Karma and Luck
November 22, 2021

Sagittarius Season: Compatibility & How Will It Affect My Zodiac Sign ?

By Nadine Hamdan
sagittarius season

Sexy, optimistic Sagittarius season is here, and it has all kinds of positive vibes for your Zodiac sign. Well, for some of us, there may be a twinge of "I really should work on this." Just a twinge, though. Sagittarius Season is all-around positive.

How many sweet ways can we say BUH BYE ? Let's start with the sexy, optimistic Sagittarius Season, which begins on November 22nd and ends on December 21st. But just because it officially ends on that date, the vibes you create during this season will resonate for months to come.

Right on the heals of Scorpio season, we leave off with all things "intense" and create the glimmering promise of a bright future and our best selves.

Sagittarius season doesn't just affect Sag's; it affects us all. Your sign (below, but not yet) will help you discover elements that could alter your into the sexiest future, which is influenced by hope, adventure, and freedom. The stars and moon are aligning, but you may have a bit of work ahead of you.

Don't scroll down to your sign before reading about the three most essential elements that affect ALL signs during Sagittarius Season.Philosophical Thought - Sagittarius Card Necklace

What Is Significant About Sagittarius Season ?

In the ninth house of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is all about these top 3 elements::


But it doesn't just manifest, like POOF; it's all here. Nope. It's up to you to make sure that you understand the positivity and good vibes that these next 30 days bring and are all about you making it a part of your daily life.

When you do, intuition will take over intensity.

What Does Sagittariys Season Mean For Your Zodiac Sign?

Let's start with the three most essential elements we brought up, how significant they are in your manifestation as you read your Zodiac sign below, and how Sagittarius Season will affect you.

First Element: FREEDOM

Now is the time to begin removing obstacles from your life and decluttering your home, eliminating "friends" and whatever is weighing you down. You will feel this urge strongly during Sagittarius Season and upcoming New Year.

Job: If your job sucks, ramp up your resume, get on Indeed.com, and set goals to begin achieving your short-term goal of a new job. That which does not serve you any longer needs to be gone.

Friendventory: Who gets to stay and who needs to go. This one isn't as difficult as most think it is. Start with your social media and snip, snip. Then do an inventory of the people in your life that are negative and don't contribute much. Cut off the extra weight. You will feel FREE, and it will allow you to open doors to newer, more positive relationships.

Second Element: ADVENTURE

Really? Adventure during a pandemic? Yep. This isn't your traditional "I'm going to take a cruise around the world" adventure. Instead, this is "I am releasing everything that I am afraid of and intimidates." Time to begin manifesting your ultimate experiences.

Continue this mantra and check in on your feelings. New Year is a month away, and Sagittarius season is the optimal time to create the best and strongest you.

New You. New Vibes. New Tribes. New Adventures.

Get out that journal, printer paper, tablet, or laptop and start typing away your release of and begin the adventure. What are you doing? Who are you doing it with, and where are you going?

Third Element: OPTIMISM

Most of us spend so much time overthinking everything. During this month, spend more time being optimistic about the future and making daily gratitude's an absolute priority.

Make mantras matter. Whatever suits you. "Let go and let God." "Live and let live." "Live in love." "Live, laugh, love." We can go on and on, but it's up to you to write down your favorite optimistic quotes and keep them where you can see them every day.Sagittarius Zodiac

A positive quote a day sends negativity away!

OK, now you can scroll down to your sign, but also, make sure to stop at the signs of your loved ones, boyfriends, potential boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, best friends, sisters, brother, aunties, uncles, and family. Then make sure to forward this article to them so that you can spread the love and keep them informed. Sharing is good karma.


If you're wondering what to gift yourself (you know you wanna) or someone you love, adore and cherish, then click on the link under your sign and see our gorgeous spiritual holiday gift guide, which includes our most popular gemstones, Red String Bracelets, Feng Shui Tree's and so much more and get 25% off too. Now that's the way to gift and bring in the New Year with meaning.

How Does Sagittarius Season Affect My Sign?

ARIES & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Courageous, Determined, Confident, Optimistic

Sagittarius Season makes it quite clear that your relationships need to evolve, and there are serious problems to solve. Still, it's vital to be positive as everything is solvable and be positive, proactive, and undeterred by the pitfalls.

There is tension within you; this can make you rather sexy, appealing, and hard to relate to. You seek intense and engaging relationships (if single) with rapid sharing of secrets. However, it's hard for men to open up to you as you inadvertently give off mixed signals. You appear to be an exciting person looking for adventure, but you quickly slam on the breaks, and a cautious side of you can emerge suddenly, confusing your new partner.

If you find the right person, all bets are off, and you can fall deeply in love. However, you may find that you fall in love despite yourself; you can't control who you fall for; you may fall for someone who isn't 'your type,' but if they have that inner strength, you are drawn to them.

New romances are complicated as you may not have much in common with your partner in terms of mentality and values; you may clash on many levels, but something powerful draws you together, and the chemistry makes the relationship exciting and intense.

Good relationships with others are crucial to business success, and you may enter new partnerships or business arrangements where you combine your economic resources to achieve an objective. Working with others need not mean a loss of independence; it can merely create another vehicle for you to express ambition. In addition, partnerships often bring discipline and structure, which aids you in focusing on goals more consistently.

You may not feel supported by family or your parents, they may not be fully on board with your aims, or perhaps they are distracted and not there for you emotionally. You need to be comfortable with yourself, you cannot always get that approval or validation right now, and you need to generate that feel-good factor within. Stop giving yourself negative feedback or tying yourself to outdated rules or routines, change has to happen, and it happens on many levels, and you cannot feel guilty about that.

Your emotional health is in focus, and you have to take full responsibility for that without looking to take everything personally. The greater your level of emotional immaturity, the more you feel threatened and the more you react from a place of vulnerability. Love yourself unconditionally and respond to problems from a position of strength.Aries

TAURUS & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths:Reliable, Patient, Practical, Devoted, Responsible.

This month you are filled with spirit and enthusiasm, and you are also quite willful; you have more energy and are in tune with your spiritual will, which gives you a lot more confidence in going after what you want. 

Relationships and marriage will have to adapt as you aren't taking any restriction or control; you can quickly gain ground you may have lost by being over accommodating last month. Your independent spirit is aroused; you don't feel inhibited when asserting yourself or demanding what is yours.

Friendship is the most important thing in new relationships right now; you have to relate to your lover on a mental level and discuss ideas and bounce these off each other in a non-judgmental way. You don't necessarily have to agree with a partner. However, you need to have similar interests to debate and discuss because these fuels love right now.

The new moon this month occurs directly in opposition to Uranus in Taurus, making this November significant. You can move past limitations that are both long and short term in duration, you are purposeful, yet you could jump the gun and attack things too vigorously, perhaps burning bridges.

You have a lot more vitality and energy, and even at home, you may rush around doing things, making changes, and looking for something to improve. 


GEMINI & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Dualistic, Versatile, Curious and Optimistic.

Balancing needs and feelings and getting the timing right in love is essential during Sagittarius Season. This can be an excellent month for love and sexual relationships. Gemini's are more aware, more sensitive, and more perceptive concerning love this month. 

November has much to offer regarding relaxed companionship, harmony, and compatibility in your relationships. There is loads of sexual energy and the chance for some great sex, but take your time; a hasty job spoils a master's touch.

Marriage works very well right now as a team unit – you are not only focused on the romantic side of the union but also on the practical side of marriage: working together to build a home, save money, raise a family, and set down roots. 

Now is not the time to press on with things that are not working regarding interpersonal communication – if you hear criticisms, take them into account and see if you can use them to adapt how you approach a new date. 

If anything is pending on the home front or your personal life, bring it forward and tackle it now, seize the day and act this month. Get out ahead of events and deal with it head-on. Some conflict this month is inevitable, yet you shouldn't get embroiled in it; show leadership, be positive, and keep things on track. 


CANCER & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Domestic, Sensitive, Emotional and Protective.

New relationships that start now are very compelling and exciting; in fact, they can consume you and take you to a new level of awareness. Your senses are keenly attuned now, and you can enjoy intimacy like never before as you can appreciate even the slightest touch or sexual nuance. You may be drawn to someone almost irrationally; it is a blind kind of love that is exciting, baffling, and dynamic.

A new moon in Scorpio triggering Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius brings an exciting time for business decisions. 

November is a highly creative and inspired time for those who work in the arts, yet it is not necessarily profitable. This is a month when you can generate some wonderfully innovative ideas; however, you may not be able to get to work on them in any practical sense due to other commitments. Take notes so you can pick up on these ideas later.

CancerLEO & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Creative, Passionate, Generous, Warm-hearted.

You have an abundance of confidence during Sagittarius Season. However, success in love needs humility to reach the most equitable solution, which brings about a positive long-term solution, not a quick fix.

In relationships, you may get a negative response even when you think you are being reasonable or stating the obvious. Your partner may look to take you on about things that are not even important; he may be obtuse for no reason. You have to deflect this passive aggression or even belligerent obstruction as it's his way of exerting control.

You have to have a very strong sense in your head and heart about what is true because it's probable that a partner will grind you down with stubborn attitudes and unwillingness to compromise.

There is one small snag in new love, and that is emotional hypocrisy – in some cases, you may be using excess effusiveness and charm to mask feelings and issues you do not feel you can deal with. Are you putting on a brave face? Is it a front? If not, and you are honest with yourself, then go and have a ball this month. However, if there is something deeper nagging, don't lie to yourself about it, even if you delay dealing with it.

A great time for single Leo to meet new potential partners – you are filled with confidence and VA VA Voom, and being highly sociable will certainly attract lovers. However, you must ask yourself what attracted you to this new person: their love or life, love of fun and generous giving nature, or was it their lifestyle and social status? So often, under these planetary influences, we meet and are attracted to someone with wealth and prestige, but we are not attracted to the real person – it is a superficial attraction.

Reconnect with faith: faith in yourself, your family, your beliefs, and draw on the power of your own inner wisdom.

The new moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus may cause sudden events in your home and family life. This may coincide with a home move or a decision to move somewhere radically different from pursuing a new lifestyle. Home moves that happen now are connected to seismic shifts in priorities, objectives, and ambitions. For Leo, you may suddenly begin to move in a direction you had never previously considered as being for you or part of your plan. Yet, suddenly a whole range of new alternatives seem very appealing.


VIRGO & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Loyal, Analytical, Kind, hardworking, Practical.

During Sagittarius Season, you feel strongly about things, and you are very opinionated, which can end up causing waves in relationships. It would be best if you vented more constructively, you tend to experience more disapproval of your new partner, but you won't change their mind by coming on strong. Work on being subtle. When you are angry, instead of saying, 'You make me so mad when you....', instead say, 'It's very disappointing when you....'. Take the sting out of the tail.

If you are arguing with your partner, throw in a few compliments too, this can diffuse a situation that's getting too heated and irrational. It can bewilder him and give you an edge; it's almost like you can grab the moral high ground, and suddenly the mood shifts, and you can make your point more effectively.

You will find that you push your partner's buttons this month; however, when he gets defensive, don't react, stop, listen and learn from his behavior. It could be highly illuminating.

This is a month that's very intellectually rich but also challenging. You may become involved in heated debates; you may have to prove your point or fight your corner repeatedly. It's not easy to be heard, but the struggles you face will help you. It's not just about having the truth or the relevant facts on your side; you must speak loudly and boldly as it's often a battle to break through the white noise. 

Get away from the rat race during Sagittarius Season because life really is a rat race this month. Quality time is in short supply, and so periods of communication are intense and not always sensitive. As a result, emotional matters are either put on hold or ignored this month. Breath, smile and believe. You've got this.


LIBRA & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Cooperative, Diplomatic, Gracious, Social.

You may rush into relationships during Sagittarius Season, or you may try to hurry a new partner on to the next perceived stage. You are very eager to capitalize on new opportunities that have arisen in love. Yet, through insecurity, you can want to cement things when you should be remaining more flexible.

Instead of rushing the relationship through the bases, stop and ask yourself what the hurry is? Why are you anxious? Why can't you trust in yourself enough to allow things to unfold at a natural pace? The pace of a relationship needs to make you both comfortable; if you force it, you risk creating discomfort, and thus cracks develop.

However, moving quickly need not be wrong if you have hit it off big time and can't get enough of each other. If it's mutable and he's ringing you as much as you are ringing him, that's great. However, if you feel you are doing most of the running and friends or family are ringing an alarm bell, stop and listen, don't be pig-headed.

There can be sudden opportunities; however, the money may not be available to take these up, and so you may look to divert funds from somewhere else or even break agreements with others to free up cash.

Time to be innovative in your job or career. Jump at any opportunities to learn or do something different. You are encouraged to review the skills you do not use and to look for ways to use these skills again. Libra must reconnect with your vocation; what did you enter a particular career with the intention of doing? When and how did you get off track and get bogged down, and how can you reinvigorate your passion for your work or vocation?

Working in a career, you feel you have a vocational attachment to help build self-esteem and a sense of purpose, so what are you waiting for? Move your energy into a career or aspect of a job that inspires you and makes you feel like you are making a valuable contribution.


SCORPIO & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Resourceful, Brave, Passionate, Stubborn, Loyal.

You are a cheerful companion during Sagittarius Season, and you are all about having fun. So, you may find yourself delaying difficult topics of conversation until another time. 

You can arrange fun events, weekend trips, and little treats that can enhance your relationship and love life. It's about focusing on the upside, reinforcing what matters, and having laughs. Socialize together, invite mutual friends over and get the fun factor back into the relationship.

This month is ideal for internet dating or using dating apps as you enjoy that light-hearted back, and forth you get at the start of a relationship before things get complicated.

This is an excellent time to make money using your personality, passion, and charisma. You have a powerful aura about you right now. You can express yourself with dynamic and vibrant energy, which helps you break down barriers, open opportunities, and get results.

You can exploit your talents and are skilled at finding the resources you need to extend your business or make your way in your career. Set your targets high this month you can achieve them.

This month, Uranus is a powerful force for Scorpio, which means that the invalid or false expectations you are fulfilling will be called into question. Even if you feel emotionally or financially trapped in a situation, a sudden event or meeting can bring about a change that you didn't expect, bringing you to release from that situation.

It's an excellent time to renew your associations. This is a period when you can benefit from getting different or alternative advice. Open your mind and no longer believe that the enemy of your friend is your enemy, as that may not be so.Scorpio

SAGITTARIUS & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Generous, Idealistic, Funny, Friendly.

Well, well, Sagittarius, ready to have an awesome month? 

This is an excellent month for marriage and relationships, and you can invigorate your love life but, revitalizing your love life means you have to think outside the box. Don’t rely on the same boring ideas, like going out for dinner to the same place, with the same friends, talking about the same things, etc. No, you have to incorporate the element of surprise, and there is no one better than you, Sag!

Do you know that at the heart of all effective and successful seduction is the surprise? In fact, seduction involves a degree of surprise; however, surprise is often the first thing that disappears after you've been in a relationship for a while and you've got into a routine. Surprise needs effort, and often you don't put in that effort, so this month that's what you've got to do. Put in the effort to do different things, from going to new places or even playing truth or dare, etc. think about ways to surprise each other.

This month, there is a reality check in your new relationships, and the brakes may need to be applied. So what you have to do is to focus on the heart of the relationship. Ask yourself what exists at the CORE of the relationship, question whether it is healthy or built on solid foundations.

Good relationships on firm foundations become stronger right now despite the obstacles and hurdles that you face between each other and from outside sources.

New relationships which start now are great if you've got a lot of work-related things to talk about or projects and hobbies that you want to share your passion about. Unfortunately, you're pretty slow to reveal yourself to each other emotionally. That side of the relationship can take time to develop; this may be behind a lack of affection in your relationships. You're both just a little more fearful and more cautious than usual, but this fear will soon dissolve.

Because you have so many planets in Scorpio, which rules your 12th house, your energy level is lower, and you will be very conflict-avoiding. So it's best to pace yourself and not to bite off more than you can chew, as it's very easy to become inspired and enthusiastic, but it's tough to do the practical elements of any project.

November is an opportune time to do meditation, concentrate on self-healing, and enjoy things like yoga, swimming, and getting out in nature. It's a perfect time to de-stress, escape from the cares and worries of the world, and get in touch with your true life calling. Of course, spiritual pursuits should be central, and it's a time when you can make a lot of progress in this respect.

This is not the best month for a significant new project, especially in business. Your ego energies are at a low point which means you are less decisive, less determined, and more easily sidetracked or even deceived.


CAPRICORN & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Responsible, Disciplined, Controlled.

Patience is essential during Sagittarius Season for you, Capricorn, especially in new relationships. Look for a sign that the relationship is healthy, especially in the first stages when you iron out the differences in values and in dealing with your respective baggage; patience is crucial, especially with Mars square Saturn this month.

Knowing the difference between people-pleasing and patience will get you quite far. Patience must be tempered with realism. If your needs are not being met, if your personality is being suppressed, if you are not experiencing satisfaction for your desires, then maybe the relationship is not ideal for you. 

Decide what relationships you want to continue and which ones no longer serve you this next month. 

You are very impatient this month and may make a rash move financially. However, it's important not to make decisions when you feel emotional; it's not easy to be objective and shut off those gut-level emotions that can lead you astray. You are feeling significant and magnificent shifts. Rely on your gut instinct and your mind simultaneously. 

This month is somewhat frustrating in terms of your ambitions and ability to express yourself. But don't be disappointed. It's time to shed your cacoon, beautiful butterfly.

With Mars squaring your ruler, Saturn, it's not a good time for a new start in terms of new relationships, business or personal, moving home, starting a new diet, or making a significant life decision. In addition, you may have less confidence to spearhead initiatives, so it's wise to buckle down and consolidate rather than expand. If you apply this during November and December, you will ring in the New Year anew.

Physical activity is vital to help you release the build-up of tension and cope with stress, as this month you have greater responsibility, more work. It's all rather tedious and not especially rewarding. However, it would help if you focused on forms of exercise that involve slow and steady movements rather than action-packed combat sports. Also, look after your bones and teeth by increasing calcium-rich foods and vitamin D supplements. Health issues can come to light, but you can resolve them quickly by simply reducing foods that contribute to inflammation.


AQUARIUS & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Progressive, Original, Independent, Humanitarian

Aquarius is quite a stubborn creature. While Uranus is your ruler, and Uranus is the planet of change, excitement, and rebellion, your co-ruler Saturn, who loves structure, can be very stubborn and rather traditional in terms of values. So you'll always have this conflict going on within you until you do something about it, and Sagittarius Season offers you change.

The one side of you wants to grab hold of change and be a free spirit. Still, the other side of you would prefer relationships with a lot of security. Routine or structural inner conflict will now play out in relationships, so your internal conflict between rebellion and security will not be coming to the fore in your relationships. It may be you seeking freedom and your partner wanting more restriction and more security, or it could be the opposite way with you wanting more commitment while your partner is pressing for more freedom. It's essential to recognize that this freedom vs. security dilemma stems from within you. 

It will take courage to act as you will have to let a few people down to rectify any mistakes or bad decisions. It would be best if you made some tough decisions right now, and often, it means cutting back in the short run so that you can surge forward in the longer run. So get ready to cut back now both financially, emotionally, and in terms of conserving energy, so you've got more in the tank for a few weeks and months down the line when you will need that energy to face more significant hurdles. 

Taking advantage of Sagittarius Season to get yourself aligned in relationships will bring you new perspectives in New Year, and from there, the Universe will take action alongside you and help you manifest what you truly desire.Aquarius

PISCES & Sagittarius Compatibility and Affect

Strengths: Empathetic, Loving, Intuitive, and Dreamy

In relationships, Sagittarius Season is an excellent time to think ahead about the kind of lifestyle or progress you would like to make in the next five years. Where do you see yourselves, what do you think your future should look like, do you and your partner agree on what you aspire to? Because if you do concur on the relationship vision, this is wonderful for enhancing the relationship and increasing stability and motivation.

It's very important for you not to hold yourself back because you think that the career advancement may threaten the relationship's stability. After all, it could be the exact opposite. For example, your career change could be what takes your relationship to a whole new level and opens opportunities for your partner as well. Or it might even be the case that a unique opportunity for you that your partner can get involved in and that you can do together as a brand new enterprise.

The key in romance is to make sure you have left your past relationships behind and fully embrace new relationships without hankering over an ex. Hence, it would help if you broke free from the habits or mindsets you developed in a past relationship. Otherwise, these will cast a shadow on the current romantic liaison, whether serious or simply flirtatious.

You may have gotten off on a bad foot with a new romantic partner; perhaps it's time to take a little break away from each other and see how you feel. Create a bit of space, be brave enough to walk away, and if this new relationship is meant to be, it'll still be waiting for you in a few weeks and will be even more passionate, more balanced, and more respectful than it was when you revisit it.

Even if you're not currently looking for a new job, it's worth keeping your eyes open because there may be something out there for you where you could earn a lot more money. So put yourself out there; you may be headhunted.

To take advantage of the energies of November, you need to cooperate, stay open-minded and be observant. The best opportunities are outside your current environment; you need to think bigger and push back on your comfort zones. 

Think of what you can do to create opportunities for opening doors and how you can make yourself more visible as opportunities arise. Right now, Pisceans should be all about expanding their horizons.

We are all about compassion in action this holiday. A portion of every Red String Protection Bracelet and Feng Shui Tree Of Life proceeds goes to our charitable partner.Pisces