Money! What a beautiful word and yet, so misunderstood. A love, hate relationship, to be sure.
Money rhymes with honey, bunny, sunny and funny. Who could ever misunderstand those words? Much less have any disdain for them. Imagine for a moment that money flows to and through you.
That you don’t have to struggle to understand that “you deserve to have money” and a lot of it.
This article is about you creating your “Spiritual Money Mastery.” You can be any religion or even an atheist and still learn to have a “relationship” with money when mastering your belief system and alter the course you’re currently on with this article.
Let’s explore.
First, it is important that you put things aside and become fully present and Spiritually connected to financial mastery. Remember, you can be religious or not, this has nothing to do with that. It is simply connecting you the Universal energy and vibration of money.
My Vibration, My Energy.
When you understand your thoughts and feelings about money, you can begin to shift it toward alignment. Grab a bill, it can be any denomination and come back to this article. We are going to assess where your thoughts are about creating money mindfulness.
Set the bill down on the desk or wherever you are currently sitting. Let it be in plain view.
Addressing Fears
During the past 5 months, there has been more fear around money than ever before. It is understandable, but not useful. Fear around money can manifest all kinds of negative results. Eliminating fear is our first purpose.
If you’re a reality binge watcher, you may not understand that there is a bit of suffering and ambivalence as we glamourize celebrities, their luxuries and wealth.
In our minds, while enjoyable to watch, there is confusion about richness and wealth and subconsciously you may even be experiencing highs, lows, and be somewhere in the middle about money.
You may be seeking social media to validate you as well and following people who have millions of followers and you see their lifestyle and wish to emulate it, but you can’t.
You can begin to feel like a loser because you don’t have the money, followers or you haven’t a clue how to create the same lifestyle or even manifest your dream job and may not even realize your pattern of thinking. So, let’s see where you are on the money awareness and get you masterful.
Verbalize these sentences out loud and see how you feel afterward:
- Spiritual money mastery is a state of being and I can be here, RIGHT NOW. My spirituality about money is uplifted, I am feeling inspired because I am free and creative. I am not a victim and feel peaceful.
- My behaviors and money flow are in order and I open to receiving and giving and it is happening NOW.
- My thoughts are free and clear about the value of money and I value myself above all else and deserve to be comfortable and happy.
- I am living a life of meaning, purpose, and contribution and I am living into that right now.

Living into and from money is a state of being.
Spiritual seekers and money enlightenment, believe it or not, go hand in hand, literally. Money issues won't disappear because the universe is teaching you a lesson, it is because, unless you consciously develop 3 critical areas in your thinking, you will continue to replicate what you know over and over again.
It’s time to rebel again the past and here are three secrets that will help you unlock your money mastery, so you can begin experiencing a good life around the money.
Secret 1:
Make this less about the money and what the money is for and make it more about what you truly desire around money. When you go into a place of “I need to pay my electric bill” or “I never have enough to cover my monthly expenses” and start realizing that you're not in lack and have the power to pay your bills, solutions will come about. Train that brain!
There is no need for you to continue to beat yourself up for where you are vs. where you want to be. You will get there, but the realization is the first step and does NOT allow the negativity a moment of your day. Sitch it up.
Secret 2:
Our experience around wealth is based in 3 areas: breath, release, and what money represents. Our spirituality about money and our relationship with money needs to move from fearful into something greater and peaceful. Step 1, you no longer wrap any energy around what you don’t have or what you can’t accomplish. Step 2, you are creating peace around money.
- Learn to practice daily intention around breathing deeply, releasing negativity, and understanding that money represents comfort. Then own it. Do this every day for 30 days and you will see miracles happen in your life and energy.
Secret 3:
The best secret reveals ever. Your Solar Plexus Chakra. This is one of the most important things you will ever read. To understand why let’s talk about the function of the Solar Plexus and you will have power and knowledge over your mind and this powerful chakra.
- The Solar Plexus is at the core, center of your stomach. It is associated with your self-worth, identity and is the very seed of your power, self-belief, and especially your self-worth. This is the very foundation of your self-reliance.
- It means that with the balanced solar plexus chakra, you trust your inner guidance without questioning and follow your intuition without hesitation.
- And what’s more important, is that you don’t need anyone’s approval or validation when it comes to your decisions, small or big.
- On a larger scale, you unapologetically and courageously pursue your goals and aspirations in life.
- The Sanskrit word for the solar plexus is Manipura, or “Shining Gem”.
To the very core, this is all about our beliefs about money with a combination of thoughts, emotion, conversation, and how to move out of resentment, shame, guilt into freedom, and creativity.
Spiritual, belief, and habits are the areas that are always working and developing and when we have them in spiritual action, we start to experience spiritual equality and sustain our money life.
People who engage these areas need structure and guidance to make it a permanent way of being. It takes 21 days to create this and living in a new way of thinking to realize, “this is who I am and create a new identity.”
You can adapt to a new way of being. It doesn’t matter if you have 20 dollars or 20 million dollars. You can create a sense of vision, partnership, and recreate a new way of money mastery. No matter where you are in life, it’s time to take it up to the next level.
It is time for spiritual structure.
Scarcity. The idea of lack, not having enough in all areas of our lives, more often than naught has a very powerful impact. We are fearful and it squeezes our spirit and we suffer. There isn’t enough money to make that go away. Permanent peace does not come from money. Financial security comes from a connection of spiritual truth connected to money.
Unity: Spiritual source, not material channels makes all of the difference in how we connect to money energy. There isn’t peace in our souls with material things, it isn’t the security you’re looking for.
Realization: The real questions are: Do you love yourself the way you are now? Do you appreciate what you have? Hopefully at least one of those two questions gets a “yes.”
It is important to feel the love and wholeness at the moment, instead of always projecting that “something better is out there and I am not a part of it.” Because you are. You just need to tap into that energy mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Survival mode: You feel drained and your energy is depleted and you think “if I had more” and you don’t address the chaos behind your lack thinking, lack will always rear its ugly head. The law to escape this thinking is to understand the law of circulation.
The idea that life is about giving and receiving, Our subconscious mind circulates our body every single day. Our conscious mind keeps us eating healthy and working out. Can you see how important the two are when they’re blended?
Every morning offers us a new day and new time, energy, and attention. We’re not going to wake up to frantic and frozen. By this point, you realize that a Spiritual Money Mastery mindset is possible. It just means you need to do the work.
Money never changes, we change.
Let’s bring on the peace and prosperity around money manifestation and get present.
21 days to a new way of being, living, thinking, and creating a powerful money mindset.
It is proven scientifically that you can change any habit in 21 days. You must do this money mantras every day for 21 days to shift your perception around money, so you can begin to manifest money.
We’ve included this video with the beautiful sound of a singing bowl blessing and sound. Click on the video every morning, close your eyes, and repeat that day's mantra until it ends. If you have time and you should make the time, click on the video again and repeat that day's money mantra.
Let’s begin: 21 Days To Spiritual Money Mastery
- I am not in scarcity.
- I am not in lack.
- I am connected to money source energy.
- I am at peace with others being wealthy.
- I am creating my wealth.
- I have faith in myself and my ability to make money.
- I am manifesting my dream job.
- I am manifesting connections to help me make money.
- I am spiritually aligned with the Universal energy around money.
- I am cutting the cords of negative thinking patterns.
- Money is not out of my control.
- I am not a victim to money, I release all of that energy here and now.
- I have no judgment around money, it flows freely around me.
- I am spiritually structured and aligned to make money.
- I am fully present to making money.
- I am fully present in accepting help around making money.
- I am fully aligned with living a life of luxury.
- I am fully aligned with forgiveness around my thinking concerning money.
- I release any guilt and shame around money.
- The law of cause and effect are surrounding me in positive money energy.
- I have absolutely no lack in my life and understand the principles of Spiritual Money Mastery.
Now, you’ve created the law of cause and effect. Life reflects back to us who we are to it.
Forgiveness is the key to changing beliefs. Financial forgiveness and self-forgiveness and changing the story about what happened are now in the past.
Habits are consistent, not mystical and the behavior with money, action information, and systems around money will turn a burden into a blessing.
Remember, the limitation does not exist, what does exist is a consciousness of limitation.
Money can be created positively or negatively and now you know the difference between them. Doing your 21 day Spiritual Money Mastery mantras will create a significant shift toward manifesting your money realizations.
To shift your money mindset and create a spiritual fullness around prosperity, you have to be willing to love money as you do all other areas of your life, like food, going to the gym, or even your favorite movies.
Practice makes perfect. This is a saying that has been around forever. It is literal and it is true. The more you practice your Spiritual Money Mastery mantras, the easier it will be for you to wrap your head around the fact that:
Use the power of gemstones and symbols to continue your money mantra ALL day long. Our Red String & ION bracelets will keep your energy protected, positive and beat anxiety, so you will feel good knowing you're manifesting what you truly desire.