Karma and Luck
May 28, 2022

New Moon In Gemini: Money & Soulmate Manifestations

By Nadine Hamdan

Light-hearted, complex, intelligent twins, Gemini will enter into the next New Moon on May 30th. Every Zodiac sign will feel the fun, gregarious Gemini infectious energy. The time is ripe for asking yourself important questions about where you are in life and setting intentions for manifesting so much more before, during, and especially after this incredible lunar cycle.

What does one do on a New Moon in Gemini and until the next New Moon in Cancer?

Gemini Moon signs rule fundamental aspects of relationships and the building of friendships. So think about "vibrancy and strength" during this moon, and you are well underway to accomplishing a great month from the moon to moon cycle. 


Have fun for one thing, and begin some rituals and intentions that can help you put your thoughts, ideas, and dreams into the Universe and, without hesitation, ask for something in return. Gemini's are the flirtiest of all the signs, so dial it up a notch if finding a soulmate is in your 2022 purview. Don't forget; this is a miracle manifestation, New Moon.


Not only is the forging of relationships essential, but it can lead to significant opportunities for those who are ready to rock it and manifest more money and more significant opportunities.

We've been spinning for the past couple of years, and things seem to be a bit more steady right now. What an incredible time to get a bit out of your comfort zone, a tad crazier than usual, and get that creative manifesting streak going. Why? Because that's what a Gemini does, and this energy is right here, right now.

How do we start? With some self-love of course, and releasing all that doesn't serve you. You can't bring in the new without pushing out the old. 

Don't worry; it's not complicated. It's pretty simple and feels so good.


Self-Care Q&A

  • What and who can I release from my life that doesn't serve my highest potential?
  • What are my biggest fears around my success in relationships and/or money?
  • Am I stuck in a rut because I'm too scared to move forward?

Write down these questions and answer them honestly if you're so inclined. Then, during the New Moon coming up on May 30th, go outside if you can or even find a quiet place in your home and sit still. Take the questions and answers above, then write down your greatest wishes and desires below them.

When you've finished, recite these powerful mantras and releases. However, if you miss the moon cycle, do them in the sanctity of your home when you can. The effects are just as powerful. 


  • I release 'insert name(s)' in love and peace.
  • I release my fears around my success.
  • I release any scarcity I may have about moving forward.

You're welcome to use these examples, but please feel free to put your thoughts and words to paper and then out to the Universe during this super powerful New Moon and for days after. Gemini energy is centered around feeling free and releasing negative energy, so this New Moon may inspire you to shift and let go of things that somehow make you feel stuck or trapped.

A few mantras you may wish to use and replace those you've released.

  • I call in my highest and best relationships.
  • I am a money magnet and open to receiving.
  • I don't have scarcity in my life.

Before we get into our money and manifestation mantras below, keep in mind that doing healing work during this powerful Gemini New Moon to the following Full and New Moon cycle can open many of your chakras that are closed off. You will begin to feel freer, lighter, and inspired.

Here are some ideas for self-care that can help this month that will lead you to many more months of positive energy.

  • Yoga: Beginners, this is the best time. Intermediate, have fun. Experts, well, you've got this.
  • Meditation: Is yummy. Give it a try, and the benefits of silence will blow your mind open.
  • Baths: Epsom salt, lavender, or good-smelling natural oils are fantastic. Relax, breathe, and experience joy.
  • Walking: Get that headset, or earbuds on with your favorite music or spiritual guru on your iPod or phone and get outside.
  • Fill a room with candlelight and sit quietly with your thoughts. Listen to them and turn them into a positive experience. Feel free to put on some chanting via YouTube. It feels so good.
  • Make a cup of tea every day, take a half-hour break, savor every sip, and breathe in positive mantras.
  • Cleanse all your crystals by leaving them out overnight under the New Moon on May 30th. Put them out on June 14th Full Moon if you didn't get a chance during this cycle.

28 Days Of Money Mantras and Manifestation

When you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you'll never have a negative view of yourself again. And when it comes to money, we're often conditioned to believe and behave a certain way.

Have you heard the term "money is liquid?" That means it is fluid and readily accessible.

How, you may ask? 71% of the earth is covered by water, and the human body is 60%. However, your brain is composed of 73% water and your lungs 83%. What does that have to do with you and manifesting money? A lot!

We are in the Aquarius air element with water bearer energy. There is no time like the present to take these words to heart and do the work. Write and chant (use those lungs) with these money mantras. Let's begin with shifting thoughts around money first.


Limited thinking brings on limiting beliefs, and that is when we create limited funds. So we're going to do something about that.


It takes between 18 to 21 days to change any habit. So, let's become money magnet overachievers and recite a positive money mantra a day for the next 28 days before the next New Moon on June 28th so that we can manifest some miracles. (From the date of this article, until the next moon is 32 days. We like to give everyone extra time to get on board if they miss a few days. Also, the longer you do the money mantras, the more you release into the Universe).


The trick to manifesting anything is believing it, working on it, and making it come alive. So let's start with "believing" by verbally saying each mantra out loud at least three times and taking a deep breath between each one.

Let's create an area of balance or "chi" in your house. It could be your home office, personal office space, or a place where you work. We focus on creating wealth and abundance, so good Chi flow brings the money energy into your environment. 


Clean the area you've chosen and get that good Chi energy flowing. If you have a plant that comfortably fits, place it in your created area. Plants exude oxygen. If not, no worries. Our Feng Shui Tree Of Life is very powerful in keeping the gemstone/crystal energies flowing. 

Place a couple of $1.00 bills on the table and a glass of water on the corner of the bills. We will replace the glass of water every day with a new one. You can use the same glass if you wish. Just refill with fresh water.

This physical practice reminds us that we can fill our glass every day, and there are no limitations.

Write that specific daily mantra below on a post-it note or piece of paper and place it by your cash and water. Then, recite the mantra three times, with a deep breath in between.

The next day, throw away the previous mantra, replace it with the new one, and repeat the mantra affirmations. You may keep the previous mantras and put them somewhere in your home where you can continue to see and recite them daily—power in numbers.

Let the Universe know you mean business. Let's make that 75% liquid, flowing energy work for us.



Money is an unlimited resource, and it is constantly flowing my way.


I am a money magnet.


I enjoy making money and getting paid.


My passion can make me rich.


I am open and ready to receive money now.


I am vibrationally aligned with prosperity.


Manifesting more money comes naturally to me.


I am open and ready to receive money now.


Every dollar I spent comes back to me multiplied.

DAY 10

I fully release my money blocks.

DAY 11

I am open to receiving abundance.

DAY 12

Abundance is my right, and I deserve it.

DAY 13

My money-making opportunities are limitless.

DAY 14

I have put channels in place to receive money.

DAY 15

Something extraordinary is about to happen to me; I am open.

DAY 16

I am a powerfully charged money magnet.

DAY 17

My positive feelings about money attract me every day.

DAY 18

I am worthy of positive cash flow.

DAY 19

I have abundant joy and love in my life and call in financial abundance.

DAY 20

I notice and am open to new money sources.

DAY 21

I release all resistance to attracting money.

DAY 22

I live each day appreciating my worth.

DAY 23

There's more than enough for everyone.

DAY 24

I receive money from all sources for my highest good and greatest joy.

DAY 25

I see myself living a life with financial freedom.

DAY 26

I live confidently, knowing I am worthy of prosperity.

DAY 27

There's more than enough for everyone.

Day 28

I honor money. I am open to receiving abundance on all levels. Thank you, Universal energy, for guiding me.


You deserve to be happy in your relationships and prosper in life. So keep your money and abundance energy flowing every day with our Prosperity and Abundance gemstones.