Karma and Luck
October 14, 2023

Ring of Fire – Solar Eclipse Sets Transformation of Growth & Change

By Michele Tell

Cosmic Optimism - "The Sun" Tarot Card Necklace

An Annual Solar Eclipse will set the day’s sky on fire with a “Ring of Fire” eclipse that begins on October 14 at roughly 9 a.m.   This type of eclipse will not happen again for two decades, so if you are lucky to be in the path of viewing, it is worth stepping outside to witness it.

Either way, all of us here on Earth will be dramatically affected by the energy it pours down – and this annual eclipse momentum, coupled with the recent 10-10 portal, will continue to give us a surge of power until the end of the month:  use it wisely, it could be life changing if you let it.

In North America, we will be able to see as “partial solar eclipse” but only 8 states across the US will be able to see the wicked “ring of fire” created as the moon, smaller in size passes across the sun perfectly, setting inside its disk, giving a bright red, orange and yellow Ring of Fire picture. At this point, 90% of the sun will be covered, creating a bright ring around the experience we see in the sky.

Southern Oregon, Northeastern California, Northern Nevada, Southern Utah, Southwest Colorado, Northeastern Arizona, New Mexico, Texas (space.com) will be the main US states to see the ‘Ring’ whereas the rest of the country will experience a partial solar eclipse, where the sun appears only partly covered by the moon in different sizes and shapes depending on your vantage point. Most States will not see the actual “ring around the moon” – but make no mistake, the energy will be there.

This is a solar eclipse when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth – which happens only once in a while because the Moon and Sun orbiting schedule is not the same.

Enlightened Optimist - "The Sun" Tarot Bracelet

In the world of metaphysical meanings, the Sun – abundance, clarity, truth and all-knowing – is “attempted” to be covered by the Moon, filled with deflection, deception, lies by omission and omnipotent gray of fact versus fiction.  This creates an energetic pull between truth and lies, heart vs. head and yes or no. This will create an emotional tug-o-war between stagnancy and change.

This is the moment of time where we can either make the conscious choice to step into change, or not.  The energy is ripe for it – as the Sun shines so bright around the moon that a Ring of Fire is illuminated in the sky, instantly giving us the moment of clarity. 

In other words, the Ring of Fire is the catalyst to seeing what’s behind the mask within each of us and the power of this energy gives us an outpour of spontaneous and impulsive confidence to just make those changes. The dam is about to break and this time, it’s internal.

This planetary experience will make us really do a deep dive within ourselves designed to seek our true life’s purpose and redirect our paths.  It is the time when we can really seek change and we are consciously aware of the elements in our life that need this change.

This is the best time to beat an addiction, start a weight loss journey, and cleanse your mind.  This is the very best time to start a metaphysical regime – journaling your thoughts at the end of the night to release your fears and anxiety and get those thoughts out of your head and into the Ether.  Journaling allows our mind to either drift to thoughts and feelings we were once afraid to admit, or the opposite – we are given a moment of intense self-reflection so that we can focus and elaborate on our manifestations, our beliefs and theories.

Discover Yourself - Sacral Chakra Eco Journal

Because this energetic experience in our skies will help ignite passion, which helps set forth conviction, it is the best time to stop a bad habit and instantly begin a new way of thinking. Those who might suffer from OCD, anxiety and depression might feel a quick, sudden burst of equilibrium which will feel good, inviting and might propel this group of the collective to really seek guidance or medication to feel that way, regularly.

It is a time of reflection, meditation and a fine time to begin a Yoga program as the Sun will connect directly with your DNA this time release bits of information to your psyche normally tucked hidden behind the shroud of our insecurities. You might experience signs and synchronicities designed to connect your past life memories – locked deep within your Akashic Records (internal data of where your soul has journeyed throughout lifetimes locked away, but still accessible, in your DNA and subconscious) – and mediating through the Yoga experience might enhance those sudden notifications. You might have dream flashes, or day visions, or ringing in your ears when this eclipse takes place and for almost a month following.  It is your body reacting to the energy in a way that a message is trying to get to you. 

What makes this Annual Solar Eclipse even more special is that this energy of the Sun clearly dominates the moon – making truth easier to see behind he veils of falsehood.  Our mind, body and soul connect during this time to search for the truth and to search for where we belong in this collective. 

This is a key moment in time when the “divine couple” – the Sun (Divine Masculine) stretches over the Moon (Divine Feminine) – and in the world of soul mates and the soulmate cycle, that is incredible news for the Twin Flame Journey when the divine masculine runs and the divine feminine chases.  This is the moment where the tables turn; and the once runner makes a U-Turn towards the deep soul connection that once conjured up fear, deep seeded childhood trauma and that sudden fight-or-flight mode.  The runner, under the conditions of this annual solar eclipse might get that hasty need to redirect; the energy is ripe for it to happen.  Soul Mate union is often ignited with this type of eclipse. In the world of tarot, The Sun and The Moon – the ultimate Divine Couple – remind us that the Universe works in mysterious ways, and when two people are ready to reunite, the sky will draw those special soulmates together.

Divine Guidance - "The Moon" Tarot Card Necklace

Our Red String line was handcrafted and designed to lure in your soulmate and/or Twin Flame and to remind each of you that there is a tie between time, faith and distance that is unbreakable.

In our modern spiritual practices, Red Strings are used as a mating call for soul mates to connect. Whether worn on the wrist as a bracelet or worn on the ankle as an anklet – the Red String draws the magnetic energy of two lost soulmates together.

It is said that at some point during early life, if two soul mates brush their wrists together or ankles touch, whether in the sandbox at school or in a nursery, they will find themselves migrating back to one another after they grow, develop spiritual practices and align their souls with their “true North” – their true sense of self and self-purpose. 

Safe Approach - Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet

By the law of mediation and practicing self-awareness (being in tuned to who we are from the inside) we are aligning ourselves with our soul “mate” and through the Law of Attraction, we a lured to the one that is igniting the same high level of vibration as we are.

The Ring of Fire, like our Red Strings is a reminder that when two people are destined to be with each other, the Universe will conspire and devise a way for those two people to connect, even under arduous circumstances.

Always protect your eyes with strong sunglasses and regulatory eye protection while watching an eclipse even if you are in an area that you might not feel the eclipse is readily seen.  The energy of the Sun powering the Moon is beyond what our naked eye can handle, so please protect your precious eyes. 

Supreme Guardian - Red String Evil Eye Charm Bracelet