Karma and Luck
February 21, 2022

10 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Love: You Are Worth It!

By Faith Davis

Ways to Practice Self-Love

The relationship we have with ourselves is the most important relationship we have. Because of that, it is important to put our well-being first and do what we can to heighten self-love.

Incorporating different ways to practice self love into your daily routine is well worth the effort, and it’s something we all deserve.

Self-love defines our experiences. It dictates what we attract, how we manifest, and how we show up in the world. That’s why today is the perfect day to start!

10 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Love

There’s nothing more powerful than a person who accepts themselves as they are – fully, truly, and unapologetically. Here are some little, yet potent things you can do to help you flourish and blossom by brazenly loving yourself…

Wear Spiritual Symbols & Crystals for Self-Love

A powerful way to start a self-love journey is to elevate your personal frequency and open yourself up to receive love.

Karma & Luck’s Love & Harmony Collection features Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, and Garnet, all of which are healing gemstones that help generate and amplify loving energy. Each gemstone inspires love and kindness for the self, while cleansing the energetic body of inner limitations and negative self-talk. 

Wearing jewelry that features powerful symbols for protection and growth, such as the Lotus flower, the OM symbol, the Evil Eye, and Red String is one of our favorite ways to practice self love. It transforms our self-image to a higher level. 

affirmations for self love

Use Affirmations for Self-Love

Words and thoughts are powerful tools we can use to create our own reality.  Every sentence has a specific vibration, and every conversation we have with ourselves and others manifests in our lives. Negative self-talk makes us attract low vibration people and difficult experiences.

Conversely, by choosing to speak to ourselves kindly (as we would to someone we love), we change the narrative, embrace self-love, and ditch self-doubt.

Make it a practice to do affirmation rituals every day and try different ways to practice self love using the power of words. Start with some of these: 

  • I am loveable as I am.
  • I am enough.
  • I am precious, inside and out.
  • I deserve all the blessings heading my way.
  • My body is beautiful.
  • I am incredible.
  • I am worthy.
  • I accept myself as I am, both virtues and flaws.
  • I radiate love.
  • I am a perfect match for the things I dream of.
  • I am proud of the person I am.
  • I am magnetic and powerful.
  • I love how I look and think.
  • Everything in my life is unfolding for my greatest good.
  • I respect myself and my boundaries. 
  • I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

Take Time for Self-Care

Self-care is an act of appreciation and gratitude for being the most important person in your life… you. Too often, we easily forget to nourish ourselves and go above and beyond to push our limits, putting our needs last.

Taking a necessary break to recharge and recuperate after a long day isn’t selfish or a luxury, but a necessary act of kindness towards ourselves. Remember to pour love into yourself before filling someone else’s cup.

Feng Shui Your Home/Office

To promote personal growth, our environment needs to be nourishing. To help invite loving energy into your life and cultivate self-love, it is essential to upgrade the energy in your home and workspace.

One of the most powerful ways to practice self love is to introduce Feng Shui Trees into your living space. Made of authentic healing stones, each tree elevates the frequency of your home or office in a unique way, replacing negative energy with positive and loving energy.

Love Yourself

Forgive Yourself

Past mistakes are merely lessons and not a definition of our value. By forgiving ourselves, we choose to live in the present and recognize that we are better than our past actions.

  • Forgive yourself for not being perfect.
  • Forgive yourself for not knowing better.
  • Forgive yourself for not doing better.

Be gentle and be kind. By forgiving, we acknowledge that we are human and that our wrongdoings or mishaps don’t make us any less lovable.

Nurture Your Body

Exploring ways to practice self love is closely aligned with accepting our body as it is. Being kind and loving to ourselves implies taking the necessary steps to nurture and love our physical vessel.

We do so by choosing better food, exercising, and getting enough rest and fresh air.

Start small today and give yourself the love you seek by treating your body with the kindness it deserves.

Foster Your Dreams

At Karma and Luck, our mission is to help you manifest your dreams, and there’s one thing we know for sure: trusting your path is essential to fulfilling your purpose.

Do something every day to get you closer to your dreams, even if it’s simply wearing a healing bracelet that inspires you and helps you live with intention.

Go against all odds and follow your passion if it makes your heart sing; you deserve the life of your dreams! If the world fails to support you, be your number one cheerleader and believe in yourself.

Give Yourself a Day Off

Listing out ways to practice self love wouldn’t be complete without remembering to give yourself a break. It’s just as essential as working hard for your dreams.

Unplugging, detaching, and taking some time off is a way to treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

It’s an opportunity for the body and mind to recharge. Every accomplishment is worth celebrating, no matter how small it is. A day off is the perfect way to reward yourself for all the progress you’ve made so far.

Self-Love Jewelry

Tune Into Your Body & Learn What it is Telling You

You are a being of love, and your body knows it. When we tune into our body, we become in sync with our spiritual, mental, and physical being. We learn to recognize the signals our inner intelligence is giving us.

Our body is constantly trying to communicate with us and give directions as to what it needs to feel nourished. You’d be surprised how easily you can detect it if you only stop and listen to it.

To start, try this exercise:

  1. Find a quiet spot and make yourself comfortable.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on the sensations you feel in your body.
  3. Scan your body using visualization to detect tense spots and read the signs the body is giving to you.
  4. Journal or reflect on the information you’ve gathered about what your body needs.
  5. Give your body what it needs and record the effects you feel.

Change Your Perception About Mistakes

We grow the most during times of adversity; recognizing that is one of the best ways to practice self love. Every past mistake holds a powerful lesson that has made you wiser and has helped you become the person you are today.

Instead of letting mistakes define your path forward, you can choose to find value in slip-ups and use those experiences to cultivate personal strength.

The ultimate act of self-love lies in accepting what can’t be changed and moving forward with the wisdom we’ve gained along the road.


Final Thoughts

Self-love opens the doors to limitless possibilities; it’s the key to unyielding, unwavering confidence.

Ultimately, it is a prerequisite to leading a blissful and harmonious life. But most importantly, it is something we owe to ourselves unapologetically. Start Your Journey Here: Shop Our Love & Loyalty Collection

Self Love