where it’s warm and sunny…perhaps Hawaii. You tell yourself that you want to move to Hawaii and that you’ll be happy there because it’s paradise. Perhaps you even paint a picture of Hawaii or create a vision board of it.
But the key is that you have to feel like you’re in Hawaii. If you can’t feel it now before you get to Hawaii, it’s not going to work very well. You first need to experience it as a feeling, and this is the essence of who you are —a feeling of being happy, fulfilled, and joyful.
Then if it manifests as a tropical island, that’s fine. But when you arrive in Hawaii and you are already feeling happy, it’s being “added to you.”
If the fulfillment doesn’t come from within in the here and now, whatever you want to “get” or achieve will be marred by something. Start with the “I am.” Otherwise, something will spoil your enjoyment of living in Hawaii. That’s the nature of the external world.
Enjoyment of manifesting in the external world doesn’t last very long. Remember the foundation is to realize your essence identity. There’s no greater fulfillment than to realize the consciousness that you are, the presence that you are, the being that you are – beyond the human.
Balance Being With Doing: the Dance of Manifestation
If you’re open to it, let’s remember the story of Mary and Martha in the parable with Jesus. Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet, immersing herself in the exquisite vibration while Martha is busy doing things she thinks will make Jesus happy.
Mary represents the dimension of being, while Martha represents the dimension of doing. Mary has received the better part of the deal, while Martha ends up feeling like she failed.
Ultimately, they’re not meant to be two different people. They need to become one human who does not lose connectedness with being when he or she is engaged in doing.
This is good news: it means you can’t fail anymore because failure means you didn’t get to that goal. Feeling like a failure is only a mental concept. Whenever you give too much power to the outside world and to external conditions and to the future, you will fail. Many people who are very successful and wealthy in the world are also very miserable.
So despite their success, they fail. There are also many famous, wealthy people who are okay because they have discovered the deeper dimension within themselves. Oftentimes, they had to go through unhappiness first, before they discovered this deeper dimension.
Write It Down and Create A Vision Board
When you come up with something you want to manifest, write it down. Create a vision board. Paint, draw, or create a collage of photos and words you’ve clipped from a magazine. Play at it. This is a way of “asking” Source for what you want to manifest.
Ask For Acceleration
Tell the universe or Source that you need help accelerating that which you wish to manifest. Be clear. Ask, then believe it to be so.
Remind Yourself
Remember your feelings of profound abundance and high vibrations. Stay connected with reminders. Wear high-vibrational gemstone jewelry and decorate your space with high-vibration spiritual décor. Karma and Luck Collections are loaded with treasures that will support you in your journey of manifesting.
It Takes Practice
Master the dance. It takes practice. Show up with a fierce dedication to those daily practices that connect and align you with your own understanding of universal energy, Source, or Oneness. When you’re connected to an energy that is greater than you, the right answers and solutions will reveal themselves.
Learn to let go of your thoughts and sense into your being. Feel what you want to create from that place.
Let it be easy because it really is. Choose yourself and your dreams every day by showing up to your personal practice -- and watch the magic happen.
The Takeaway
The foundation for spiritual manifestation is here and now. Start with feeling the profound abundance of your connection to Source, and then enjoy the doing from abundance.
Master this, and you will create a life beyond your wildest dreams.