Karma and Luck
September 26, 2019

Lava Stone: Find the Fire Within

By Milica Mitrovic

Lava Stone

What is Lava Stone?

Lava Stone (also known as Basalt, or Lava Rock) is an intense mineral that forms when gasses in magma begin to solidify and harden into rock. These stones are found all around the world and are one of the oldest and most abundant minerals on Earth. Its origins play a key role in the stone’s healing properties.

Lava Rock is famous for its grounding and calming qualities that can teach us about depth, intensity, and change. This stone works well in stabilizing and anchoring the Root Chakra. When the Root Chakra is in sync with all the other chakras you will begin to feel grounded, safe, and secure. This is due to the stone's strong connection with the Earth.

Lava Stone Chakra Bracelet

Lava Stone teaches you to ignite the fire within and allow your true expression to show, giving you the inner strength to overcome personal challenges. This stone has the fire power to pull you back completely and bring you down to earth.

Allow the stone's power to boost, motivate and inspire you in whatever situation you find yourself in. Whether the situation appears good or bad, let Lava Stone give you the power you need and the wisdom to ground you.

Lava Stone

Lava Stone Spiritual Meaning

Lava Stone contains the power of fire, working to rekindle the flames of passion in your spirit. If you find yourself drawn to Lava Stone, chances are, the stone has chosen you instead of the other way around. In other words, it's a sign that it's time to transform your attitude and elevate your vibrational fields by lighting the wick of spiritual enlightenment.

Containing the intense power of volcanoes, use Lava Stone as your spirit guide, that wise voice on your shoulder giving you the gift of infinite wisdom it has gained from the Earth and its many transformations over millions of years. Use its power to anchor you to the Earth, an excellent healing aid when you're faced with major life changes.

An effective mood stabilizer in the world of gemstones, Lava Stone softens the edges of cynicism by cleansing your aura of negativity. Whenever you feel dark clouds taking over your naturally sunny disposition, sit in quiet meditation with Lava Stone and get ready to fire up the engines of your higher consciousness.

Lapis Lava Stone Wrap Bracelet

Lava Stone Properties

Lava Stone reminds us to always chase our dreams instead of running from our fears. With the power of Lava Stone healing properties, let the symbol of success and happiness be your radiant face as it takes on life with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

Lava Stones are also known for sparking your creative energy hidden deep within. Creativity is the language of the soul and with these stones in your life, you’ll be able to better express your ideas and dreams. This powerful stone radiates a high vibrational force that helps you connect at a higher level with other people. With the sky above, the earth below, and a fire within, go deep with the Lava Stone and be a fearless warrior in the pursuit of true happiness.

Lava Stone Bracelet

Lava Stone Benefits

  • It gives you courage, strength, endurance, and stability during tough times.
  • It helps you to diminish negative personality traits such as anger and envy.
  • Wearing Lava Stone bracelets also enables you to improve and acquire better traits, giving you guidance, clarity, and hope.
  • As it comes from the Earth, it can keep you grounded, strengthen your connection with the planet, and provide protection.

Lava Stone Bracelet

How to Use Lava Stone

Typically, Lava Stones (like most healing gemstones) are recommended to be worn in close contact with the skin, if not directly on the skin. This is because the barrier for absorption is not blocked by anything. It gives easy access for the energy to flow clearly, and Karma and Luck’s Lava Stone bracelets are exquisitely handcrafted for this purpose.

Meditate with Lava Stone to ground yourself in the energy of transformation. Connect with the energy of this stone to shift your perspective. During difficult transitions, let this stone provide confidence, stability, and support. With the calm, goal-oriented focus that Lava Stones emit, you will feel encouraged and motivated to keep pursuing positive progress. 

Lava Stone Bracelet