Karma and Luck
July 17, 2019

Discover Jade Benefits, Healing Properties, Color Energy & Magic

By Faith Davis

Jade benefis

As a mineral that occurs in deposits across the globe, Jade benefits have been known to humankind for over 6000 years.

In ancient China, it was regarded as an imperial gem and held in the highest esteem, much like gold and diamonds in the Western world.

Jade occurs in various colors, with green being the most predominant. Other shades include blue, black, yellow, orange, brown, red, pink, lavender, purple, and white.

The primary energies of Jade are purity, wisdom, healing, and protection, but this versatile gem brings many more benefits as each color and shade offer their own properties.

Let’s discover how Jade, once regarded as a panacea by the ancient Chinese, can benefit our lives.

Benefits of Jade Stones and Crystals

Jade stone benefits are very nurturing and protective, gently guiding us to the truth of our essence while ensuring we don’t get overwhelmed along the way.

Metaphysically, Jade comes into our lives to encourage us to be ourselves in all situations by teaching us to know our true selves.

As simple as that sounds, it’s actually very challenging since we live in a very competitive world where popular media and society continually tells us who we should be. In order to fit in, we often believe in or do things that don’t sit well deep inside.

The result is a gradually increasing feeling that we don’t belong or that something is missing. Of course, we always belong to the universal energy and are part of everything that is, but what’s missing is that we’ve lost our way.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, Jade can gently guide you back to who you truly are within so that you can re-emerge and take your rightful, joyous place in life, free from the outside pressures to conform.

Jade benefits us the most when we keep it close to us at all times, such as wearing a Green Jade stone necklace. By having Jade near you, its energy can permeate your aura. Mediating with it can assist you in connecting with the Divine.

Jade healing properties

There are many ways you can use Jade benefits:

  • To guide and protect you or your children from bullies
  • For protection when traveling away from home
  • To soothe nervousness in new or unknown situations
  • As a study companion when preparing for exams
  • To restore optimum balance in volatile situations
  • To ease tension and shock after a traumatic event or bad news
  • To repair broken friendships and release grudges and resentment

Whenever you need to draw on Jade healing properties, simply hold it in the palm of your receiving (left) hand, or keep it close to your heart.

Jade is linked to the zodiac signs Libra and Taurus and the planets Venus and Mercury. You can use it to honor and work with the energies of the goddesses Venus, Isis and Kuan Yin, as well as Archangel Raphael.

This alluring stone is connected to the heart chakra, the earth, and nature, and in Feng Shui, to wood – the energy of expansion, growth, health, new beginnings and nourishment.

In the Tarot, Jade aligns with the Wheel of Fortune and the Empress. The Wheel of Fortune teaches us that life is in constant flux with ebbs and flows. The Empress connects us with the Divine and encourages us to be our authentic self while accepting things as they are. Combining these two cards with Jade’s ability to help us see past the restrictions of self-constraint are the perfect ingredients for facilitating a spiritual awakening.

Jade stone benefits

Jade Stones Healing Properties

Jade healing properties center around infinite wisdom and purity. Instead of bringing rapid change or results it encourages us to progressively find our way by opening doors to consciousness and offering guidance. Throughout the healing process, Jade’s protective properties are constantly present.

Apart from its core properties, the healing properties of Jade include:

  • Balance
  • Fertility
  • Growth
  • Harmony
  • Longevity
  • Moderation
  • Peace
  • Perspective
  • Serenity
  • Stability

Bring all or any of these energies into healing rituals, prayers and meditations. For example, you can use Jade for any of the following:

  • Understanding and releasing anger and irritability
  • Calming frayed nerves and anxiety
  • Identifying and breaking negative thought patterns
  • Ending self-sabotage through harmful behavior
  • When facing fear and self-doubt in times of change
  • To ease the trauma of loss, such as a job loss, divorce, or death
  • Developing honesty, first with the self and then others
  • Discovering spiritual and emotional maturity
  • Cultivating life force energy
  • Finding self-acceptance and self-love
  • Building confidence and self-esteem

Jade stones are particularly beneficial for dreamwork. Whether you’re having recurring dreams or want to get into dream analysis, Jade helps make dreams more vivid and aids memory later on. Wear a Jade stone necklace, or keep jade under your pillow.

Jade stone necklace

Jade Color Meanings

While all Jade properties are similar, the different colors bring additional benefits. You can combine them for specific situations or wear them together in harmony to enrich your life.

Black Jade Meaning

Black Jade is very protective and wards off negativity. Use it for physical and psychic protection and psychological assault, including negative and obsessive thinking.

Blue Jade Meaning

Blue Jade soothes the mind and enhances peace, contemplation, reflection, and serenity. It supports honest communication and can be used to assist us in speaking our truth. It is also used for dreamwork.

Brown Jade Color Meaning

Brown Jade is a grounding stone that connects us to the earth. Use it if you’re feeling disconnected and need comfort or want a deeper connection with nature.

Green Jade Meaning

Green Jade attracts luck, good fortune and prosperity. It also encourages friendship and supports new love relationships. In addition, it channels the natural cycles of birth, development, creation, death, and rebirth. It’s also a powerful aid when nurturing a new venture, relationship or the birth of a new baby.

Lavender Jade

Lavender Jade eases emotional hurt and pain, offers spiritual security, and nourishes the soul. Use it to strengthen connections to the Divine.

Orange Jade Meaning

Orange Jade brings spiritual joy and teaches the value and interconnectedness of all that is. Use it to boost energy and stimulate happiness.

Purple Jade Meaning

Purple Jade purifies the aura and inspires fun and happiness. It dissolves negative energy and enhances spiritual sensitivity by dissipating judgement.

Red Jade Stones Meaning

Red Jade meaning is life force energy. Use it to drive out self-sabotaging fear and for the courage to take action or let go.

White Jade Meaning

White Jade is a filtering stone, helping us to sort out what is relevant from irrelevant. It can be used when helpful, positive information is needed to facilitate decision making.

Yellow Jade Meaning

Yellow Jade brings positive, harmonious energy to any situation. Use it when you need to adapt without judging people, circumstances, or things.

Light vs Dark Shades of Jade

Lighter Jade properties promote Divine energy, spiritual development, faith, perseverance, and the connection to a higher purpose. Darker shades relate better to physical matters, including growth, luck, maturity, inner-strength and material abundance.

Green jade stone

Jade Magic Through History

Revered for its magical properties for thousands of years, Jade benefits have found their place in each culture of the world.

China Jade Stones Meaning

Of all cultures, it’s the ancient Chinese that held Jade stone in the highest esteem. Numerous ancient artifacts have been discovered, all of which have profound meaning and symbolism.

To this day, many Chinese people still gift each other with Jade jewelry, amulets, talismans, and objects.

Among the more popular Jade talisman, still popular today, is the “two brothers of heavenly love,” which depicts two men and is often given to strengthen friendship. Another one is a Jade phoenix which is given to young girls at their coming of age. 


The figure of a man riding on a unicorn is also a popular gift to newlyweds signifying the birth of a new heir from their union. Finally, a small carved Jade padlock is given to babies to be worn around the neck. The blessing is said to bind the child to life, protects it from all dangers and strengthens it against childhood diseases. 

At traditional Chinese weddings, the bride and groom sometimes drink from a Jade goblet carved with the image of a rooster. This is to honor the tradition of a beautiful white rooster whose young keeper threw herself into a well when she lost her lover. So great was the rooster’s love for her that he followed her into the well rather than living without her.

Ancient Chinese traders and business people would hold a Jade talisman in their hands throughout business negotiations to ward off shady deals and maintain mental clarity.

Lucky Shield - Jade Enamel Evil Eye Hamsa Bracelet

Green Jade stone butterflies symbolize success in love and lasting relationships, often gifted by bridegrooms in China to their new bride. The tradition stems from the legend of a poor youth who pursued a striking butterfly into the garden of a wealthy mandarin. There he met the mandarin’s beautiful daughter and they immediately fell in love. Instead of being punished for trespassing, the mandarin agreed to the young man’s request to marry his daughter. 

Jade was also used to produce music in ancient China through stone chimes. These were made of a series of sixteen Jade stones cut to different lengths and thicknesses. When struck, they produced different musical notes, and they were used in various ceremonies. There are also singers’ chimes that are made from 12 to 24 carved Jade stones.

Ancient Chinese burials often involved placing a piece of Jade in the mouth of the deceased for protection in the afterlife and to prevent the body from decaying.

Still very popular today, Jade dragons represent strength, health, good luck, and masculine energy.

Jade Tree of Life

The Rest of the World

Ancient South American priests used Jade carved knives, ornaments, and objects in religious ceremonies to honor the rain and sun gods and win their favor. Jade plaques, jewelry, weapons and warrior masks have been unearthed in archeological digs throughout the region as well.

Maoris from New Zealand used a Jade neck carving to represent a deceased family member or ancestor. When the head of the family or household died, it got buried with them, only to be unearthed sometime later and passed on to the nearest male relative that stepped into the role.

Men's Bracelet

Jade Colors Meaning Final Thoughts

Jade is a very versatile and profoundly healing and spiritual stone that works for the higher good in any situation.

It brings clarity and focus to the user and clears away emotional and spiritual debris, allowing us to see to the heart of the matter. However, while doing this, it shields us from harm by only revealing what we’re ready to accept.

Therefore, Jade benefits every aspect of life and makes an ideal companion piece to keep with you throughout your life.

At Karma and Luck, we have a deep appreciation for Jade benefits. That’s why we only use authentic stones handcrafted by artisans with love and care. Shop Our Jade Collection Now!

Jade collection