Karma and Luck
January 25, 2022

7 Ways to Bring the Energy of Love Into Your Life

By Faith Davis

Energy of Love

Forgiveness, kindness, compassion, gratitude, and healthy soul connections - all of these are essential prerequisites to inner contentment and a joy-filled life. And they are all connected to the high frequency we derive from feeling, giving, and receiving love.

Aligning with that vibration is essential for maintaining a loving relationship with oneself, and then, with others.

The energy of love is beneficial for our whole being and it’s a necessary ingredient for soul growth, attracting abundance, and connecting with soul mates and kindred spirits.

5 Ways the Vibration of Love Benefits Us

Love is the highest vibration of all. Universal love helps us grow, flourish, and nurture with kindness and compassion. It benefits us in many ways, and we’ll look at some of them now… 

It Reduces Stress

When we connect with the power of love, and are aligned with it, we operate from our highest self. Coming from a loving place helps us see things from a higher perspective, reduce stress, and tune into the positive instead of the negative around us.

Empathy and understanding ensure that we can let things be as they are, instead of forcing, controlling, or pushing.

Vibration of Love

It Increases Our Life Span

Every time we focus on resentment and chaos, negativity in our lives increases. Negative vibrations drain our vitality and block the flow of beneficial energy through our body.

Just like unhealthy food, when we “feed” our soul and body with low-vibration energy, our whole being feels it; instead of fueling us, negativity drains our vitality.

The energy of love has a positive effect on our overall well-being, while negativity of any kind wears us down.

It Defeats Fear

Coming home to ourselves and choosing love instead of fear, resentment, or anger helps us align with higher-octave energy; this in turn, feeds our soul. Negative emotions can be overpowering, but they can also be overcome with love and compassion.

By choosing to take the higher road and consciously shifting our focus to what feels good and rewarding, we defeat the negative chatter and release angst that holds us back.

Be it people we love, our pets, or things we enjoy doing, focusing on what feels rewarding moves us forward. 

frequency of love

It Has Physical Benefits 

When our heart is broken, we can feel both emotional and physical pain. Conversely, when we are in loving vibration, our muscles are relaxed, our whole system is balanced, and we feel more alive than ever. According to Healthline, the energy of love improves mood as well as heart health and immune function.

It Makes Us Happy

Love increases the production of happy hormones in the body and removes energetic blockages that hold us back from experiencing genuine connections. By choosing love, we strengthen ourselves and we nourish our soul.

This impacts overall contentment with life, gives us strength, and amplifies the power of good things happening to us.

power of love

7 Ways to Enhance the Energy of Love in Your Life

Practicing compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness daily, all of which are derived from universal love, can transform our relationship with the world and ourselves.

Here are some of our favorite ways to bring more loving energy into our lives...

Wear Love Stones

Some healing gemstones are particularly helpful for teaching us how to embrace love and integrate it into everything we do. Love stones help expand positive energy and attract soul connections that nurture the spirit, mind, and body.

Rose Quartz helps us practice self-compassion, opening up the heart space to receive and give healthy love. Wear spiritual jewelry with Rose Quartz to help connect with the energy of love, heal and attract kindred spirits, and nourish bonds in your life.

Wearing Jade helps eliminate negative beliefs around relationships and love. This gemstone empowers us through promoting self-love, balancing the emotional self, and serving as a source of hope. This helps us focus on prosperity, togetherness, and fulfillment.

Wear Garnet crystals to help cleanse your aura and eliminate negative beliefs, pain, and sorrow that block the flow of loving energy.

Garnet is a stone for releasing and healing old wounds. It is also a protective stone, allowing us to gradually open up and become more aligned with the true love we deserve. 

Love Stones

Counteract Negative Emotions With Love

We can’t change events that have already happened, but we can change how we respond to them and we can choose the energy of love. When negativity enters your aura, tune into your truth and recall all of your positive, loving connections.

Think about something you love when you feel a negative emotion emerging. What uplifts you? What makes your heart sing of joy? These positive things are a reflection of love, and love combats negativity.

Meditate on Love

Meditation encourages mindfulness and helps us become more grounded and in tune with loving vibrations. It’s not only calming but can also help us reconnect with the Divine, finding compassion and promoting deep gratitude.

To meditate on love, try these simple steps:

  1. Sit comfortably still and close your eyes.
  2. Visualize someone or something you love.
  3. Focus on the warm, positive feeling that arises and feel it deeply.

Catch Your Complaints

Do you tend to focus on the negatives in your life? Having awareness of the huge impact negative thoughts can have on our frequency is the key to minimizing the effect of these thoughts.

Seeing faults rather than virtues or highlighting wrongdoings amplifies the power of what we don’t want in our lives and puts what we do want on the back burner.

To call in the energy of love, we need to be in the right mindset to receive it, and we do so by starting small. Choose your thoughts and own them, rather than letting them own you.

Next time you catch yourself dwelling on the negatives, take a step back and remind yourself of all the blessings you have in your present circumstances. This will instantly shift your energy.

Set a Specific Intention Each Day to Show Love to Someone

Love is not only about receiving, but also giving – unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

We demonstrate it by showing we care, and by doing so, we amplify the power of love through giving and through acts of kindness.

Genuine, thoughtful acts of love make someone feel special, but they also serve to remind us that we can connect with the energy of love by being the very source of it. In return, this helps us become more aligned with its frequency, and attracts more of it into our reality.

Mens Jewelry

Visualize Pink Loving Light Healing You & Others

Pink is associated with gentleness and love, and as such has a therapeutic effect on the heart chakra. Its unique frequency brings a sense of connectedness with Universal love and the Divine, helping us find love even in the darkest of times.

If disconnected from love, try this:

  1. Close your eyes and visualize yourself and the people you love.
  2. Connect with positive feelings associated with those you love and yourself.
  3. Visualize soft pink light forming an aura around you.
  4. Feel the embrace of pink light.

Love Your Body 

In the end, never forget to love yourself first and give your body the kindness and compassion it deserves.

So often, we beat ourselves up, reject and criticize our bodies. Embracing yourself, as you are, is the purest form of love, and it’s a reminder that you are worthy of love.

Showing love to ourselves can be as simple as nourishing our body, by feeding it with positive thoughts and healthy food.

Take a spa day and hydrate your skin. Paint your nails or take a relaxing shower. Connect with the frequency of love by showing yourself you matter. 

Your body carries all the weight of your actions and thoughts, and it deserves to be showered with unconditional love. Always remember to pour love into your cup first. 


Final Thoughts 

Unconditional love can be more powerful than any other force. It brings blissfulness and nourishment to both the body and the soul.

Connecting with it invites light and positive energy that can move mountains and transform lives in unimaginable ways.