The Chinese New year will start on February 12th and begin the year of the Metal Ox. The Ox is the second sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It comes after the Rat and before Tiger.
This year, 2021, according to Chinese Horoscope, it's good to focus on relationships, whether they're friends, work or romantic partners.
The Ox is hardworking and in 2021, as long as you're willing to put in the hard work, you will see your hard work rewarded and abundance flow.
Because this year is a metal year, the color of the year is white.
There are also lucky colors of the Ox, which are green and yellow. Try not to wear them at the same time though :).
To increase your luck wear metal accessories and crystals this year to enhance your good karma and increase positivity and luck.
We have a beautiful New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, Feb 11th @ 11:05am PST / 2:05pm EST. New Moons are about new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds of intention for what you want to see grow, flourish, and expand in the coming months. So, even if you've missed it, you can still take advantage of the energy.Aquarius energy enjoys all things that are unique, different, radical, unconventional, innovative, and humanitarian endeavors. Like all New Moons, they happen once a month and only one time a year for each sign. So, Aquarius this is your one New Moon for the year AND it's an amazing one!
This Aquarius New Moon is a great time to get out of your comfort zone, do what you have always wanted to do and expect Miraculous happenings! We will have Venus (Love, Money, Values & Self Worth) and Jupiter (Expansion, Growth, Good Luck & Abundance) meet up in the sky in an exact aspect on this New Moon! This means goodness is brewing... Access it in your mind, Activate it with your intentions and allow the Universe to bring it into fruition.
All signs will be affected by this powerful New Moon but the signs most impacted will be Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. you ready? Let’s feel the luxury and confidence of this Aquarius energy. Keep reading, so much more.

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Below are some easy exercises that can really put you in a positive space, and help you clear your energy, so you can call in bigger and better opportunities.
- Breathe in the positive and breathe out the negative while stretching. Rid yourself of worry first thing in the morning and start your day with positive vibes.
- Sing out loud to your favorite song, every day, and get those endorphins flowing. If you feel inclined, dance like no one is watching and if someone is watching, make them join you.
- Get healthy with self-love by raising your self-esteem in 2021 and manifest all kinds of love for yourself. Whether you're in love, looking for love, falling in love or wishing to surround yourself in more loving energy, make it a focus by journaling your deepest love desires.
- Write down your wishes and thoughts. Either by journaling or on sticky notes (leave positive affirmations around your home). If journaling is your gig, awesome, otherwise do what you feel is comfortable
- Meditate specifically on what you wrote and your intentions (love, money, home, relationships). The Universe is listening.
- Read a few pages of a motivational (spiritual or inspirational) book or article once a week. It will retrain that brain and it is POWERFUL!!!
This the perfect time to call in your money mantras, get physical exercise on the menu and take time to breath.
- While practicing social distancing, get outside in your neighborhood and walk at least 30 minutes.
- Get that walking app going to gauge your distance and steps.
- Listen to your favorite music or inspirational podcast.
- Recite money mantras while you're either walking or in a quiet space meditating.
** I am not in scarcity.
** I am not in lack.
** I am connected to money source energy.
** I am fully present to making money.
** I am fully present in accepting help around making money.
** I am fully aligned with living a life of luxury.
- Create a vision board. Even a small one will impact your daily thinking on what you truly desire. It can be about money, vacations, a dream job, or whatever you can clip from a magazine. Manifest your thoughts.
- Bake something absolutely delicious once a week. Cookies, cake, or that special dish you’ve always wanted to try. Sometimes we need to feed our stomach and our soul. If it turns out perfectly, perfect! If not, that’s fine too.
- Share recipes with friends, family or on your social media and spread the love of sweetness. It is Valentines Day after all.
These simple, daily, and weekly self-care items will make a difference physically and mentally.
Chinese New Year, New Moon & Valentines Day all rolled into the same energy and the perfect time for you to manifest, manifest and manifest.
Share the love with your friends and family too. Supporting each other is so important right now and, together, we can turn it into a fun and energetic experience.
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Much love from your Karma and Luck family.
Written by: Nadine Christine Hamdan