Karma and Luck
February 27, 2023

Intuitive “Tarot-Scope” For March 2023

By Michele Tell
 Intuitive “Tarot-Scope” for March 2023

For this Tarot-scope, Michele used 12 Rider-Waite tarot cards, each corresponding to a zodiac sign. Read with an open heart and willingness to learn and adapt. 


March Tarot

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Sparkling Faith - "The Star" Tarot Card Necklace

Your heart is full of hope, and your soul is being uplifted to the highest of highs as you realize that your dreams really can come true. The "Sparkling Faith... Learn More.

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Nine of Swords, reversed.  Anxiety is being lifted.  What once kept you up at night, causing nightmares and night sweats, fear and worry is being whisked away.  A problem can be solved with a simple solution. And the solution is right in front of you. Don’t over-think it. Just move forward, select the solution, and take the first step. 

This card also symbolizes the release of an old fear; the release of someone that has been on your mind; the release of a pattern that you have repeated. That’s a big one… when we finally realize doing the same thing repeatedly produces the same results and we initiate change. 

In the writing world, whether you write for a living, proposals, emails, texts, double check your work before you press the send button – there might see something you initially wrote that made sense at the time but may come across ambiguous to the reader. Rewriting is key to get your message across. 


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Fiery Soul - Aries Card Necklace

Aries Healing Mantra - "Be the change you want to see in the world" The ultimate fighter of injustice, ‘ram’ is the symbol of Aries, showcases uncommon courage. Aries natives... Learn More.

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Three of Wands.  After you decide, you make a swift action to make it happen. It will be abundant. Make the first step.  The Universe will ensure that the reaction to your action will be favorable. 

The figure in the card does not take the first or closest wand next to him.  The right choice may not be the one you think is the easiest, or the immediate solution you see in front of you. Dig a little deeper.  

This is the card of new horizons in your career sector but for it to happen, you must take that initial leap. Create a brand-new resume; make it brand new – a new look, new crisp writing, new fonts and new layout. 

Get onto the computer and set up that side hustle LLC. Pick up that phone and make that cold call to that old colleague about a job.  Actions speaks louder than words, and way louder than thoughts. Get going. 


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Remarkable Persistence - Taurus Card Necklace

Taurus Healing Mantra- "Nothing can dim my light" Ruled by the planet of love, beauty, and fertility- Venus, Taureans are the most adorable, patient, and easy-going people. Apart from being... Learn More.

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The Hanged Man, reversed.  When it’s in the upright, the Hanged Man purposely himself hangs upside-down to see life or a prearticular situation from a new vantage point; this card represents seeing something from a new perspective. The halo, sun, around its head says this enlightenment will lead to abundance.

But since it came up in reverse this month, you are resisting seeing something from a different perspective or being able to empathetically see it from another’s viewpoint.  This will keep you stagnant, in stalemate and unable to move forward. 

It also might come across as crass, which really isn’t who you are by nature. Why are you resisting something you know will better your surroundings if you see it differently? There are two sides to each coin and two sides to every story.  The smart ones see things from both sides…  

This card also represents military decisions and police and investigation – whether it is a formal review, or you might just be looking on the Internet to find some information or research. You might find a hidden treasure with this deep dive of looking, so keep going. You want to find is out there. Drink plenty of water this month. 

Witty Mind - Gemini Card Necklace

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Witty Mind - Gemini Card Necklace

Gemini Healing Mantra - "Life is my favorite adventure and I shall try it" Playful, adventurous, and intellectually curious, Geminis juggle a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and peer groups.... Learn More.

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Three of Pentacles, reversed.  No collaboration. Pissing matches at the workplace.  Perhaps, a promotion was given to someone else.  Some tarot readers feel this is a third-party situation that came to light, a triangular love affair. 

If you have been suspecting foul play in your marriage or long-term relationship, you might want to open your eyes this month and really look at the clues around you.  And, if there third party is initiated from you -in other words if you are attached and have fallen in love with someone else have the courage to make a choice and stick by it. 

Sometimes stress creates that third energy that might be “off” in your environment, so before you jump to conclusions, sit down with your mate and get to the heart of the matters before you get atwitter.  

Your synergy with others is not in sync. It is also forcing you to look at your personal goals and strategies in love, work, finance, and friends, and realize it’s time to retool the strategy to get what you really want out of it all. Because right now, it’s not happening the way you want. 

Cut down on caffeine this month, especially if you get more headaches than usual. 

Cancer Card Necklace

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Genuine Emotions - Cancer Card Necklace

Cancer Healing Mantra: "Intuition is my Superpower" Cancerians are born with the supernatural power of intuition and can read people’s minds and intentions. Of all zodiacs, cancer is the most... Learn More.

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Queen of Wands. Devil Wears Prada meets Glinda “the good witch...”  A tough cookie, someone who knows what she wants, how to get it, is not afraid to go after it, not afraid to do what it takes to get there – all with a smile on her face, a congenial personality and a flower in her hand that radiates sweetness. 

It’s a month of strength and winning, Leo. Take it and run with it. You will no doubt cross the finish-life, first.  If you are seeking a raise, go into your boss and ask for it (but make sure you have the proper back-up paperwork, your reasons of why you deserve it and concrete facts on efficiency and sales on the rise). 

If you have ever wanted to sing or dance, this is the month to book that first lesson; and if golfing is your thing, this is the month you see a quantum leap in improvement with your game. Perhaps, a hole in one that you never saw coming. Eat kale and leafy greens – your body is craving vitamin A. 

Leo Card Necklace

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Royal Presence - Leo Card Necklace

Leo Healing Mantra: "I am capable, I am fiery, I am the shining armor" Leos possess charisma, courage, and confidence. Like a lion heading up his pride, they lead their... Learn More.

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Ace of Cups. A brand-new emotional experience is coming your way. New love. New passion. It is divinely orchestrated and comes out of the blue and with no warning.  Pow, the person you will spend the rest of your life with just dropped a dozen eggs in the grocery store and you slipped on the spill. Maybe not that dramatic, but you certainly are not looking at your soul mate when it happens. 

So, keep your eyes open. You have a renewed passion in a hobby you once out aside for your work and day-to-day life. You might find this month that you are interested in astrology, or tarot, or divination.  Go online and start with your sun sign and learn your natal chart – you might find out some hidden gems about who you really are on the inside.  

Slow down on the wine this month, especially if you feel that your eyes are super dry, and you are rubbing them more than usual. 

Virgo Card Necklace

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Earthy Wisdom - Virgo Card Necklace

Virgo Healing Mantra- "I stay grounded, I stay aware" An earth sign, Virgo is represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture. Of all zodiac signs, Virgos are the ones... Learn More.

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Four of Swords.  Mediation. Relaxation. De-toxing, but not just for fun. This is a long-needed rest and recuperation after something that was trying and tough to overcome. This is a card of winning in a sense because you made it through the storm and now it’s time to regroup.  

Swords are thoughts and deeply cerebral. Give your brain and heart a rest. You made it through the rain.   It’s also time to take up yoga or Pilates to center your mind and your heart. 

This is the month you should look at Feng Shui and learning about the different elements of placing your furniture in your home.  Google it.  Learn about it.  Changing just a few elements in your home will change the way you feel, breath and create balance in in your psyche.  

It will also help dreams come through with more vivid imagery so that you can explore your clairvoyant nature that you bury deeply inside of you.  


10% OFF

Balanced Growth - Libra Card Necklace

Libra Healing Mantra- "I find my calm even in chaos" Libras are natural peace-makers and great listeners. Libra is ruled by the planet of love and romance- Venus. Being romantic,... Learn More.

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Queen of Swords, reversed. When upright this queen thinks with her head and charges forward in love, career and independence.  Upside-down, this queen is out of her element; emotions have taken over and poor decisions, many in a row may have happened as of late. 

Where this queen is typically decisive and independent, co-dependency might have crept in here, and she has allowed others to cross her personal boundaries.  And, what’s worse is that she was afraid to address it for fear of retribution.  This is not this queen’s style, and sometimes passion and love can lead us astray from what is the more important issue.  

This may have stemmed from an argument that triggered a bad experience from a relationship a long, long time ago. It’s not the same, today, and you must rearrange your thinking to understand that what is happening today is not yesterday.  

You will find a lost object or an heirloom that you misplaced years ago in a very precarious place, so keep your eyes open.  Blue will help you resonate with your deep inner self to get you turned upright this month; wear blue as often as you can. 

Hey queen, get your head on straight – and straighten your crown this month. It’s time to reclaim your footing and reclaim yourself. You got this. 


28% OFF

Unlimited Potential - Scorpio Card Necklace

Scorpio Healing Mantra - "I am born with a killer instinct, I am a real scorpion" Born with extraordinary willpower, Scorpios are passionate, organized, and plan every event of their... Learn More.

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Knight of Swords. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is coming your way. What was hidden will now be revealed. What was done in the dark comes to light. Secrets, lies are made abundantly clear.  

Also, this can mean you are moving forward and will be placed smack in the middle of a situation that your quick wit and fast thinking mind will come to your rescue.  This knight moves swiftly, so think carefully before you act impulsively.  

This is also forward movement on career because the “truth” of you is revealed and your way ahead of the game with your employees. This is a month of financial and social recognition.  

This is also the month that you discover a hidden talent in the arts – singing in the shower is no longer an option; it’s time to bust out your vocal chops at a company happy-hour karaoke event and strut your stuff.  

This is the month to wear sparkly jewelry and shiny clothing. 


28% OFF

Philosophical Thought - Sagittarius Card Necklace

Sagittarius Healing Mantra- "I fall, I rise, I am a warrior" Intellectual, intelligent, and inquisitive, Sagittarians are sapiophiles. Ones born under this sign are likely to be wise and mature... Learn More.

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The Chariot. This is the card of victory. Travel. Moving forward at full speed with complete balance. Evaluation of religion, your career goals, and your strategy for love and money might happen this month.  This is a month of perfect focus and determination.  

It also states that something you thought you lost may be won if you put forth an effort of stellar willpower and resolve.  You got the best card of the month, Cappy. Use it wisely. 

This is also the month of a spiritual journey for you, so explore psychic arts and ways for you to uncover some needed truths within.  You might be drawn to learn about healing and reiki.  

Your hands become a focal point this month, you might become aware of how sensual your hands look, and you might want to change your nails and make sure your hands look pretty.  Your fingers might be sensitive this month; they may tingle or feel cold at times.  Again, this might be a calling for you to study reiki or massage therapy. 

Capricorn Card Necklace

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Ambitious Mind - Capricorn Card Necklace

Capricorn Healing Mantra - "Never give up is my survival code" Ambitious, determined, materialistic, and strong- Capricorns don’t believe in giving up. They are dedicated, hard-working, and stay grounded no... Learn More.

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Two of Wands. The decision has been made.  Period.  What once made you feel paralyzed because a choice was needed has been made.  You were given a sign or might be given a sign very soon this month.  Keep your eyes open.  Hearing something in a song, or on television might be the catalyst of why this decision suddenly comes to you. 

Fear of picking the wrong choice is what set you off, but now, you are super confident on what you want to do and how to get there. Ride this wave; it is powerful, emotional and quite frankly, it’s the right way for you to go. 

You are a free spirit, Aquarius. Automatic writing is a key to how you process in your mind and heart and get them on the same page. Get a journal, write down your thoughts each night before you go to bed. Write down anything that comes to mind.

Don’t worry about punctuation, spelling or grammar…just write. Get your thoughts down – even if you are describing the turkey sandwich you ate that afternoon.  You might be surprised to see how your prose turn into action when it connects to your thoughts.  


28% OFF

Charitable Spirit - Aquarius Card Necklace

Aquarius Healing Mantra - " I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires" Ruled by Uranus, the planet of originality and revolution, Aquarians are one of... Learn More.

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10 of Cups. Love. Happiness. Total Fulfillment. Winning.  Blissful relationships. Love. Total alignment with you and the Universe.  Creativity. Complete harmony.  

The 10 of Cups is the dreamer card, and Pisces, you know you represent the dreamer in the Zodiac. Your imagination allows you to connect to your inner creativity – the difference with you Pisces is that when the creative connects to your imagination you most likely put forth the action to understand it deeply, and sometimes, a new entrepreneur idea emerges.  

However, Pisces, remember there is a practical side to all of this – and that’s the side you would rather not address.  

Pisces Card Necklace

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Vivid Dreams - Pisces Card Necklace

Pisces Healing Mantra: "Dive deeper into the oceans of your dreams" Ruled by the double whammy of Neptune and Jupiter, Pisceans are emotional, intuitive, and mysterious. They are incredibly creative,... Learn More.

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Write a creative short story this month – just remember that all stories have a beginning, a middle, and end with conflicts and resolutions and story arcs and deep understanding of character analysis.  You must have ALL those elements to create the full picture.

In other words, don’t just paint a picture of what you want to see this month, see and feel all of it – in love, in work, in finances, in family and in all situationships.  Sometimes, Pisces, fairytales do come true – sometimes Pisces, fairytales are what is hoped to come true. Know the difference.

Michele Tell is licensed in Psychic Arts in the State of Nevada.

She is the spiritual advisor for Karma & Luck

March Tarotscope 2023