The ubiquitous evil eye - ever watchful and ever present in our daily lives. This sacred symbol has truly stood the test of time, and seems to only grow in reverence. Featured on jewelry, clothing, homewares, and more, the evil eye is a powerful force of protection.
Although its name may be confusing, this symbol is not evil itself, but rather watches out for and repels any evil that is present. It serves as a watchful gaze, always ready to keep you safe from harm and danger.
With its abundant universal energy, this divine symbol serves as your fearless guardian, continuously deflecting any negativity that comes your way.
Be it malicious gossip, hurtful words, ill willed intentions, or even physical harm, the evil eye is here to assist. As negative energy is repelled, positivity is able to more easily flow and flourish in your life.
Intrigued by the evil eye and hoping to learn more about this supreme symbol of protection? Read on to discover the history and origin of the evil eye, the myths surrounding it, and how it is used in modern times.
Table of Contents
The Evil Eye throughout History
Interested in the widespread history of the evil eye? Read on to discover this ageless symbol steeped in divinity.
With deep roots in varying religions and cultures around the world, the history of the evil eye spreads its reach far and wide. This omnipresent symbol has left its mystical mark on the hearts of many.
Owing to its powerful validity and skill in deflecting negativity and harm, the evil eye has persisted as one of the world’s most powerful and beloved symbols of all time.
There are records of the evil eye being present in civilizations as early as 3,300 BC in Mesopotamia, making the history behind the evil eye extensive and the legends profound.
Amulets featuring an ancient variation of the evil eye were found while excavating this prolific area of the globe.
The evil eye symbol we are all now familiar with, the traditional blue glass eye is rooted in the Mediterranean. Iconic amulets and drawings of the evil eye were used and adored by the Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, and the Romans, just to name a few.
These cultures used the evil eye as a powerful form of protection, guarding them from danger and the evious attention of their enemies.
In countries worldwide, the history of evil eye unravels and reigns. For example, the Egyptians were also highly fond of this dynamic symbol. They were believed to paint the evil eye on their ships as a means to keep their sailors safe from harm while traveling the seas.
On the other hand, citizens in Turkey cherished the evil eye in ancient times, and still do to this day. As a means of protection for babies, the people of Turkey often give evil eye tokens, charms, and gifts to the children.
As children are believed to be the most at risk of the curse, they are particularly benefited from the consistent gaze of the evil eye symbol.
The history of the evil eye symbol spreads even further into Europe, with legends of its power being told throughout Ireland and beyond. In Ireland, the evil eye gained popularity through the legend of the giant, Balor, and how he ferociously won a great battle with the sole power of his eye.
Not only in Europe and the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and beyond, frequently use the evil eye to ward off the negative and harmful energies of the world.
Present in cultures and traditions worldwide, the evil eye has also penetrated various religions. The history of evil eye jewelry and the use of the symbol can commonly be found in Judaism, Christianity, and the Muslim faith.
The Evil Eye Origin & Meaning
Where did the Evil Eye originate? Read on to discover the story and meaning behind this prolific symbol.
When the word, “evil eye”, is heard, many think immediately of the harmful gaze that one person gives another. However, this “evil eye” is the curse that the symbol fights against, and should not be confused for the powerful, loving, and protective evil eye symbol.
Throughout time, it has been said that those who are successful or lucky in life, will thus have more enemies. Out of envy, other people may try to hurt your chances at a happy life, destroying everything you have built in the process. This innate human greed and envy, is where the necessity for the evil eye symbol was born.
The evil eye origins begin in Mesopotamia as early as 3,300 BC, demonstrating the ancient sanctity of this symbol. Although this may be the first civilization the eye was found in, the evil eye has origins, histories, and legends in countries throughout the whole globe.
In fact, you can find evidence of the use of the evil eye in just about every continent. The universal belief in the evil eye can stand as proof to the divine nature of this symbol, and the lasting presence it has on humanity.
With its ever watchful gaze, the evil eye is said to stare fearlessly right back at whatever is trying to cause you harm or put your livelihood in danger.
The origin of evil eye jewelry was born from the notion that wearing this symbol on the body would protect and defend, keeping vigilant watch for you.
The evil eye origin story is deeply intertwined with the resilient nature of humans and our desire to survive, persevere, and thrive.
Using this symbol is a way to ensure that you, your family, and your community are protected by a force greater than yourselves - a divine, supreme force.
The meaning of the evil eye is protection; including protection in all its many forms. No matter what you are battling, big or small, the evil eye is believed to shine its powerful gaze upon the danger; thus minimizing and releasing it from your path.
In this way, the evil eye not only repels negativity, but it clears the way for brighter days. Positivity is given the space to flourish and grow in the lives of those who use and wear this iconic symbol.
Evil Eye Myths
Is the evil eye more than a myth or just a superstition? Read on!
Evil eye myths largely pertain to the idea that a malicious look will cause bad luck, danger, or illness to occur in the life of the receiver. However, those who wear the evil eye symbol in the form of amulets and jewelry, will be fearlessly protected from this harmful energy.
Although the world may never know for certain if the evil eye is more than just a superstition, we can look to the lasting presence this symbol has had on our lives as a whole.
The ancient history of the evil eye and its enduring effect on us today, speaks volumes to its true power. Trends and myths may come and go, but the evil eye is here to stay. From the early people of Mesopotamia to the modern world, the evil eye is respected and revered for its supreme wisdom and protection.
Just as with any spiritual symbol, the power lies within the belief of the wearer. The evil eye will work most effectively when the wearer is tuned into its powers and believes firmly in the protection it provides them.
Each time you place your evil eye jewelry on, it is recommended to set an intention, asking the eye for its blessed support. It is also advised to cleanse your evil eye jewelry regularly, as to boost its protective abilities.
Some popular methods for cleaning evil eye jewelry are meditating with the charm, purifying with sunlight or holy water, smudging the jewels, or using other crystals to renew and increase the eye’s powers.
The Evil Eye in Modern Life
Let’s dive into the modern times of the evil eye, examining its popularity and how people use it today.
Although popular and revered in ancient times, the evil eye has persevered and remained one of the world’s most iconic and beloved symbols. If you look carefully enough, evil eye jewelry can be spotted just about anywhere.
This sacred symbol has become quite the trend, making it adored for more than its extensive and impressive powers. With options for stunning evil eye rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more, the evil eye in real life is making quite the mark in the fashion world.

Aside from day to day use, the evil eye has been spotted on many famous celebrities, adding to its far reaching popularity. With big names like Kim Kardashian, Gigi Hadid, and Meghan Markle wearing evil eye jewelry, these fashion icons have led quite a revolution in bringing this symbol back into the spotlight.
Yes, celebrities are wearing this ancient symbol, but so can you. The advantages and benefits of the evil eye are remarkable and abundant. By wearing this symbol as jewelry, you can reap the positive effects that this symbol has to offer.
Blessings will flow freely into your life and obstacles begin to fade. Each time you wear your evil jewelry, be sure to set a loving intention, graciously asking for the help and protection of the divine. With the powerful evil eye by your side, life just got a whole lot more blissful.

Shop Evil Eye Jewelry
With a multitude of powerful properties, the evil eye, although ancient, is here to stay. Far more than simply a trendy design, the evil eye is here to protect and guide you throughout life’s journey.
There for you through every twist and turn, and all the ups and downs, the evil shines its bright and impenetrable light on all that tries to cause you harm. Repelling negativity, the evil eye invites positivity and joy to flourish in your life. New doors of opportunity begin to open with the help of the evil eye by your side.
Ready to accept the blessings of the evil eye? Visit our website and shop our full collection of stunning, sparkling evil eye designs. Fitted with healing stones and crystals, the power of the evil eye is boosted even further. Start Your Journey Here: Evil Eye Jewelry
There is much more mysteries to uncover in our comprehensive guide to evil eye jewelry. Learn more.