Karma and Luck
September 22, 2022

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames: Let's Discover the Differences

By Michele Tell
Soulmates vs. Twin Flames

Healing, growing, and spiritual elevation are key commonalities that link the soul-based journeys of soulmates and twin flames.

With the growing understanding of love and consciousness, driven by the hidden power and force of destiny, the words "Soulmates" and "Twin Flames" have blended as interchangeable in mainstream media. 

Both trigger a deep love connection; an instantaneous feeling like the two of you have “been there” before. Both soulmates and Twin Flames evoke a certain sense of spiritual awareness deep within.Both journeys give you a sense of intense and profound love that provokes a physical change in the way your breathing becomes belabored. You may sense that every cell in your body has just awakened.

You feel it. In fact, there have been reports that when you first meet a person that has been tied so deeply to a past life, your skin becomes extremely sensitive to touch; almost as if you feel air hit every follicle on your skin. Look at the hairs on your arm the next time you are in close proximity to someone who you deem as a soulmate or twin flame – are the hairs standing up? More so, are they pointing toward the sun?

Both of these journeys are intense, and provide a deep sense of love that leaves you in a catatonic, dreamlike state where you seem to lose all sense of time and nothing in the real world seems to matter that much.

But there is a vast difference between the soulmate journey and that of a Twin Flame experience. In fact, if you study these cycles, there’s really very little that these two journeys have in common, other than how they each make you feel love that is incomparable to what you once might have believed love to feel like.

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The Soulmate Journey

It’s the moment you meet someone and feel that insane connection that makes you wonder, do I already know this person? It’s indescribable; you feel it deep in your gut that the two of you already have a treasure chest of memories, feelings and emotions have already built up.

But how can you? You just met a moment ago. How is it that you feel like you already know this person? Our brains begin to immediately search for commonalities as if to debunk the inner gut notion that you have formerly shared a deep bond. How can that be?

A soulmate connection is just that; a deep inner knowing that you have shared a past lifetime together, probably several lives together. Soulmates can come in many forms: lovers, friends, siblings, children, and extended family members. 

As we learn more about the soulmate journey, it has been said that up to 100 people in a person's single lifetime can be a soulmate or a member of a soul community that has carried over into the life you are living now.

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What’s always been fascinating is how we switch roles during this process. Someone who is your romantic partner in this lifetime, might have been a parent or a child to you in distant lifetimes. 

Have you ever been in wonderment that your soulmate in this lifetime has a sister with your name or wondered why your father’s name is the same name as your soulmate’s best friend’s son?

We are all connected. We are linked by a familiar bond. We travel in soul families, and we reincarnate in soul communities. Lifetime after lifetime.

When you meet a soulmate for the first time, those lessons and sentiments of what you shared are deep in your subconscious. It lures you back together in the current lifetime. 

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Soul Ties

It is esoteric to think about, but you and your romantic soulmate have what we call a “soul tie,” a connection that can’t be put into words, but the feelings alone fill that space and lack of understanding.

Music is key for soul ties and connections, luring two lost souls together like a muse. The combination of music and lyrics mathematically combine to strike a chord (pun intended) that connects your brainwaves to your hormones to your 3D life (here on Earth, in real time.)

Music, and shared musical interests are bonds that travel through different lifetimes. If rocks were present on the Earth’s surface, they could be banged together to make a sound. Rain, wind, birds chirping, and even thunder are all classified as repetitive sounds that block out daily noise and allow our minds to drift into mild meditations.

Sound connects us deeply to feelings similar to when we stumble upon meeting a soulmate. They lure us to soulmates. Think about when you first connected to your soulmate; were you in nature? What song was playing in the background?

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames

Karmic Soulmates

A different type of soulmate is what we call a Karmic Soulmate. A critical connection comes from the fact that these types of soulmates, the romantic/karmic ones, share deep instances where the “lessons” were not properly learned or implemented in a past life.

The reward is being reincarnated once again, finding each other once again, and getting a “redo” to see if you make better choices in this lifetime. The key is that you have no recollection of the lesson or incidence and are faced with perhaps a similar decision to make. 

It’s the Universe testing us to see if we are wiser now. If the higher-elevated choice will be made this time around, the Universe rewards us with happiness, wholeness, and abundance

It’s called Lesson Mastery, allowing you and your soulmate to grow and evolve with another set of life’s lessons to tackle, learn, and master.

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames

Karmic relationships can be volatile and toxic. These types of unions are not for the weak. Being faced with lessons not yet learned is critical for self-growth and self-elevation, which usually requires dropping your ego and materialistic connections and digging deep to find your true sense of self.

Karmic relationships are not smooth sailing. Most end up in separation, divorce, or constant fighting and living separate lives under one roof.

Karmic relationships are a chance to change what wasn’t changed in a past life and offer a golden opportunity to learn from former mistakes. Most of these relationships are built on a false foundation of ego and fear, but these types of relationships, like all tough times, are designed to bring us to a higher sense of self. 

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The Twin Flame Journey

Are you one of the lucky people to have found your Twin Flame? Some people who have been on the journey might not think it is so lucky.

If, in fact, you are on a true Twin Flame journey, it is one of the most misunderstood, mind boggling, and bewildering journeys that exists. It leaves you wondering, guessing, and at times, feeling batshit crazy.

The Twin Flame journey is orchestrated and designed for two people to dive deep within to uncover their personal, untapped potential and to walk into a space of complete self-worth, self-fulfillment, and self-discovery

It’s a painful journey that involves realizing you are not living up to your true potential. Your Twin Flame is so much like you, it’s like looking into a mirror – except, it is designed to see the parts of you that make you unhappy. It uncovers the essence of the parts of you that you really want to change. 

Your Twin Flame journey uses finding your other half to make you realize that deep inside, you might not love yourself entirely. In its own strange way, the Twin Flame journey is a blessing. When you emerge from a Twin Flame experience, you have usually been redirected to walk your soul’s purpose with a sense of fulfillment you can’t really understand until you go through it all. It makes you self-reliant.

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How Twin Flames Come to Be

The metaphysical take is that a Twin Flame is a single soul that was violently cut in two due to a traumatic death. Both souls eventually reincarnate into two separate life entities many lifetimes later. 

Sometimes, Twin Flames are reincarnated hundreds of times, and each round, they are on the same soul mission since the day they were born — to find their other half, to connect as lifelong partners in love, to create a third energy that will lift the vibration of our Earth in harmony. 

The “twins” have been chosen for this journey, and every step of the way, every person they meet, every circumstance and moment in their lifetime is orchestrated and divinely guided for the greater mission of leading the Twin Flames back together. This is called the Twin Flame Journey, and the destination is Twin Flame Union.

And from a single, recognizable moment from their own childhood, each Twin realizes they are “different” – they see things differently from their friends and peers. They tend to be somewhat of an outcast, overly intellectual, or more creative. And at the same time, they become attuned to the fact that they are “not Whole” without the other Twin, and the search begins. 

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Finding Wholeness Apart to Come Together

Many co-dependent relationships surround the Twins during their life’s journey of finding their other half, because the soul’s mission is to make the Twin realize they are already Whole when alone.

Once each Twin finds their individual truth, then Twin Flame Union will occur.  Twin Flames mirror each other’s lives; when one goes through an incident, somehow quickly, the other seems to follow.

This is the entire essence of the Twin Flame journey – two, recognizing they are completely Whole alone and that together, they are divinely guided to build a connection of energy that changes the atmosphere on infinite levels. (If all Twin Flames lifted the energy by one level, what would that mean for our Earth?) 

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames

The Runner & The Chaser

The Twin Flame journey begins the moment you have soul recognition. You fall in love at that moment. Why? You finally feel a sense of belonging, like the missing puzzle piece finally completed your life’s picture. It feels almost euphoric.

But it instantly changes when one of you feels a deep sense of being trapped, losing control of thoughts and feelings. Each Twin has meandered in this life broken. And yet, they have each gotten used to living in their confines of self as they knew it.

Finding the “other half,” I had a client once say, is like being born with only one leg, and 30 years later you get a prosthetic leg. It’s more comfortable going back to living life with one leg; it’s what you know. It’s where you feel comfortable; having two legs feels off, and doesn’t feel right. It’s scary. It’s not living in the routine of what you’ve always known, and well, nobody likes change. 

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This ignites a major runner vs. chaser situation designed for each twin to go into separation to learn about themselves and elevate so that the Twins can go into Union when both have healed. 

The experience is painful and usually other love interests (karmic soulmates) are part of the process. The Runner has a tendency to run away from these deep feelings, avoiding the idea of change. Often it’s too much to handle all at once. 

This leaves the chaser, the more elevated of the two broken hearted souls, in a state of disbelief. This scenario repeats itself until both Twin Flames (sometimes a 25-year journey), repeated runner/chaser cycles until the two regroup at the right time when they are both ready to accept this depth of love they share.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

What many don’t realize is that the Twin Flame journey is not so much a lover’s journey, but a deep process of self-discovery and self-development. It’s masked in love and bathed in desire, as the basis for this relationship is romantic.

But if you really unpeel the onion, the Twin Flame journey is a process in which we each individually rise to living our soul’s true purpose. Until that happens, the Twin Flame journey appears to be a toxic, unreliable mess of a relationship.

However, when both soul’s elevate to meet their mission, it becomes a magical experience leading to the Twin Flame Union. Wait for it. It’s worth it.

Written by Michele Tell, Licensed in Psychic Arts & Author of The Signs of Tarot Start Your Journey Here: Shop Red String Bracelets

Soulmates vs. Twin Flames