Karma and Luck
April 16, 2023

Total Solar Eclipse Brings in Past People, Ex-Lovers, Old Friends, Old Habits and Gusto

By Michele Tell

Hybrid Solar Eclipse

There will be a total of four eclipses in 2023, with two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. All eclipses are transits and movements utilizing the sun, moon and the Earth and how each interact with each other during an extremely busy rush hour on the Universal highway.

These are cosmic events, and like all interplanetary experiences, we are drastically affected by weather, energy, ocean tides and personality wind tunnels during these stellar moments.

Eclipses truly affect our personalities – sometimes drastic, and sometime subtle. This particular eclipse we might find ourselves daring to do something out of the ordinary from how we typically act daily. It’s a tug and pull energy that will take place, that just might leave each of us with an attitude of YOLO both by actions and how we communicate with each other.

This total solar eclipse will be visible on April 20 in Australia, Southeast Asia and Antarctica. The Ningaloo Eclipse: this hybrid solar eclipse takes its name from an Aboriginal word.

The path of totality passes over North West Cape, a remote peninsula and Barrow Island in Western Australia, eastern parts of East Timor, as well as Damar Island and parts of the province of Papua in Indonesia.

It is called a hybrid solar eclipse which is a rare type of solar eclipse that changes its appearance as the Moon's shadow moves across the Earth's surface. Basically, it might appear as a total solar eclipse or a partial eclipse depending on your personal scope and vantage point from where you are viewing it.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth.

A solar eclipse of all types represents new, change, a new beginning and taking a leap of faith toward a new journey. Hence, this solar eclipse takes place during the astrological season of Aries, the beginning of the new zodiac year.

The Sun" Tarot Card Necklace

Unfortunately, this celestial spectacle will not be visible from any parts of North America where it will take place on April 19 at 6:34 pm.

But with all planetary and Universal transits, just because we can’t see the act doesn’t mean its energy will not be potent. On the contrary, the energetic pull will be just as strong, if not, somewhat stronger even if it is visible on only one part of the globe.

Think of the sun burning bright on an overcast day. It might feel a little cooler and the atmosphere might be a little less bright, but the effect of the sun on your skin is shockingly intense and typically, the sunburn appears more concentrated then on a typical sunny day.

When the sun is not out, we tend to think its touch is less potent, and on the contrary, that’s when we get burnt the most because we are detached and not paying as much attention. Behold the eclipse; its powerful energy force is working even if we don’t see it.

White Enamel Aries Card Necklace

Get ready to speak your mind during this eclipse experience. And more than that, get ready to be daring to change your life on a dime. This is the eclipse of the year where the sun give us distinct clarity – and for a split second we might turn the switch and make a drastic change.

What does this mean? You might get up and go to work, the same job you have had for 10 years… the day will start out standard, and by the day’s end you might just leave your resignation on your bosses’ desk…well, because you impulsively decided your life needs a drastic change.

It's a time where ex-lovers come back into our lives with surprise texts, phone calls or late-night visit. It’s a time that we might get a little tipsy and drunk dial someone that we miss - be it a friend, a lover or an ex-employer. It is a time where at night we lay in bed and question ourselves, our decisions and our pathway.

"The Sun" Tarot Bracelet

It a time we find ourselves in the scary place of second guessing our actions, our thoughts and our desires. It’s a time we review conversations line by line, and dissect every sentence of what we write, speak or convey.

Some are calling this an “out of body” eclipse because our actions might not follow how we act on a day-to-day basis. Our thoughts might be a somewhat off tilt; but our actions may astonish us.

It’s the time we drive in and trade up our car for something outlandish, unaffordable but we felt compelled to want to live a flashy life.

In written and oral communication, we might not hold back our tongue as much and really speak our mind. This eclipse gives us a bold temperament to be daring, speak our thoughts especially if we are the type to never really speak our mind for fear of others’ opinions or bigger fear that our voice might not matter. This planetary episode just might make you feel a boost of confidence to bypass this fear and truly speak your thoughts.

Hybrid Solar Eclipse
This is the eclipse that you might wear clothing, sexy or auspicious, when you typically find no flash in your wardrobe. Tattoo parlors will be packed with last minute creative ideas, and hair salons will see different color shades appearing on hairdos that typically don’t use color.

This eclipse will bring out the artist within you; and you might just find yourself at a local art store buying canvases, paint and easels. It is the solar eclipse you might find yourself writing lyrics for a song when you have never had a hankering to write anything creative before.

Eclipses help push us along to evolve; become who we are supposed to be and redirect us toward the path where we find ourselves. It is the Universe giving us a push to readdress who we are and give us an open mic to convey some our personality traits that we lock inside.

Eclipses are never the best time to make drastic changes, but the energy that happens during this cosmic occurrence sometimes pushes us to do what we normally hold back on doing. So, try and let the energy flow. Try and take a step back or two and allow this energy to float on by before you dive face first into something you might regret.

Supreme Power - Sun Tarot Cigar Ring

This Eclipse can be used a test for you to trust your intuition but reminds us to honor patience…. If your gut intuition is telling you to do something, then wait a few days until the energy clears; then, you will be able to follow your innate thoughts with calculating steps and less impulsive behavior.

In tarot, the #0 Major Arcana is The Fool – the first card in the deck and it is quite representative of this eclipse. The Fool has the bright sun behind the main character (depicting clarity, honesty, pure intentions). It is the first moment in the tarot journey, when the Fool finds that aha moment and push from the Universe that it’s time for new.

He has an entirely fresh experience waiting for him/her and that it is now or never to pursue. The Fool allows the Universe to push him over a cliff (symbolically) and the Fool, taking this leap of faith, knows the Universe will redirect him onto the correct path towards his soul’s purpose.

It is the card of new; a new beginning; a breath of fresh air; and redirect from the Universe that offers a chance to start over. It’s unfamiliar. It’s scary. It’s exhilarating.

Hybrid Solar Eclipse

Red Jasper is the gemstone we should wear during a solar eclipse representing the fiery magnetism of the stone, and for a moment, we might see the sun glare red during this process.

Red Jasper brings us stamina and inner strength, perhaps to hold back our tongue or our actions during the impulsive sparks we might feel during this planetary transit. It will provide stability and wholeness during the sometimes-unsettling feelings. Jasper is one of the gems that represents the sign of Aries.

This, like many eclipses, push us out of our comfort zone but at the same time, the beauty of these galactic events is that we are forced, through the energy, to see things from a fresh, irreverent perspective – something the Universe has been pushing you to see for a long time.

In other words, eclipses help us see our destiny – provide a lighted path for us to see a new way, our soul’s purpose and journey. And It also gives us the chutzpah to go after it.

Hybrid Solar Eclipse