Since ancient times, people have turned to Mother Earth for the healing power of crystals. Throughout time, they’ve been coveted by royalty, merchants, healers, shamans, and sailors. Crystals have been used in healing ceremonies with high regard and have adorned the breastplates of priests and warriors.
Crystals help us reconnect with nature, and to ourselves – to the truth of who we truly are. We’re all vibrations or energy on this planet. Because everything in life holds a vibration, we can use crystals to match our vibrations to manifest what we want and need in our lives, from Joy and Healing to Prosperity and Abundance.
Nature offers us what can seem like an overwhelming amount of goodness through crystals, making it seem like an impossible task to choose the best crystals for our needs. That’s why your friends at Karma and Luck created this comprehensive crystal guide. We hope you Enjoy it.
We also nudge you to read the guide, and keep a finger on the pulse of your own heart and intuition to sense which crystals are right for you. Our words are simply a guidepost. The rest is up to your inner guidance shop our rare minerals jewelry collection
So explore with curiosity, intention, and perhaps a bit of wild abandon.
Table of Contents
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Angel Aura Quartz
- Angelite
- Aquamarine
- Banded Agate
- Black Tourmaline
- Bloodstone
- Blue Sapphire
- Blue Tiger’s Eye
- Citrine
- Celestite
- Chrysotile Serpentine
- Dragon Stone
- Dumortierite
- Fluorite
- Garnet
- Green Aventurine
- Howlite
- Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold)
- Jade
- Jasper
- Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Lava Stone
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lazulite
- Lepidolite
- Mabe Pearl
- Magnetite
- Moonstone
- Moss Agate
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Opalite
- Peach Selenite
- Pearl
- Peridot
- Petrified Wood
- Picture Jasper
- Pink Agate
- Prehnite
- Quartz
- Red Jasper
- Red Tiger’s Eye
- Rhodonite
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby
- Selenite
- Sodalite
- Smokey Quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Tiger’s Eye
- Tree Agate
- Turquoise
- Unakite
- White Jade
Amazonite has a powerful filtering action. Protects against electromagnetic pollution from cell phones, microwaves, etc. This soothing stone calms the brain and nervous system. Assists in alleviating worry and fear.
Heals issues related to the heart center and promotes loving communication. Wear it as jewelry. Place it near computers and cell phones for protection.
Amber invites calmness and healing into one’s life. It’s actually a resin and is the lifeblood of ancient trees that brings all its energy to the here and now. It cuts through pain and serves as a pick-me-up for fatigue and sluggish vibes. A great remedy for colds and respiratory ailments. Soaks up bad moods.
A stone of spirituality and contentment. Amethyst stimulates and soothes the mind and emotions. It is a stone of temperance and sobriety, preventing overindulgence. It is also a “gem of fire, “ stimulating passion, creativity, and spirituality. It provides protection. Good for travelers. Makes one aware of self-deception.
Angel Aura Quartz
Angel Aura Quartz is named after the gossamer angel, its wings, and the energetic connection to the Angelic realms. It is a high-vibration crystal of joy that brings union with the Divine and cosmic consciousness.
It is a master healer crystal and stimulates the immune system. It assists with those suffering from emotional trauma and hurt, allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of higher planes.
Angelite is a beautiful stone filled with compassion and inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. Angelite facilitates contact with spirit guides including angels. Helps displace fear and anxiety, transmuting them into faith and peace. Should not be immersed in water for any period of time.
The mermaid stone washes away toxins and fills one with the elixir of life. It brings healing to ailments of the throat like thyroid issues and sore throats. It reduces hay fever and supports strong eyesight.
Helps one feel soft, calm, and balanced. Known as a stone of courage, aquamarine helps one communicate their truth, and overcome the fear of any kind of communication. Restores wellness to the body and strength to the soul. Tempers anxiety. Sharpens intuition.
Banded Agate
Banded agate stimulates the crown chakra, bringing celestial and earth energy into the auras and harmonizing them with the physical body. It removes dualities and conflict, maintaining well-being. This stone teaches the user to look for solutions rather than dwell on problems.
Black Tourmaline
One of the most popular stones for spiritual purposes, it is used for psychic protection and purification, keeping the auric field clear of imbalances even in the presence of destructive energies.
It acts as an etheric vacuum cleaner. This stone rids one of the negative thoughts, anxiety, anger, and feelings of unworthiness. Black tourmaline is used to purify the electrical system of the body while disengaging us from obsessive or compulsive behaviors, releasing chronic worry and anxiety.
As a talisman, Bloodstone is both mystical and magical. Its virtues are protective and nurturing. It is a powerful healing stone. Bloodstone heightens intuition, increases creativity, and helps to release negative patterns. This stone encourages selflessness and idealism.
Bloodstone assists one in acting in the present moment. It also calms and revitalizes the mind, dispels confusion, and enhances decision-making. Its energy carries the purity of blood and inherently speaks of life and birth, vitality and strength, passion and courage.
Blue Sapphire
Known as the stone of joy and wisdom, Blue Sapphire brings a host of benefits. It helps calm and focus the mind, improves clarity, and encourages deeper courage. It reduces stress and anxiety.
Blue Tiger’s Eye
Known as Hawk’s Eye, this stone enhances integrity in communication. It can help us find the courage to recognize thoughts and ideals, giving us the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Also a stone for intuition, insight, and protection.
Powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carries the power of the Sun. Teaches how to manifest and attract wealth, prosperity, and success. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Citrine Helps in overcoming depression, fears, and phobias. Enhances concentration. Promotes Joy.
Celestite has a high vibration and is a teacher for the New Age. It breathes with Divine energies, taking one into the infinite peace of the spiritual, and angelic realms. It activates spiritual enlightenment. Promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune. Celestite can improve dysfunctional relationships by opening a space for peaceful negotiation. Teaches trust in the infinite wisdom of the Divine.
Chrysotile Serpentine
Improves mind focus and brings higher attention to detail as needed. A stone that helps to strengthen and better the body’s vascular system, as well as improve eyesight. Chrysolite Serpentine helps one release old, unhelpful behavior patterns from childhood or past lives. It is used for protecting one’s well-being, calming the spirit, and preserving one’s beliefs.
Dragon Stone
The Dragon Stone imbues and imparts the special qualities of empowerment and healing related to strength, courage, and leadership. The dragon is the greatest symbol in the Chinese Horoscope. This crystal is helpful for capturing and enhancing our vital Qi, or Life Force energy, embodying the fiery, persistent power of the dragon.
This stone is believed to unlock the third eye and helps to develop psychic gifts by connecting one to the Divine Mind. It assists in overcoming patterns of addiction and codependency. Dumortierite can be very useful in difficult situations and it increases patience, intuition, and mental clarity.
Fluorite draws off negative energies and stresses of all kinds. It cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes energies within the body. Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies and promotes intuitive powers. Physically it assists in balance and coordination. Fluorite is beneficial for colds, flu, and sinusitis.
One of the most ancient talismans, garnet is prized as a gem of passion and romance. It is also valued for its strong curative powers and protective energy. It represents the primordial fire—the creation of the world out of chaos. It is a jewel of life, love, and purity which enhances vitality. It also helps with cleansing and renewing. Garnet brings comfort, protection, and inspiration.
Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It harmonizes and protects the heart. The stone brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. An all-around healer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm.
A calming stone. Howlite teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. When worn it will absorb the wearer’s anger and any that is directed toward them. Howlite allows for calm and reasoned communication. Aids breathing, especially in asthma sufferers.
Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold)
Powers: Money, divination, and luck. Blocks out negative energies and pollutants at all levels including infectious diseases. Helps one overcome inertia and feelings of inadequacy.
Promotes diplomacy and stimulates creative energy. Also enhances willpower and helps one to overcome bad habits. Iron Pyrite assists in establishing new patterns of health and positive energy. Relieves anxiety and frustration while boosting self-worth and confidence. Holds the ideal of perfect health and well-being.
Besides being an amulet for good luck, Jade can cover every angle of healing, from emotional to spiritual. It aids in mental and emotional well-being, nudging out negative thought patterns. It brings courage, wisdom, and allows one to feel self-sufficient.
Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Jasper is a stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort, stability, strength, and healing. Its presence balances the aura to a level of wholeness and peace. It acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others.
Excellent for attunement and meditation. As it tranquilizes and grounds, Kyanite opens the throat chakra and encourages speaking one’s truth. Kyanite doesn’t hold on to negativity and will assist in releasing confusion, illusions, anger, and frustration. It is a natural pain reliever and balances yin-yang energy while aligning the chakras. Cuts through ignorance and opens to spiritual and psychological truth.
A mystical and protective stone known as the bringer of Light, Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. Contains esoteric knowledge and facilitates initiation in the mysteries. It raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies in the body.
It banishes fears and insecurities, strengthens faith and trust in the universe, calms overactive minds, and energizes the imagination, giving birth to new ideas.
Lava Stone
Lava stone is known for its grounding qualities and for calming the emotions. It is an excellent stone for grounding and stabilizing the root chakra. It was often given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle. Because it comes from raw energy, lava stone is considered to be a stone of rebirth, and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachments.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli holds a host of healing properties. It’s known for revealing deep inner truths and invites one to show up authentically in their power. It boosts confidence, encourages one to speak their truth, and forges deeper friendships. Allows one to pick their path more decisively. Dissolves anger and frustration. Benefits the throat chakra and thyroid. Helps with sleep disturbances and insomnia.
Lazulite is a deeply spiritual stone. It is a crystal of inspirational insight for researchers, philosophers, psychologists, and poets who are exploring uncharted frontiers of thought. Lazulite emanates a vibration that is consonant with peak brain functioning.
It is an excellent stone to use for dream work or deep meditation. Lazulite’s energies will help one face the challenges of life, bringing strength, courage, inner peace, and balance in life.
Dissipates negativity and clears blockages to bring awareness. Lepidolite insists on being used for the highest good. It is a calming stone that is extremely useful in reducing emotional stress. It brings deep emotional healing.
It is useful in overcoming insomnia as it soothes sleep disturbances. Emotionally, Lepidolite enhances one’s ability to stand in their own power, free from the influence of others. Place under the pillow for relief from sleep disturbances.
Mabe Pearl
The pearl is a symbol of sacred power. It personifies beauty, unity, peace, and oneness. Mabe pearls, also called blister pearls, are unique in how they’re created because they grow attached inside of their shell. They develop into a half-dome shape, with a distinctive flatter bottom.
With its powerful negative-positive polarity, magnetite is a grounding stone used by healers to realign reversed energy flows in the body and in the earth. This stone will attract and repel, energize and sedate where needed.
Magnetite connects the base chakras to the earth, sustaining life force and vitality. Magnetite will attract love, commitment, and loyalty. It will alleviate negative emotions such as fear, anger, grief, and overattachment, bringing in tenacity and endurance.
Magnetite will also balance emotions and intellect to assist in decision-making. Provides healing for muscle strains, and cramps. Stimulates sluggish organs.
Moonstone symbolizes our being in its entirety. It strengthens our intuition and our capacity to understand. It is associated with the power of the moon, the Divine Feminine, and is a symbol of love, sensuality, and fertility. Moonstone is known as the “traveler’s stone” as it provides protection and good fortune, especially to those traveling by water and at night.
Moss Agate
A powerful grounding stone that helps create abundance and prosperity. The steady vibration of this stone brings one strength and courage, calming stress and fear. Moss Agate rises above as a stone of new beginnings, as it attracts wealth and abundance. It draws new business and is good for small businesses or the self-employed. Planted in a flower bed it is said to increase the overall health of plants.
Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that forms a shield against negativity. Black Obsidian is a powerful, creative stone that grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane. Black Obsidian helps one identify outdated behavioral patterns, and assists one in getting to know themselves. It helps dissolve emotional blockages and ancient traumas.
Black Obsidian is very protective and repels negativity. It disperses unloving thoughts and facilitates the release of old loves, providing support during the change. Mahogany Obsidian has a gentler energy than Black Obsidian. Mahogany Obsidian resonates with the earth, grounding one and offering energetic protection and strength in times of need.
It revitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, and stimulates growth on all levels. Mahogany Obsidian is a stabilizing stone that strengthens the aura and restores the correct spin to the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Onyx gives strength and provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances, as well as during times of mental or physical stress. Onyx facilitates connection with the whole, as well as centering one’s energy. It aligns one with their higher power. It aids in learning lessons and can be useful in past life work.
Opalite is a man-made delicate clear or milky iridescent stone used in divination. Due to its color and iridescent quality, it is linked with the crown chakra.
Peach Selenite
Peach Selenite is a stone of emotional transformation It is a high-vibration stone offering powerful energetic healing. It allows one to release past traumas. Peach Selenite supports the healing energies of forgiveness and acceptance as negativity is identified, processed, and released. Mentally, it enhances discernment, self-esteem, and willpower.
Pearl is a symbol of sacred power. It personifies beauty, unity, peace, and oneness.
A powerful cleanser that releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels. The stone opens cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras to release old baggage. Burdens, guilt, and obsessions are cleared.
Peridot teaches that holding onto people of the past is counterproductive. This stone guides in detachment from outside influences and teaches one to look to their own higher energies for guidance. Place or wear on the throat.
Petrified Wood
Petrified wood is almost as old as Earth itself and thus is helpful for connecting with the energies of nature. It is useful for stabilizing emotions and calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical and succeed in business endeavors. Meditating with petrified wood can also help with the exploration of past lives.
Picture Jasper
Picture jasper creates harmony and positive energy in business pursuits. It illuminates hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes while bringing comfort and alleviating fear. It is an emotionally and psychologically healing stone.
Pink Agate
Promotes parental love, strengthening the bond between parent and child. Brings out inner beauty. Encourages a balanced, happy, and friendly attitude. Enhances mental function and improves concentration. Place over the heart chakra for maximum effect.
A stone of unconditional love, Prehnite is known as the crystal to heal the healer and the “Stone of Prophecy,” having long been used by African indigenous Shaman. Enhances inner knowing and is a good stone to use when working with higher realms and angels.
This stone is helpful for sealing the auric field and creates a protective shield. It calms the environment and brings peace. It’s excellent in Feng Shui, and assists in decluttering and letting go of possession no longer needed. Physically it assists in clearing toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps one to say no to unreasonable requests.
The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. Absorbs, stores releases, and regulates energy. Cleanses the organs and subtle bodies. Acts as a deep soul cleanser. Aids in concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system. Brings the body back into balance.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper is an intensely protective stone, acting to stabilize the aura and rid it of dysfunctional energy. Red Jasper facilitates relaxation, contentment, nurturing, compassion, completion, and organization. It can be used in the treatment of tissue deterioration of the internal organs and for disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and stomach.
Red Tiger’s Eye
Red Tiger’s Eye stimulates the root chakra and can be used to give rise to the kundalini energy. It aids in enhancing confidence and self-esteem and provides motivation to those feeling lethargic. It’s a stone that can help with the correct use of power in difficult times. Wear or carry Red Tiger’s Eye in your pocket to add vitality and passion to any project you’re working on.
This stone releases blocked energy from the heart chakra, nurtures love, and encourages the brother/sisterhood of humanity. It can be used to calm oneself by grounding the yin/yang energy. Known as the “first aid stone,” it heals emotional shock or trauma and assists with forgiveness and reconciliation of long-term pain.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Important for the heart and heart chakra, this stone teaches the true essence of love. Calming and reassuring. Helps to comfort in times of grief. It purifies and brings deep inner healing and self-love.
It increases fertility and strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system. It releases impurities from body fluids. Place on the thymus. This stone aids in the healing of chest problems.
A precious gemstone, ruby is known as a protective stone that boosts energy levels. It’s an aphrodisiac. It helps one overcome grievances of the heart, allowing one to rebuild trust, especially in love and loss. It negates self-criticism. A stone of luck and good fortune.
Selenite brings clarity to the mind and installs deep peace. It is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Psychologically, Selenite assists with judgment and insight. Mentally it clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture.
The stone brings about a conscious understanding of what has been occurring at the subconscious level. It disperses and stabilizes erratic emotions. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.
Heightens intuition and allows ease and freedom of expression. Sodalite is an excellent stone for group work, bringing balance and solidarity. Reduces mental confusion. Brings objectivity and intuition together.
Stimulates the release of rigid mental conditioning. Psychologically, Sodalite calms the nerves, transforms phobias, and brings one back to feeling a sense of being themselves again. Enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust.
Smokey Quartz
This powerful grounding stone balances the lower chakra with the higher ones. It’s a divine stone that clears energy while bringing focus and patience. Smokey quartz supports one’s ability to see spirit guides and fairies. It also aids in manifesting careers, prosperity, adventure, and spiritual growth.
Snowflake Obsidian
Calms and soothes while teaching one to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, it provides balance for the body, mind, and spirit. Helps one to recognize and release negative or erroneous thinking. With the aid of this stone, isolation and loneliness become empowering. Aids in surrender and meditation.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye combines earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to the earth. Assists in accomplishing goals and recognizing inner resources. Promotes clarity of intention. Place on the third eye to enhance psychic abilities. Balances the lower chakras and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy.
Tree Agate
Tree Agate is associated with the heart chakra. This aids one in awareness of their heart and soul. This stone is helpful in centering oneself. It combats stress, relieves tensions, and promotes relaxation. Healers have also used Tree Agate to correct and align things in the body that “branch” such as blood vessels and nerves.
Turquoise is an efficient healer and provides solace for the well-being of the body. This stone promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual world. It dispels negative energy and provides protection against pollutants in the environment.
A stone of vision, Unakite balances emotions with spirituality. Facilitates opening the third eye while promoting psychic vision. Supportive in the rebirthing process. Brings to light and integrates insights from the past about the cause of blockages, and gently releases conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. Assists in past-life healing. Soothes pregnancy.
White Jade
Brings peace, harmony, and good luck. Also wonderful in the decision-making process as it clocks distraction. Allows results to reveal themselves. A calming and grounding stone that protects from negative energies.